Dangerous forces have been stirring, eliciting violence and stoking fierce rivalries across Norrath for months. Now, a band of concerned healers and followers of Quellious are closing in on the devious architect. Norrathians, journey to the remnants of Odus' coastline, scarred by Ulteran magic, and then beyond the unnatural barrier surrounding Western Wastes, on your quest into the vast Dragon Necropolis to upend the machinations of a cunning, scheming, and unscrupulous foe!
Artisans and adventurers, heed the call of the Open Hand. They are counting on your significant skill and exceptional experience to survive the deadly journey into the depths of the Sodden Archipelago! Bands of Ulteran magic dance through the air, and the skies roil with storms while the local residents, including kappa and Mandoko, fiercely defend their shrinking lands from the growing legion of Blackhook Raiders. Only then will we have the tools necessary to enter the revered lands raked by Veeshan's claw - the Western Wastes! Here, she had left her mark, and here her children have lived and died since the Age of Scale. And it is here where we will have to face ageless denizens within the draconic crypts and bone-chewing vermin, as we race against an unnatural army intent on acquiring an arcane item of destructive power from the Dragon Necropolis!
Plans will be derailed, repercussions will be felt, years of work will finally come to fruition, and enemies long lost to history will be brought forth, all within the Scars of Destruction!
Boost your Character’s Level to 130!
Store your Petamorph wands in the new Petamorph Key Ring!
Make your weapons sparkle with new Weapon Auras!
Discover new Adventure, Tradeskill, and Signature quests when you journey to iconic lands and their new locations!
Defeat all new Solo, Heroic, and Raid content in Places like Blackhook Spiral and the Dragon Necropolis in Western Wastes!
Age of Discovery has unlocked on the Varsoon server.
Pets on Timelocked Servers will now share 30% of the caster's crit bonus.
A new type of inventory storage is here… Keyrings! You can now store your petamorph wands in a keyring which is accessed from the Keyrings tab in the character persona window.
Particle effects can now be applied to applicable weapons at any time.
Applying particles to gear is no longer performed by reforger NPCs.
To apply an aura to a weapon, right-click on an applicable piece of equipment and chose "Apply Aura". This will bring up a UI showing valid decorations that can be applied. Applying an aura will remove the decoration item from your inventory.
To remove an Aura, right-click on the equipment and choose "Remove Aura".
Disabled the messaging for failing to accept summoned items such as "Summon failed, you cannot accept the item." and "<Target> could not accept the item."
Several mercenary healing effects are now percentage based heals.
Resolve damage scaling has been modified to scale up at an increased rate the more resolve the enemy encounter has vs the character's resolve. The formula for increased damage done to the character, increased bleedthrough on the character, decreased damage done to the encounter is ResolveDifference * ( 1+ResolveDifference * 0.002 ). Examples below.
Being 10 points of resolve below the encounter would increase the encounters damage to the character, bleedthrough on the character, and reduce the damage the character does to the encounter by 12%.
Being 20 points below the encounters resolve would increase the encounters damage to the character, bleedthrough on the character, and reduce the damage the character does to the encounter by 28%.
Being 50 points below the encounters resolve would increase the encounters damage to the character by 100%, grants 100% bleedthrough on the character, and makes the encounter immune to damage by the player.
Being 100 points below the encounters resolve would increase the encounters damage to the character by 300%, grants 100% bleedthrough on the character, and makes the encounter immune to damage by the player.
Several profession abilities that granted bonuses with a base value table on a level based curve have been adjusted to grant the maximum value within a specific level range. For example, a spell that granted a base multiplier of 10 at level 121 would give a lower amount then an otherwise identical spell that granted a base multiplier of 10 at level 125 due to the level scaling nature of base value tables.
Most base value tables have been adjusted to provide the maximum level range reward above level 125. For example all level 126-129 will now grant the same amount as level 130. AA abilities remain with the standard leveling curve, as they increase in application level as the character levels.
