EverQuest 2 Wiki

The original post in the Sony forums regarding the introduction of the secret Forum Lore quests can be found here in the Lore threads of the Sony EQ2 forums.

How Cusashorn Found Out[]

Cusashorn reports "On May 2nd, before Live Update #23 went live, our good friend Vhalen sent me a private message here on the boards."

Forum Reward

Hello Cusashorn. I am writing you this PM because you are one of the devoted lore readers of Norrath. I enjoy reading and participating in the many threads in the Lore and History forum. As a nod to all you lore readers I have added my first secret forum quest into Nektropos Castle. It should go in with the next update, but you won't see any mentions of it in the notes. The reward is nothing too great, but for a lore junkie it is a bit nice and may prove useful down the road.

When the update goes live seek the beginnings of Nektropos Castle and find the gift of the resident Brushwuttle. Gaze upon the gift and be swift.

Good luck and should you find it, please share it through hints with your fellow lore junkies of the Lore and History forum.

And with that, Cusashorn began the quest that netted him the game-wide discovery of a A Portrait of Destiny.

Game Designer Vhalen's Explanation[]

In the same thread in which Cusashorn reported the existence of the quest, game designer Vhalen contributed the following regarding the new quest, A Portrait of Destiny:

This quest is the beginning of something I always wanted to add... Forum Quests based on lore discussed on the board. I hope to add more in the future. The next is already planned. I will always notify a few of the lore forum participants before it is released. They will not always be the same ones that were clued in before. Not all of the forum quests will be as difficult, or easy, as this one. But I do plan to add more. The purposes behind these quests are to reward those that follow lore, (especially little-known lore), and provide clues to new mysteries. If you are looking for weapons and armor forged by the gods, look elsewhere. These quests are for those that seek knowledge and not riches.

I would advise you all not to jump to spoilers, at least not right away. The clues can always be found here. So share clues and help your fellow lore fans. Together, we may just begin to uncover the answers to some age old and forgotten mysteries.

As for the wicked idol, it provides clues to understanding a bit about a curse that befell the master of the estate. But it is just one of the many. This castle is filled with curses.

Tony "Sir Lucan" Garcia

EQII Game Designer

Unmarked Quests Here?[]

Not sure if there is a better arrangement but an unmarked quest guide might be a nice thing to add to the wiki. I'm going to tag The New Path to this category for now until some sort of better guide can be written. Jado818 (talk) 01:55, February 22, 2014 (UTC)

It better fits into Category:Hidden Quests I'd say. Hidden Quests are all those that don't appear in your journal (hidden may perhaps not be the ideal word for it, but it works) while forum lore quests are more specifically those that were related to things done on the official forums. --lordebon (talk) 02:54, February 22, 2014 (UTC)
Ahh, I didn't even notice the hidden quests category. This works, I just wanted to tag it to one of these categories until a guide could be written talking about the quest organization. I suppose the root Category:Quests could be expanded a bit to talk about the different types of quests. I'm still working on the Icon category at the moment so I'm not going to be working on quest descriptions any time soon. Jado818 (talk) 14:42, February 22, 2014 (UTC)