EverQuest 2 Wiki
Class Information for Paladin
Type: Crusader (Fighter) Paladin Icon
City: Kelethin, New Halas
Primary Stat: Strength
Armor: Plate Armor
Weapons: Swords, Hammers, Axes, Spears, Staffs, Great Swords, Great Hammers, Great Axes, Great Spears, Bows, Symbols
Shields: Bucklers, Round Shields, Kite Shields, Tower Shields, Symbols
Expert Spells: Combat Arts (Rare Loam)
Links to All Relevant Categories for: Fighter > Crusader > Paladin
Spells Equipment AAs and Prestige

Those who desire to fulfill a role of nobility, honor, and virtue will find the Paladin profession to be ideal. The Paladin excels in martial combat and possesses divine magical abilities to enhance their skills in combat. As a true martial combatant, the Paladin is most efficient on the front lines where they are able to engage the enemy in close combat. By invoking their protective magic, the Paladin may temporarily augment their martial skills, increasing their capabilities for both defense and healing during a fight.

Epic Weapon[]

Class Hat[]

Ceremonial Armor[]

Class Armor[]




Plate Cleric/Crusader/Warrior Series

Crusader Series


-PvP Server Only-


Offensive plate set

Defensive plate set

See also[]

Combat Arts By Category[]

The first combat art in each category is listed. See the detailed description for the full upgrade line.


Pure Damage

Damage & Debuff


Buffs & Taunts

Offensive Buff

Defensive Buff

Miscellaneous Buff

  • Wisdom & base heal amount buff: Crusade (19)






Fun Spells

Spells & Combat Arts by level[]

Tier 1 Level 1 - 9 Tier 2 Level 10 - 19 Tier 3 Level 20 - 29 Tier 4 Level 30 - 39

1: Clarion
1: Faith Strike
1: Singular Focus
2: Judgment
3: Prayer of Healing
4: Knight's Stance
4: Wrath Stance
5: Fighting Chance
5: Master's Rage
5: Penitent Kick
6: Faith Strike II
6: Intercept
7: Holy Circle
8: Righteousness
9: Clarion II ¥
9: Divine Inspiration

10: Blessed Weapon ¥
11: Divine Vengeance
11: Holy Aid
12: Demonstration of Faith ¥
13: Heroic Dash
13: Judgment II
14: Ancient Wrath ¥
15: Power Cleave
16: Knight's Stance II
16: Prayer of Healing II
16: Wrath Stance II ¥
17: Clarion III
17: Pledge of Armament
18: Crusade
19: Penitent Kick II

20: Holy Steed *
20: Intercept II
20: Lay on Hands
20: Goading Gesture ***
21: Amends ¥
21: Holy Circle II
21: Resolute Faith
22: Holy Aid II ¥
22: Righteousness II ¥
23: Divine Inspiration II
24: Blessed Weapon II
24: Blessing of the Paladin
25: Divine Vengeance II
25: Rescue ¤
26: Demonstration of Faith II
26: Devout Sacrament
27: Heroic Dash II
27: Judgment III
28: Ancient Wrath II
28: Holy Strike
29: Faith Strike III
29: Power Cleave II

30: Knight's Stance III
30: Prayer of Healing III ¥
31: Clarion IV ¥
31: Pledge of Armament II
32: Resolute Faith II ¥
32: Wrath Stance II ;
33: Crusade II ¥
33: Penitent Kick III
34: Intercept III ¤
34: Lay on Hands II
35: Amends II
35: Corpsecrush**
35: Doom Judgment**
35: Holy Circle III
35: Vicious Embrace**
36: Holy Aid III
36: Righteousness III
37: Divine Inspiration III
38: Blessed Weapon III
38: Blessing of the Paladin II
39: Divine Vengeance III

Tier 5 Level 40 - 49 Tier 6 Level 50 - 59 Tier 7 Level 60 - 69 Tier 8 Level 70 - 79

40: Demonstration of Faith III ¥
40: Devout Sacrament II
40: Refusal of Atonement
40: Summon Squire *
41: Heroic Dash III
41: Judgment IV
42: Ancient Wrath III ¥
42: Holy Strike II ¥
43: Faith Strike IV
43: Power Cleave III
44: Elixir of Resuscitation ¤
44: Knight's Stance IV ¥
44: Prayer of Healing IV
45: Clarion V
45: Pledge of Armament III
46: Resolute Faith III
46: Wrath Stance IV
47: Crusade III
47: Penitent Kick IV
48: Lay on Hands III
49: Amends III
49: Holy Circle IV

50: Decree
50: Hand of Bayle *
50: Holy Aid IV ¥
50: Righteousness IV ¥
51: Divine Inspiration IV
52: Blessed Weapon IV ¥
52: Blessing of the Paladin III
52: Sigil of Heroism ¤
53: Divine Vengeance IV
53: Doom Judgement II
54: Demonstration of Faith IV
54: Devout Sacrament III
54: Refusal of Atonement II ¥
55: Consecrate
55: Heroic Dash IV
55: Judgment V
56: Ancient Wrath IV
56: Holy Strike III
57: Faith Strike V
57: Power Cleave IV
58: Divine Favor ¤
58: Knight's Stance V
58: Prayer of Healing V
59: Clarion VI
59: Pledge of Armament IV

