The Bloodskull banner.
The Bloodskull Orcs (Shattered Lands) |
The Bloodskull Orcs are a relatively new clan of orcs that has begun to operate near the city of Freeport. Unlike the larger orc empires, the Bloodskulls do not seem to have a fortified capital nor do they seem to be interested in greater conquest. In the past, however, the Bloodskulls were much more conquest oriented. The dominant clan of the same name, the Bloodskulls, have sieged Freeport and are currently using their subordinate orc clans, The Lonetusk and The Brokentusk to constantly attack The Freeport Militia in The Ruins. The bulk of the Bloodskull forces are in the southern part of the Commonlands and in Bloodskull Valley where they plan raids on Freeport and the various settlements strewn about the region. Although there exists no textual proof, it is widely assumed that the Bloodskulls are the remnants of the Deathfist army that sieged Freeport during the Second Rallosian War. |
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This information is included from the base page, The Bloodskull Orcs (Faction) See also: The Bloodskull Orcs (Good Faction) and The Bloodskull Orcs (Bad Faction) |
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- A Bloodskull cleric
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- A Bloodskull flamethrower
- A Bloodskull footman
- A Bloodskull foreman
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- A Bloodskull gladiator
- A Bloodskull grunt (Bloodskull Valley: The Training Grounds)
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- A Bloodskull herald
- A Bloodskull High Command
- A Bloodskull high guard
- A Bloodskull inner guard
- A Bloodskull Lieutenant
- A Bloodskull lumberjack
- A Bloodskull machinist
- A Bloodskull Mahout youth
- A Bloodskull Mahut caller
- A Bloodskull Mahut healer
- A Bloodskull Mahut hurler
- A Bloodskull Mahut mangler
- A Bloodskull Mahut mender
- A Bloodskull Mahut trainer
- A Bloodskull Mahut wringer
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- A Bloodskull mender
- A Bloodskull miner
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- A Bloodskull peon
- A Bloodskull priest
- A Bloodskull prospector
- A Bloodskull reinforcement
- A Bloodskull savage (Bloodskull Valley: The Training Grounds)
- A Bloodskull scavenger
- A Bloodskull scout
- A Bloodskull seer
- A Bloodskull sentinel
- A Bloodskull shaman
- A Bloodskull soldier (Bloodskull Valley: The Training Grounds)
- A Bloodskull soldier (Commonlands)
- A Bloodskull spiritcaller
- A Bloodskull supplier
- A Bloodskull tamer
- A Bloodskull tower guard
- A Bloodskull treasure hunter
- A Bloodskull war elephant
- A Bloodskull war elephant juvenile
- A Bloodskull warlock
- A Bloodskull warrior
- A Bloodskull witch
- Bonduhr Lonetusk
- A Brokentusk champion
- A Brokentusk crusher
- A Brokentusk defender
- A Brokentusk guard
- A Brokentusk overseer
- A Brokentusk pawn
- A Brokentusk pounder
- A Brokentusk prophet
- A Brokentusk sentry
- A Brokentusk shaman
- A Brokentusk warrior