The following abilities have had an Ability Doubleattack base value adjustment above level 125: Accretion, Battle Coordination, Casting Expertise, Chronosiphoning, Maestros Harmony, and Oblivion Link.
The following abilities have had a Crit Bonus base value adjustment above level 125: Aegolism, Boneshattering Combination, Channeled Wrath, Critical Cunning, Critical Genius, Critical Mastery, Energizing Aura, Escaped Shade, Essence of the Great Bear, Flash of Brilliance, Foretold Prophecy, Harbinger, Illusionary Instigation, Killing Instinct, Known Enemy, Noxious Assault, Obsidian Mind, Perfect Deceit, Ravenous Protector, Requiem, Retribution Sphere, Riana's Relentless Tune, Sacred Follower, Saga, Spectral Cast, Spiritual Dominion, Underwhelmed, Unyielding Retribution, Ursine Avatar, and Warder's Ferocity.
The following abilities have had a Combat Mitigation base value adjustment above level 125: Asylum, Atrophy, Aura of Crippling, Awestruck, Belly Smash, Blasphemy, Brambles, Brittle Armor, Caltrops, Clara's Chaotic Cacophony, Condemn, Dancing Blade, Death Swarm, Debilitating Arrow, Depressing Chant, Desiccation, Devouring Mist, Disorientation, Divide and Conquer, Divine Righteousness, Dominion of Fire, Double-Cross, Echoes of the Ancients, Ensnare, Erosion, Evade Blame, Evasion, Exposed Elements, Exposed Noxious, Fear, Frostbite, Frostbite Slice, Garsin's Funeral March, Hangman's Noose, Harmony, Hexation, Icy Grasp, Imprecate, Interfering Noise, Intimidation, Kudzu, Lance, Maddening Swarm, Mark of Divinity, Mortality Mark, Nullifying Staff, Obliterated Psyche, Overpower, Peel, Pressure Point, Rebuke, Righteousness, Ring of Ice, Root, Seafury Thrust, Shackle, Shadow Bind, Sign of Pacification, Snipe, Snipe Armor, Spirits, Tarven's Crippling Crescendo, Tashiana, Tendrils of Fear, Terror Chant, Torment, Torture, Tracing Wound, Undergrowth, Vacuum Field, Verlien's Keen of Despair, Vexing Verses, Vine Net, Weapon Dissonance, Willow Wisp, Writhing Strike, and Zander's Choral Rebuff.
The following abilities have had a DPS base value adjustment above level 125: Battle Cry, Berserk, Feral Stance, and Truespirit Claws.
The following abilities have had a Fervor base value adjustment above level 125: Accretion, Berserk, Channeled Wrath, Dirges Refrain, Dragon Claws, Enraging Demeanor, Essence of Necrosis, Feral Stance, Flow Like Wind, Foretold Prophecy, Gravitas, Marauder's Vaunt, Minion's Adeptness, Obsidian Mind, Partners in Crime, Reap the Benefits, Requiem, Siphon Strength, Slayer's Furor, Time Warp, Traced Target, Void Surge, and Wrath Stance.
The following abilities have had a Flurry base value adjustment above level 125: Arms of Imagination, Avenging Hatred, Battle Cry, Beastsoul, Block Harm, Callous Ferocity, Coercive Shout, Deceit, Double Arrow, Executioner's Fury, Flurry, Focused Offensive, Honed Reflexes, Illusionary Instigation, Kaldrahir's Accuracy, Reap the Benefits, Rhythm Blade, Shield Ally, Swarthy Deception, Tenacity, Tiger Reflexes, Unbroken, and Velocity.
The following abilities have had a Flurry Multiplier base value adjustment above level 125: Arms of Imagination, Avenging Hatred, Beastsoul, Block Harm, Callous Ferocity, Coercive Shout, Deceit, Focused Offensive, Honed Reflexes, Illusionary Instigation, Kaldrahir's Accuracy, Reap the Benefits, Rhythm Blade, Shield Ally, Swarthy Deception, Tenacity, Tiger Reflexes, and Velocity.
