EverQuest 2 Wiki
Class Information for Troubador
Type: Bard (Scout) Troubador Icon
City: All Cities
Primary Stat: Agility
Armor: Chain Armor
Weapons: Swords, Axes, Spears, Rapiers, Daggers, Bows, Thrown; may dual-wield
Shields: Bucklers, Round Shields
Expert Spells: Combat Arts (Rare Loam)
Links to All Relevant Categories for: Scout > Bard > Troubador
Spells Equipment AAs and Prestige

The Troubador is ideal for those who desire to inspire and protect their allies through the unique magic generated by their songs of bravery and heroism. The Troubador best serves their party from behind the front lines of combat. Through their music, the Troubador inspires allies to perform outstanding feats of skill and courage. The Troubador may also use their songs to demoralize its enemies.

Epic Weapon[]

Class Armor[]




Bard series


-PvP Server only-

-Sentinel's Fate-

-Destiny of Velious-

Abilities By Category[]

The first spell in each category is listed. See the detailed description for the full upgrade line. Bards have both spells and combat arts.

Melee Attacks

Back/Flank Melee Attacks

Stealth Melee Attacks

Ranged Attacks


Encounter Debuffs

Constant Group Offense Buffs

Short Group Offense Buff

Short Single Target General Buff

Constant Group General Buffs

Constant Group Defense Buffs

Constant Raid Defense Buffs

Hate Control

Constant Self General Buffs

  • Stealth: Shroud (1)
  • Prevent AOE Melee/Ranged Attack: Singular Focus (1)
  • +AGI + Elemental, Arcane, Noxious mitigation, + base avoidance and mental damage on taking melee/spell damage proc: Daelis' Dance of Blades (13)

Constant Self Epic Buff



Spells and Combat Arts by Tier and Level[]

Tier 1 Level 1 - 9 Tier 2 Level 10 - 19 Tier 3 Level 20 - 29 Tier 4 Level 30 - 39

1: Sandra's Deafening Strike
1: Shroud
1: Singular Focus
1: Tracking
2: Night Strike
2: Raxxyl's Rousing Tune
3: Perfect Shrill
3: Song of Magic
4: Cheap Shot
4: Pathfinding
5: Dancing Blade
5: Lucky Break
6: Evade
6: Hilt Strike
6: Vexing Verses
7: Depressing Chant
8: Sandra's Deafening Strike II
9: Night Strike II

10: Raxxyl's Rousing Tune II ¥
11: Ceremonial Blade
12: Perfect Shrill II ¥
13: Bria's Inspiring Ballad ¥
13: Daelis' Dance of Blades
13: Selo's Accelerando
14: Allegretto ¥
15: Painful Lamentations
15: Sandra's Deafening Strike III
16: Singing Shot
17: Song of Magic II
18: Evade II
18: Graceful Avoidance
19: Dancing Blade II
19: Disheartening Descant

20: Arcane Symphony
20: Bria's Entrancing Sonnet
20: Rousing Celebration *
21: Night Strike III ¥
22: Aria of Magic ¥
22: Vexing Verses II ¥
23: Depressing Chant II
24: Alin's Serene Serenade
24: Raxxyl's Rousing Tune III ¥
25: Ceremonial Blade II
25: Escape
26: Perfect Shrill III
26: Thunderous Overture
27: Bria's Inspiring Ballad II
27: Daelis' Dance of Blades II
27: Selo's Accelerando II
28: Allegretto II
28: Tap Essence
29: Painful Lamentations II
29: Sandra's Deafening Strike IV

30: Rejuvenating Celebration
30: Singing Shot II
31: Song of Magic III ¥
32: Chaos Anthem ¥
32: Evade III
32: Graceful Avoidance II ¥
33: Dancing Blade III ¥
33: Disheartening Descant II
34: Arcane Symphony II
34: Bria's Entrancing Sonnet II
35: Night Strike IV
35: Zander's Choral Rebuff **
36: Aria of Magic II
36: Vexing Verses III
37: Depressing Chant III
38: Alin's Serene Serenade II
38: Raxxyl's Rousing Tune IV
39: Ceremonial Blade III

