EverQuest 2 Wiki
Class Information for Warlock
Type: Sorcerer (Mage) Warlock Icon
City: All Cities
Primary Stat: Intelligence
Armor: Cloth Armor
Weapons: Daggers, Staffs, Symbols
Shields: Symbols
Expert Spells: Spells (Rare Soft Metal)
Links to All Relevant Categories for: Mage > Sorcerer > Warlock
Spells Equipment AAs and Prestige

Those who desire to wield the dark forces of poison and decay to cripple and obliterate their foes will find the Warlock profession to be ideal. Wielding curses and calling upon the destructive forces of the void and the darkness, these mages are most effective when they rain down debilitation and damage upon entire groups of enemies at once.

Epic Weapon[]

Class Armor[]

Important Skills[]

  • Disruption (against damage spell resists)
  • Subjugation (against control spell resists ie. root/snare/mezz)

Spells By Category[]

The first spell in each category is listed. See the detailed description for the full upgrade line.

Damage and Debuffs

Single Damage

Area Damage

Single Effect

Area Effect


Self Buffs

  • Prevent AOE Melee/Ranged Attack: Singular Focus (1)
  • Self Health + Focus + Defense: Magi's Shielding (4)
  • AoE Encounter Poison damage on hitting with poison spell (temp, burns power each proc): Gift of Bertoxxulous (32)
  • +All mitigation + 50% chance to evade attacks + indirect AoE immunity at <30% health: Nullmail (40)
  • poison/disease spell hit against enemy near caster causes poison damage (temp, recurrent power cost): Netherealm (58)

Group Buffs

Ally Buffs





Heroic Starter


Spells by Tier and Level[]

Tier 1 Level 1 - 9 Tier 2 Level 10 - 19 Tier 3 Level 20 - 29 Tier 4 Level 30 - 39

1: Dissolve
1: Singular Focus
2: Cataclysm
3: Acid
4: Magi's Shielding
4: Vacuum Field
5: Arcane Augur
5: Bind Sight
5: Netherous Bind
6: Cure Magic
6: Dissolve II
7: Aspect of Darkness
8: Dark Nebula
9: Absorb Magic
9: See Invisibility

10: Acid II
10: Dark Pyre ¥
10: Nullify
11: Grasp of Bertoxxulous
12: Dark Pact
12: Dissolve III ¥
13: Vacuum Field II ¥
13: Void Contract
14: Cataclysm II ¥
15: Concussive
15: Summon Shadows
16: Encase
17: Acid III
18: Boon of the Damned
19: Netherous Bind II

20: Absolution ¥
20: Dissolve IV
20: Kraylith's Curse of the Toad *
20: Shroud of Bertoxxulous
20: Word of Force ***
21: Aspect of Darkness II ¥
22: Dark Nebula II
23: Distortion ¥
23: Shadowsight
24: Dark Pyre II ¥
24: Dark Siphoning
24: Nullify II
25: Curse of Darkness
25: Grasp of Bertoxxulous II
25: Translocate *******
26: Dark Pact II
27: Vacuum Field III
27: Void Contract II
28: Cataclysm III
28: Curse of Void
29: Dissolve V

30: Encase II
30: Kraylith's Minor Familiar *
31: Acid IV ¥
32: Gift of Bertoxxulous ¥
33: Boon of the Damned II
33: Mana Trickle ¥
33: Netherous Bind III
34: Absolution II ¥
35: Aspect of Darkness III
35: Aura of Void
35: Flames of Velious **
35: Shroud of Bertoxxulous II
35: Yreth's Bat Vexation *
36: Dark Nebula III
37: Distortion II
38: Dark Pyre III
38: Dark Siphoning II
38: Nullify III
39: Curse of Darkness II
39: Grasp of Bertoxxulous III

Tier 5 Level 40 - 49 Tier 6 Level 50 - 59 Tier 7 Level 60 - 69 Tier 8 Level 70 - 79

40: Dark Pact III ¥
40: Nullmail
40: Skeletal Grasp
40: Yreth's Flying Friend *
41: Vacuum Field IV
41: Void Contract III ¥
42: Cataclysm IV ¥
42: Curse of Void II
43: Dissolve VI ¥
44: Encase III
45: Acid V
45: Erqu's Hex of the Rat *
46: Gift of Bertoxxulous II
47: Boon of the Damned III
47: Mana Trickle II
47: Netherous Bind IV
48: Absolution III
48: Netherlord ¥
49: Aspect of Darkness IV
49: Aura of Void II