The following abilities have had a Max Hit Points base value adjustment above level 125: Abominate Death, Animal Form, Arcane Force, Battle Tactics, Blademaster, Body and Mind, Call of the Wild, Coagulate, Critical Rage, Death's Master, Divine Guidance, Divine Wall, Earthen Bulwark, Empathic Aura, Enhanced Mind, Enhanced Vigor, Essence Weave, Fatal Concealer, Grand Illusion, Hateful Defiance, Hearty Constitution, On the March, Petrified Bones, Planar Dominator, Pooling Blood, Pools of Blood, Potent Invocations, Potent Medium, Potent Protector, Potent Restorer, Powerful Invoking, Self-Coercion, Sentry's Bulwark, Shadow Wall, Sharpshooter, Songhowler, Songweaver, Spirit and Body, Stalwart Wall, Stamina Shape, Stormbarrier, Strong Hearted, Swift Aid, Teamwork, Thug's Power, Tortoise Shell, Tranquil Power, Unbroken Grace, Unwavering Resolve, and Vigorous Companion.
The following abilities have had a Melee Damage base value adjustment above level 125: Ancestral Avatar, Animal Form, Animal Instinct, Battle Cleric, Battle Prowess, Berserk, Controlled Rage, Convert Ally, Eagle Shriek, Experienced Insight, Force of Nature, Glacial Assault, Hammer of the Gods, Holy Stampede, Knight's Stance, Marisha Kur's Ravaging, Master of Storms, Minion's Adeptness, Nature's Grace, Opportunistic Cover, Peaceful Aggression, Perfect Form, Persecution, Piercing Arrows, Ravenous Protector, Reach, Requiem, Snow Rhino's Power, Spiritual Ally, Strength of Arm, Strength of the Elements, Terrene Destruction, Truespirit Claws, Unholy Stampede, Venom Fangs, Weapon Mastery, and Wendigo.
The following abilities have had a Resists base value adjustment above level 125: Countenance of Defiled Spirits, Enhanced Demonstration, and Enhanced Summoning.
The following abilities have had a Potency base value adjustment above level 125: Battle Cry, Chained Claws, Channeled Wrath, Convert Ally, Dark Pact, Defiled Circle, Earthshock, Energizing Ballad, Essence Siphon, Expertise, Flow Like Wind, Known Enemy, Perfection of the Maestro, Power Surge, Reap, Requiem of Reflection, Spectral Cast, Stolen Breath, Stormbarrier, Tyrant's Pact, and Vehemence.
The following abilities have had a Weapon Damage Bonus base value adjustment above level 125: Arrow Torrent, Call to Arms, Channeled Wrath, Destructive Rage, Enhance: Multi-Attack, Escaped Shade, Fortissimo, Gladiator's Finesse, Natural Instinct, Relentless Punches, Remarkable Mobility, Tenacity, Truespirit Claws, Unbroken, and Weapon of the Mind.
The bonus effects granted by Shadowed Ethereal: Shadowed Pet of the Gods to the Pet of the Gods achievement have been standardized so that all deity pets grant the same bonuses.
Most primary pets will now gain maximum mana based off of the pet owner's maximum mana.
Added the Methodical Strikes ability to class trainers that allows you to cap your personal or personal pet's damage against a target to no more then 2.5% of the targets maximum health.
Ascension Abilities
Xenolith will no longer ignore Bleedthrough.
The base reuse time for Xenolith has been reduced to 90 seconds.
Increased the damage of Dance of Metal from a base value of 1.276 to a base value of 22.738 on its initial hit, scaling up to a base value changed from 23.76 to a base value of 40.281 on its final hit at level 126 and above.
Piercing Arrows has a chance to trigger Channeled Wrath on Conduit ability use, increasing Potency, Crit Bonus Overcap, Fervor Overcap, and Weapon Damage Overcap of raid and group members.
