EverQuest 2 Wiki

Even though two aren't technically merchants, that's what I called them on the updated Erollisi Day page. The reason I elected to do that is because they behave in a similar manner/serve a purpose closer to that function. I found it easier to make the distinction about the two that exchange coins. In a sense those two oddballs are traders (trading notes/candy for coins or one type for a single love note).

If anyone wants to be more nitpicky and split them further, I'd call one set merchants and the other two traders. I think the current page name would be better suited to items that can be purchased and gifted to other players - in fact, when I saw the CAT somewhere in my poking around, I think that's what I thought it was likely for!

In short, I would drop them in with these CATS:

  • Live Event NPCs
  • Erollisi Day

The strike me as being just like A Nights of the Dead merchant, so that's why I recommend those two CATS. Anywho, that's my 2 copper. Yasuewho (talk) 04:45, January 30, 2016 (UTC)Yasuewho