Tier 5 Level 40 - 49 Tier 6 Level 50 - 59 Tier 7 Level 60 - 69 Tier 8 Level 70 - 79

40: Breathtaking Bellow
40: Disguise: High Elf (Troubador) *
40: Perfect Shrill IV
40: Thunderous Overture II
41: Bria's Inspiring Ballad III ¥
41: Daelis' Dance of Blades III
41: Selo's Accelerando III
42: Allegretto III ¥
42: Tap Essence II
43: Painful Lamentations III
43: Sandra's Deafening Strike V ¥
44: Elemental Concerto
44: Rejuvenating Celebration II ¥
44: Singing Shot III
45: Song of Magic IV
46: Chaos Anthem II
46: Evade IV
46: Graceful Avoidance III
47: Dancing Blade IV
47: Disheartening Descant III
48: Arcane Symphony III
48: Bria's Entrancing Sonnet III
49: Night Strike V

50: Aria of Magic III¥
50: Brusco's Flavorful Aura*
50: Lullaby
50: Vexing Verses IV
51: Depressing Chant IV
52: Alin's Serene Serenade III
52: Raxxyl's Rousing Tune V¥
52: Requiem of Reflection
53: Ceremonial Blade IV
53: Zander's Choral Rebuff II
54: Breathtaking Bellow II
54: Perfect Shrill V¥
54: Thunderous Overture III
55: Bria's Inspiring Ballad IV
55: Daelis' Dance of Blades IV
55: Demoralizing Processional
55: Selo's Accelerando IV
56: Allegretto IV
56: Tap Essence III
57: Painful Lamentations IV
57: Sandra's Deafening Strike VI
58: Elemental Concerto II
58: Perfection of the Maestro
58: Rejuvenating Celebration III
58: Singing Shot IV
59: Song of Magic V

60: Chaos Anthem III¥
60: Evade V
60: Graceful Avoidance IV
61: Dancing Blade V¥
61: Disheartening Descant IV
62: Arcane Symphony IV¥
62: Bria's Entrancing Sonnet IV
63: Night Strike VI
64: Aria of Magic IV¥
64: Vexing Verses V
65: Depressing Chant V
65: Jester's Cap
65: Selo's Accelerando V
66: Alin's Serene Serenade IV
66: Raxxyl's Rousing Tune VI
67: Ceremonial Blade V
68: Breathtaking Bellow III
68: Perfect Shrill VI
68: Thunderous Overture IV
69: Bria's Inspiring Ballad V
69: Daelis' Dance of Blades V

70: Allegretto V
70: Lullaby II
70: Tap Essence IV
71: Painful Lamentations V¥
71: Sandra's Deafening Strike VII¥
71: Singing Shot V
71: Zander's Choral Rebuff III
72: Elemental Concerto III
72: Rejuvenating Celebration IV
72: Song of Magic VI
73: Chaos Anthem IV¥
73: Disheartening Descant V
73: Evade VI
73: Graceful Avoidance V
74: Arcane Symphony V
74: Bria's Entrancing Sonnet V
74: Dancing Blade VI¥
74: Demoralizing Processional II
75: Aria of Magic V
75: Night Strike VII
75: Selo's Accelerando VI
75: Vexing Verses VI
76: Ceremonial Blade VI
76: Depressing Chant VI
76: Perfection of the Maestro II
77: Raxxyl's Rousing Tune VII
78: Perfect Shrill VII
78: Thunderous Overture V
79: Bria's Inspiring Ballad VI
79: Daelis' Dance of Blades VI

Tier 9 Level 80 - 89 Tier 10 Level 90 - 99 Tier 11 Level 100 - 109 Tier 12 Level 110 - 119

