Set the trap on the House Vahla Components ( -248, 77, -45 ) Copy/waypoint -248.35, 76.62, -45.31 in the northwestern Kandra Uplands.
Return to Shirada ( -151, 573, -551 ) Copy/waypoint -151.42, 573.32, -551.04 in Khali'Vahla.
Return to the decoy components ( -248, 77, -45 ) Copy/waypoint -248.35, 76.62, -45.31 and kill 8 of the nearby captured and frenzied alux, and siamang thieves.
Return once again to Shirada ( -151, 573, -551 ) Copy/waypoint -151.42, 573.32, -551.04.
At least 1p53g9s
Completing this quest gives +5000 faction with House Vahla
Completing this quest gives -5000 faction with House Yrzu
Completing this quest gives -5000 faction with Pride Pakiat