Piercing Arrows will increase the haste of the caster, scaled by level.
Piercing Arrows will increase the base damage of Spells and Combat Arts by 15%
Piercing Arrows will increase the Melee Multiplier of the caster, scaled by level.
Piercing Arrows will increase the casting time of beneficial spells by 10%.
Piercing Arrows will reduce the base heal and ward amount of abilities by 10%.
Focus of Restoration has a chance to trigger Vital Surge on Conduit ability use, healing raid and group members.
Focus of Restoration will increase the Dissonance cost of damaging Conduits by 10%
Focus of Restoration will increase the base heal and ward amount of abilities by 15%.
Focus of Restoration will reduce the base damage amount of abilities by 7.5%.
Ritual of Protection will increase the base heal and ward amount of abilities by 15%.
Ritual of Protection will reduce the base damage amount of abilities by 7.5%.
Ravenous Protector will apply Ravenous Protector to qualifying pets, increasing crit chance and crit bonus.
Ravenous Protector reduces the casting time of hostile spells by 15%
Ravenous Protector will increase the base damage of Spells and combat arts by 12.5%
Ravenous Protector will increase the Melee Multiplier of the caster, scaled by level.
Ravenous Protector will increase the casting time of beneficial spells by 10%.
Ravenous Protector will reduce the base heal and ward amount of abilities by 10%.
Summoner Mage pets encounter abilities are now targeted AoE abilities.
The potency reduction from the second rank of Elemental Toxicity is now a percentage based on the targets current potency.
Soulburn will now do a standard spell damage attack, dealing an increased amount the higher your pets health percentage. At level 126 and above the values are 174.491 for 100%, 162.858 for 80%, 151.225 for 60%, 139.593 for 40%, 127.96 for 20%, and 116.327 below 20%. https://forums.everquest2.com/index.php?threads/summoner-soulburn.4240/
Corrected an issue that would sometimes prevent Illusionary Mindstorm from modifying the recast time of Phantom Troupe.
Updated the descriptive prose for Illusionary Mindstorm to be more clear on how it modifies the stat bonuses of Phantom Troupe.
Charm may now be cast while you have an active Possessed Essence. If you have a Possessed Essence, a charmed creature will not replace the essence in your pet window display, but both the charmed pet and the Possessed Essence will obey pet commands. https://forums.everquest2.com/index...charm-and-possessed-essence-interaction.4226/
The Fervor values for the following Hunter's Union adornments have been adjusted and added where needed:
Frost Hunter's Wandering Spirit
Dracur Hunter's Celebratory Mark
Dracur Hunter's Guarded Spirit
Dracur Hunter's Protective Spirit
Dracur Hunter's Quickening Aspect
Dracur Hunter's Wandering Spirit
Frost Hunter's Celebratory Mark
Frost Hunter's Deflecting Aspect
Frost Hunter's Guarded Spirit
Frost Hunter's Protective Spirit
Skyshrine Hunter's Celebratory Mark
Skyshrine Hunter's Guarded Spirit
Skyshrine Hunter's Protective Spirit
Skyshrine Hunter's Quickening Aspect
Skyshrine Hunter's Wandering Spirit
All petamorph wands that are not limited charge items are now Until Cancelled duration.
All state immunity runes such as Blinding Gleam, Steadfast Defiance, Steadfast Resolve, and Astral Dominion have been updated to black adornments.
All waist items now have a single black adornment slot.
Dimensional Regalia of the Collector - Item name is now spelled correctly.
Forcelink, Painlink, and Powerlink will now display the link spell maintained by your groupmates when examined.
Field Medic is now a percentage based heal.
The in-game calendar has been updated with the 2025 event dates!
Canvas Nomad Tent - House item now has collision.
The following items will no longer creatively pluralize when a player mass produces the materials for Shipyard Services: fitted planks, armored plates, and waterproof sealing grease.
Level 120 Woodworker Writs and Rush Orders no longer mention the incorrect items in the popup message.