80: Allegretto VI
80: Ayonic Inspiration - Epic 1.0
80: Countersong
80: Lullaby III
80: Tap Essence V
81: Painful Lamentations VI
81: Sandra's Deafening Strike VIII
81: Singing Shot VI
81: Zander's Choral Rebuff IV
82: Elemental Concerto IV
82: Rejuvenating Celebration V
82: Song of Magic VII
83: Chaos Anthem V
83: Disheartening Descant VI
83: Evade VII
83: Graceful Avoidance VI¥
84: Arcane Symphony VI¥
84: Bria's Entrancing Sonnet VI
84: Dancing Blade VII¥
84: Demoralizing Processional III
85: Aria of Magic VI
85: Night Strike VIII¥
85: Vexing Verses VII
86: Ceremonial Blade VII
86: Depressing Chant VII
86: Perfection of the Maestro III
87: Raxxyl's Rousing Tune VIII
88: Perfect Shrill VIII
88: Thunderous Overture VI
89: Bria's Inspiring Ballad VII
89: Daelis' Dance of Blades VII

90: Allegretto VII
90: Lullaby IV
90: Tap Essence VI
91: Painful Lamentations VII
91: Sandra's Deafening Strike IX
91: Singing Shot VII
91: Zander's Choral Rebuff V
92: Elemental Concerto V
92: Rejuvenating Celebration VI
92: Song of Magic VIII
93: Chaos Anthem VI
93: Disheartening Descant VII
93: Evade VIII
93: Graceful Avoidance VII¥
94: Arcane Symphony VII¥
94: Bria's Entrancing Sonnet VII
94: Dancing Blade VIII¥
94: Demoralizing Processional IV 95: Aria of Magic VII
95: Night Strike IX
95: Vexing Verses VIII
96: Ceremonial Blade VIII
96: Depressing Chant VIII
96: Perfection of the Maestro IV
97: Raxxyl's Rousing Tune IX
98: Perfect Shrill IX
98: Thunderous Overture VII
99: Bria's Inspiring Ballad VIII
99: Daelis' Dance of Blades VIII

100: Allegretto VIII
100: Impassioned Rousing - Epic 2.0
100: Maelstrom of Sound - Epic 2.0
100: Tap Essence VII
101: Painful Lamentations VIII
101: Sandra's Deafening Strike X
101: Singing Shot VIII
101: Zander's Choral Rebuff VI
102: Elemental Concerto VI
102: Rejuvenating Celebration VII¥
102: Song of Magic IX
103: Chaos Anthem VII
103: Disheartening Descant VIII
103: Evade IX
103: Graceful Avoidance VIII
104: Arcane Symphony VIII¥
104: Bria's Entrancing Sonnet VIII¥
104: Dancing Blade IX
104: Demoralizing Processional V¥
105: Aria of Magic VIII
105: Night Strike X
105: Vexing Verses IX
106: Ceremonial Blade IX
106: Depressing Chant IX
106: Perfection of the Maestro V
107: Raxxyl's Rousing Tune X
108: Perfect Shrill X
108: Thunderous Overture VIII
109: Bria's Inspiring Ballad IX
109: Daelis' Dance of Blades IX

110: Allegretto IX
110: Tap Essence VIII
111: Painful Lamentations IX
111: Sandra's Deafening Strike XI
111: Singing Shot IX
111: Zander's Choral Rebuff VII
112: Elemental Concerto VII
112: Rejuvenating Celebration VIII¥
112: Song of Magic X
113: Chaos Anthem VIII
113: Disheartening Descant IX
113: Evade X
113: Graceful Avoidance IX
114: Arcane Symphony IX¥
114: Bria's Entrancing Sonnet IX¥
114: Dancing Blade X
114: Demoralizing Processional VI¥
115: Aria of Magic IX
115: Night Strike XI
115: Selo's Accelerando VII
115: Vexing Verses X
116: Ceremonial Blade X
116: Depressing Chant X
116: Perfection of the Maestro VI
117: Alin's Serene Serenade V
117: Raxxyl's Rousing Tune XI
117: Requiem of Reflection II
118: Lullaby V
118: Perfect Shrill XI
118: Thunderous Overture IX
119: Bria's Inspiring Ballad X
119: Daelis' Dance of Blades X
119: Jester's Cap II

