iname =| idesc =| iname2 =| idesc2 =| type =Pattern| subtype =| aaexp =| iconnum =3165| desc =This Cauterized Leggings Pattern looks as though it can be used to create powerful armor suitable for Paladins, Brigands, Defilers and Necromancers.| icat = FABLED| flags =heirloom no-value| level =-| itemlevel =80| effects =
itemlink =\aITEM -2067178064 -878828192:Cauterized Leggings Pattern\/a| creates =Greaves of Benevolence
Leggings of Obstinate Resolution
Leggings of Prophetic Reliance
Pantaloons of Grave Reckoning
obtain = From the Exquisite Chest of Phara Dar in Veeshan's Peak. | set = This item, along with three gems that drop off of trash in [[ |]]
This item, along with three gems that drop off of trash in Veeshan's Peak, is needed to buy the level 80 Fabled set armor for Paladins, Brigands, Defilers and Necromancers from Avess Ryiss in Danak Shipyards.
Needed items
Purchased from Avess Ryiss at Danak Shipyard in the Jarsath Wastes for a Cauterized Leggings Pattern and 3 Lava Ruby.
Armor piece
This pattern can be turned into one of the following powerful armor pieces:
- Paladin : Greaves of Benevolence part of the Benevolence (Armor Set)
- Brigand : Leggings of Obstinate Resolution part of the Obstinate Resolution (Armor Set)
- Defiler : Leggings of Prophetic Reliance part of the Prophetic Reliance (Armor Set)
- Necromancer : Pantaloons of Grave Reckoning part of the Grave Reckoning (Armor Set)
EQ2i credits this article at Census for the info in this article. the last update on Census for this item was: Tue, 07 Mar 2023 15:46:30 +0000 |