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Celestial Azure Hammer of Sky

Celestial Azure Hammer of Sky

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Celestial Azure Hammer of Sky
Gains experience as Planar Essences are imbued into the item. Each Planar Level increases the base Ability Modifier, Potency, and Primary Attributes by 5%.
Item 11
White Adornment Slot Blue Adornment Slot Cyan Adornment Slot Orange Adornment Slot 
1,349 Primary Attributes 1,943 Stamina
67,202 Health 30,230 Power
117.8 DPS
402.4% Crit Chance
1,131.5%  Potency
68.2% Reuse Speed
37.8% Mitigation Increase
135 Resolve
56.3 Crit Bonus Overcap
Attunement to Air
Main Hand Crushing
Damage 771 - 1156     Main Hand Crushing
Delay 4.0 seconds    (481.79 Rating)
Level 110 (Tier 12)

  • When Equipped:
    • On any combat or spell hit this spell may cast Anguish on target of attack. Lasts for 8.0 seconds. Triggers about 3.0 times per minute.
      • Increases all damage done to target encounter by 0.9%.
      • Inflicts 1,288 mental damage on target encounter instantly and every second.
      • Cannot be modified except by direct means
  • Applies Attunement to Air when Activated.
    • Grants protection from powerful celestial energy and allows the target to bypass certain planar protection magic.
    • The reuse time of Attunement to Air is 10.0 seconds
Obtain: Artisan-crafted using a level 110 recipe from Recipe Scroll: Divine Weapons of Sky.

\aITEM -1416104442 137491587:Celestial Azure Hammer of Sky\/a \aITEM -1416104442 137491587:Celestial Azure Hammer of Sky\/a
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