Tier 13 Level 120 - 129 Tier 14 Level 130 - 139

120: Allegretto X
120: Breathtaking Bellow IV
120: Countersong II
120: Discordant Verse
120: Maestros Harmony
120: Tap Essence IX
121: Elemental Concerto VIII
121: Painful Lamentations X
121: Rejuvenating Celebration IX
121: Sandra's Deafening Strike XII
121: Singing Shot X
121: Song of Magic XI
121: Zander's Choral Rebuff VIII
122: Arcane Symphony X
122: Bria's Entrancing Sonnet X
122: Chaos Anthem IX
122: Dancing Blade XI
122: Demoralizing Processional VII
122: Disheartening Descant X
122: Evade XI
122: Graceful Avoidance X
123: Aria of Magic X
123: Ceremonial Blade XI
123: Depressing Chant XI
123: Night Strike XII
123: Perfection of the Maestro VII
123: Selo's Accelerando VIII
123: Vexing Verses XI
124: Alin's Serene Serenade VI
124: Lullaby VI
124: Perfect Shrill XII
124: Raxxyl's Rousing Tune XII
124: Requiem of Reflection III
124: Thunderous Overture X
125: Allegretto XI
125: Breathtaking Bellow V
125: Bria's Inspiring Ballad XI
125: Countersong III
125: Daelis' Dance of Blades XI
125: Discordant Verse II
125: Jester's Cap III
125: Maestros Harmony II
125: Mindful Melody - Epic 3.0
125: Tap Essence X
126: Elemental Concerto IX
126: Painful Lamentations XI
126: Rejuvenating Celebration X
126: Sandra's Deafening Strike XIII
126: Singing Shot XI
126: Song of Magic XII
126: Zander's Choral Rebuff IX
127: Arcane Symphony XI
127: Bria's Entrancing Sonnet XI
127: Chaos Anthem X
127: Dancing Blade XII
127: Demoralizing Processional VIII
127: Disheartening Descant XI
127: Evade XII
127: Graceful Avoidance XI
128: Aria of Magic XI
128: Ceremonial Blade XII
128: Depressing Chant XII
128: Night Strike XIII
128: Perfection of the Maestro VIII
128: Selo's Accelerando IX
128: Vexing Verses XII
129: Alin's Serene Serenade VII
129: Lullaby VII
129: Perfect Shrill XIII
129: Raxxyl's Rousing Tune XIII
129: Requiem of Reflection IV
129: Thunderous Overture XI

130: Allegretto XII
130: Breathtaking Bellow VI
130: Bria's Inspiring Ballad XII
130: Countersong IV
130: Daelis' Dance of Blades XII
130: Discordant Verse III
130: Jester's Cap IV
130: Maestros Harmony III
130: Mindful Melody II
130: Tap Essence XI

¥ - Available as a Grandmaster choice. See below.
† - Ancient Teaching Runes, only available as Adept, Expert and Master.
* - Fun Spell
** - from Bloodline Chronicles Adventure Pack
*** - from Splitpaw Saga Adventure Pack
**** - Grandmaster reward for completing Epic Repercussions
Elementalist Level 1-25 Etherealist Level 1-25 Geomancer Level 1-25 Thaumaturgist Level 1-25

Grandmaster Training Choices[]

Tier 2 - Level 14 Tier 3 - Level 24 Tier 4 - Level 34 Tier 5 - Level 44
Tier 6 - Level 54 Tier 7 - Level 64 Tier 8 - Level 75 Tier 9 - Level 85
Tier 10 - Level 95 Tier 11 - Level 105 Tier 12 - Level 115

All items (4)