50: Apocalypse
50: Dark Nebula IV ¥
50: Erqu's Emissary *
50: Shroud of Bertoxxulous III
51: Distortion III¥
52: Dark Infestation
52: Dark Pyre IV
52: Dark Siphoning III
52: Nullify IV
53: Curse of Darkness III
53: Flames of Velious II****
53: Grasp of Bertoxxulous IV
54: Dark Pact IV ¥
54: Skeletal Grasp II
55: Null Caress
55: Vacuum Field V
55: Void Contract IV
56: Cataclysm V
56: Curse of Void III
57: Dissolve VII
58: Encase IV
58: Netherealm
59: Acid VI

60: Gift of Bertoxxulous III
61: Boon of the Damned IV
61: Mana Trickle III
61: Netherous Bind V
62: Absolution IV ¥
62: Netherlord II ¥
63: Aspect of Darkness V
63: Aura of Void III ¥
64: Dark Nebula V
64: Shroud of Bertoxxulous IV ¥
65: Distortion IV
65: Rift
66: Dark Pyre V
66: Dark Siphoning IV
66: Nullify V
67: Curse of Darkness IV
67: Grasp of Bertoxxulous V
68: Dark Pact V
68: Skeletal Grasp III
69: Vacuum Field VI
69: Void Contract V

70: Apocalypse II
70: Cataclysm VI
70: Curse of Void IV
71: Dissolve VIII
71: Flames of Velious III
72: Acid VII ¥
72: Dark Infestation II
72: Encase V
73: Boon of the Damned V
73: Gift of Bertoxxulous IV
73: Netherous Bind VI
74: Mana Trickle IV ¥
74: Netherlord III
75: Absolution V ¥
75: Aspect of Darkness VI ¥
75: Aura of Void IV
76: Dark Nebula VI
76: Netherealm II
76: Shroud of Bertoxxulous V
77: Dark Pyre VI
77: Dark Siphoning V
77: Distortion V
77: Nullify VI
78: Curse of Darkness V
78: Grasp of Bertoxxulous VI
78: Rift II
78: Skeletal Grasp IV
79: Dark Pact VI
79: Vacuum Field VII
79: Void Contract VI

Tier 9 Level 80 - 89 Tier 10 Level 90 - 99 Tier 11 Level 100 - 109 Tier 12 Level 110 - 119

80: Acid Rain - Epic 1.0
80: Acid Storm
80: Apocalypse III
80: Cataclysm VII
80: Curse of Void V
80: Negative Void - Epic 1.0
81: Dissolve IX
81: Flames of Velious IV
82: Acid VIII ¥
82: Dark Infestation III
82: Encase VI
83: Boon of the Damned VI ¥
83: Gift of Bertoxxulous V ¥
83: Netherous Bind VII
84: Mana Trickle V
84: Netherlord IV
85: Absolution VI ¥
85: Aspect of Darkness VII
85: Aura of Void V
86: Dark Nebula VII
86: Netherealm III
86: Shroud of Bertoxxulous VI
87: Dark Pyre VII
87: Dark Siphoning VI
87: Distortion VI
87: Nullify VII
88: Curse of Darkness VI
88: Grasp of Bertoxxulous VII
88: Rift III
88: Skeletal Grasp V
89: Dark Pact VII
89: Vacuum Field VIII
89: Void Contract VII

90: Acid Storm II
90: Apocalypse IV
90: Cataclysm VIII
90: Curse of Void VI
91: Dissolve X
91: Flames of Velious V
92: Acid IX
92: Dark Infestation IV
92: Encase VII
93: Boon of the Damned VII ¥
93: Gift of Bertoxxulous VI ¥
94: Mana Trickle VI
94: Netherlord V
95: Absolution VII ¥
95: Aspect of Darkness VIII
95: Aura of Void VI
96: Dark Nebula VIII
96: Netherealm IV
96: Shroud of Bertoxxulous VII
97: Dark Pyre VIII
97: Dark Siphoning VII
97: Distortion VII
97: Nullify VIII
98: Curse of Darkness VII
98: Grasp of Bertoxxulous VIII
98: Rift IV
98: Skeletal Grasp VI
99: Dark Pact VIII
99: Vacuum Field IX
99: Void Contract VIII

100: Acid Storm III
100: Apocalypse V
100: Cataclysm IX
100: Curse of Void VII
100: Draw from the Void - Epic 2.0
100: Void Mastery - Epic 2.0
101: Dissolve XI
101: Flames of Velious VI
102: Acid X
102: Dark Infestation V
102: Encase VIII
103: Boon of the Damned VIII
103: Gift of Bertoxxulous VII
104: Mana Trickle VII
104: Netherlord VI
105: Absolution VIII
105: Aspect of Darkness IX
105: Aura of Void VII
106: Dark Nebula IX
106: Netherealm V
106: Shroud of Bertoxxulous VIII
107: Dark Pyre IX
107: Dark Siphoning VIII
107: Distortion VIII
107: Nullify IX
108: Curse of Darkness VIII
108: Grasp of Bertoxxulous IX
108: Rift V
108: Skeletal Grasp VII
109: Dark Pact IX
109: Vacuum Field X
109: Void Contract IX

