Food name |
Satiation |
Duration |
Effect |
Item Level
Bot-Scooped "Cog Crunch Crumble" Ice Cream |
Average |
3 minutes and 1 second |
- Increases Health Regen of target by 4.0.
Bot-Scooped "Fayberry Freeze" Ice Cream |
Average |
3 minutes and 1 second |
- Increases Health Regen of target by 4.0.
Bot-Scooped "Jum Jum Juice" Ice Cream |
Average |
3 minutes and 1 second |
- Increases Health Regen of target by 4.0.
Bot-Scooped "Klakanon Kandy" Ice Cream |
Average |
3 minutes and 1 second |
- Increases Health Regen of target by 4.0.
Bot-Scooped "Mint-otaur Mint Chip" Ice Cream |
Average |
3 minutes and 1 second |
- Increases Health Regen of target by 4.0.
Bot-Scooped "Mister McLafferty's Favorite" Ice Cream |
Average |
3 minutes and 1 second |
- Increases Health Regen of target by 4.0.
Bot-Scooped "Rubicite Raspberry" Ice Cream |
Average |
3 minutes and 1 second |
- Increases Health Regen of target by 4.0.
Heart of Thule |
45 minutes |
- Increases STA of target by 4.1.
- Increases AGI of target by 4.1.
- Increases INT of target by 4.1.
- Increases STR of target by 4.1.
- Increases WIS of target by 4.1.
- Increases All Attributes of target by 0.5%.
- Increases Crit Bonus of target by 1.0.
- Increases Max Health of target by 3.0%.
- Increases Health Regen of target by 16.0.