EverQuest 2 Wiki


Encounters and player characters now have a new contested stat called Resolve. PC's who have less Resolve than their NPC targets will deal less damage and receive more damage equal to 1% for every point that their Resolve is below their opponents Resolve. Pet classes share resolve with pet's and swarm pets.

  • Example 1: Playerbob has 150 Resolve while his target NPCGnoll has 200 Resolve. Playerbob will deal 50% less damage against NPCGnoll and NPCGnoll will deal 50% more damage to Playerbob.
  • Example 2: Playerbob has 150 Resolve while his target NPCOrc has 100 Resolve. Playerbob will deal normal damage and NPCOrc will not deal any extra damage to Playerbob.

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