110: Acid Storm IV
110: Apocalypse VI
110: Cataclysm X
110: Curse of Void VIII
111: Dissolve XII
111: Flames of Velious VII
111: Netherous Bind VIII
112: Acid XI
112: Dark Infestation VI
112: Encase IX
113: Boon of the Damned IX
113: Gift of Bertoxxulous VIII
114: Mana Trickle VIII
114: Netherlord VII
115: Absolution IX
115: Aspect of Darkness X
115: Aura of Void VIII
116: Dark Nebula X
116: Netherealm VI
116: Shroud of Bertoxxulous IX
117: Dark Pyre X
117: Dark Siphoning IX
117: Distortion IX
117: Nullify X
118: Curse of Darkness IX
118: Grasp of Bertoxxulous X
118: Rift VI
118: Skeletal Grasp VIII
119: Dark Pact X
119: Vacuum Field XI
119: Void Contract X

Tier 13 Level 120 - 129 Tier 14 Level 130 - 139

120: Acid Storm V
120: Apocalypse VII
120: Cataclysm XI
120: Curse of Void IX
120: Decimation
120: Perdition
121: Acid XII
121: Dark Infestation VII
121: Dissolve XIII
121: Encase X
121: Flames of Velious VIII
121: Netherous Bind IX
122: Boon of the Damned X
122: Gift of Bertoxxulous IX
122: Mana Trickle IX
122: Netherlord VIII
123: Absolution X
123: Aspect of Darkness XI
123: Aura of Void IX
123: Dark Nebula XI
123: Netherealm VII
123: Shroud of Bertoxxulous X
124: Curse of Darkness X
124: Dark Pyre XI
124: Dark Siphoning X
124: Distortion X
124: Grasp of Bertoxxulous XI
124: Nullify XI
124: Rift VII
124: Skeletal Grasp IX
125: Acid Storm VI
125: Apocalypse VIII
125: Cataclysm XII
125: Curse of Void X
125: Dark Pact XI
125: Decimation II
125: Enhanced Cataclysm - Epic 3.0
125: Perdition II
125: Vacuum Field XII
125: Void Contract XI
126: Acid XIII
126: Dark Infestation VIII
126: Dissolve XIV
126: Encase XI
126: Flames of Velious IX
126: Netherous Bind X
127: Boon of the Damned XI
127: Gift of Bertoxxulous X
127: Mana Trickle X
127: Netherlord IX
128: Absolution XI
128: Aspect of Darkness XII
128: Aura of Void X
128: Dark Nebula XII
128: Netherealm VIII
128: Shroud of Bertoxxulous XI
129: Curse of Darkness XI
129: Dark Pyre XII
129: Dark Siphoning XI
129: Distortion XI
129: Grasp of Bertoxxulous XII
129: Nullify XII
129: Rift VIII
129: Skeletal Grasp X

130: Acid Storm VII
130: Apocalypse IX
130: Cataclysm XIII
130: Curse of Void XI
130: Dark Pact XII
130: Decimation III
130: Enhanced Cataclysm II
130: Perdition III
130: Vacuum Field XIII
130: Void Contract XII

¥ - Available as a Grandmaster choice. See below.
* - Fun Spell
** - from Bloodline Chronicles Adventure Pack
*** - from Splitpaw Saga Adventure Pack - improves with level up to 50 - same timer as Lightning Burst line
**** - from Desert of Flames Expansion
***** - from Echoes of Faydwer Expansion
****** - from Rise of Kunark Expansion
******* - from The Shadow Odyssey Expansion
Elementalist Level 1-20 Etherealist Level 1-20 Geomancer Level 1-20 Thaumaturgist Level 1-20

Grandmaster Training Choices[]

Tier 2 - Level 14 Tier 3 - Level 24 Tier 4 - Level 34 Tier 5 - Level 44
Tier 6 - Level 54 Tier 7 - Level 64 Tier 8 - Level 75 Tier 9 - Level 85
Tier 10 - Level 95 Tier 11 - Level 105 Tier 12 - Level 115
  • Acid X
  • Mana Trickle VII
  • Netherlord VI
  • Aura of Void VII
  • Acid XI
  • Mana Trickle VIII
  • Netherlord VII
  • Aura of Void VIII

All items (3)
