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For other articles with related titles, see Celestial Adornment of Parrying.

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EverQuest II Adornment Information
Celestial Adornment of Parrying
Item 3877
This item can be sold to certain NPCs for status. Selling it also earns guild status if your guild is below level 100. Status bonuses granted by the server are not included on items sold to merchants.
Adds the following to an item:
104 Combat Skills 
Item Type Chest,  Finger
Slot Type White Adornment Slot
Level 110 (Tier 12)
Obtain: Adorner-crafted using a 550 minimum skill recipe from Greater Celestial Adornments Volume I

\aITEM -295822111 913395910:Celestial Adornment of Parrying\/a \aITEM -295822111 913395910:Celestial Adornment of Parrying\/a

Daybreak Games