60: Resolute Faith IV
60: Wrath Stance V
61: Crusade IV
61: Penitent Kick V
62: Lay on Hands IV ¥
63: Holy Circle V ¥
64: Holy Aid V ¥
64: Righteousness V ¥
65: Castigate
65: Divine Inspiration V
66: Blessed Weapon V
66: Blessing of the Paladin IV
67: Divine Vengeance V
68: Demonstration of Faith V
68: Devout Sacrament IV
68: Refusal of Atonement III
69: Heroic Dash V
69: Judgment VI

70: Ancient Wrath V
70: Decree II
70: Holy Strike IV
71: Doom Judgement III
71: Faith Strike VI
71: Power Cleave V
72: Clarion VII
72: Knight's Stance VI
72: Prayer of Healing VI
73: Crusade V
73: Pledge of Armament V
73: Wrath Stance VI
74: Consecrate II
74: Lay on Hands V
74: Penitent Kick VI
75: Holy Circle VI ¥
76: Divine Inspiration VI
76: Holy Aid VI
76: Righteousness VI
77: Blessed Weapon VI
77: Blessing of the Paladin V
77: Divine Vengeance VI
78: Castigate II
78: Devout Sacrament V
78: Refusal of Atonement IV
79: Demonstration of Faith VI
79: Heroic Dash VI
79: Judgment VII

Tier 9 Level 80 - 89 Tier 10 Level 90 - 99 Tier 11 Level 100 - 109 Tier 12 Level 110 - 119

80: Ancient Wrath VI
80: Decree III
80: Holy Avenger - Epic 1.0
80: Holy Ground
80: Holy Strike V
80: Marr's Favor - Epic 1.0
81: Doom Judgement IV
81: Faith Strike VII
81: Power Cleave VI
82: Clarion VIII ¥
82: Knight's Stance VII
82: Prayer of Healing VII
83: Pledge of Armament VI
83: Wrath Stance VII
84: Consecrate III ¥
84: Crusade VI
84: Lay on Hands VI ¥
84: Penitent Kick VII ¥
85: Holy Circle VII
86: Divine Inspiration VII
86: Holy Aid VII
86: Righteousness VII
87: Blessed Weapon VII
87: Blessing of the Paladin VI
87: Divine Vengeance VII
88: Castigate III
88: Devout Sacrament VI
88: Refusal of Atonement V
89: Demonstration of Faith VII
89: Heroic Dash VII
89: Judgment VIII

90: Ancient Wrath VII
90: Decree IV
90: Holy Strike VI
91: Doom Judgment V
91: Faith Strike VIII
91: Power Cleave VII
92: Clarion IX ¥
92: Knight's Stance VIII
92: Prayer of Healing VIII
93: Pledge of Armament VII
93: Wrath Stance VIII
94: Consecrate IV ¥
94: Crusade VII
94: Lay on Hands VII ¥
94: Penitent Kick VIII ¥
95: Holy Circle VIII
96: Divine Inspiration VIII
96: Holy Aid VIII
96: Righteousness VIII
97: Blessed Weapon VIII
97: Blessing of the Paladin VII
97: Divine Vengeance VIII
98: Castigate IV
98: Devout Sacrament VII
98: Refusal of Atonement VI
99: Demonstration of Faith VIII
99: Heroic Dash VIII
99: Judgment IX

100: Ancient Wrath VIII
100: Decree V
100: Divine Will - Epic 2.0 $
100: Holy Strike VII
100: Pass Judgment - Epic 2.0 $
101: Doom Judgment VI
101: Faith Strike IX
101: Power Cleave VIII
102: Clarion X
102: Knight's Stance IX
102: Prayer of Healing IX
103: Pledge of Armament VIII
103: Wrath Stance IX
104: Consecrate V ¥
104: Crusade VIII ¥
104: Lay on Hands VIII ¥
104: Penitent Kick IX
105: Holy Circle IX
106: Divine Inspiration IX
106: Holy Aid IX
106: Righteousness IX
107: Blessed Weapon IX
107: Blessing of the Paladin VIII
107: Divine Vengeance IX
108: Castigate V
108: Devout Sacrament VIII
108: Refusal of Atonement VII
109: Demonstration of Faith IX
109: Heroic Dash IX
109: Judgment X

110: Ancient Wrath IX
110: Bulwark of Order
110: Decree VI
110: Holy Strike VIII
111: Doom Judgment VII
111: Faith Strike X
111: Power Cleave IX
112: Clarion XI
112: Knight's Stance X
112: Prayer of Healing X
113: Amends IV
113: Pledge of Armament IX
113: Wrath Stance X
114: Consecrate VI ¥
114: Crusade IX ¥
114: Lay on Hands IX ¥
114: Penitent Kick X
115: Holy Circle X
116: Divine Inspiration X
116: Holy Aid X
116: Righteousness X
117: Blessed Weapon X
117: Blessing of the Paladin IX
117: Divine Vengeance X
118: Castigate VI
118: Devout Sacrament IX
118: Refusal of Atonement VIII
119: Demonstration of Faith X
119: Heroic Dash X
119: Judgment XI

Tier 13 Level 120 - 129 Tier 14 Level 130 - 139

120: Ancient Wrath X
120: Crusader's Judgement $$
120: Decree VII
120: Holy Strike IX
120: Reparations
120: Resolute Faith V
121: Clarion XII
121: Doom Judgment VIII
121: Faith Strike XI
121: Knight's Stance XI
121: Power Cleave X
121: Prayer of Healing XI
122: Amends V
122: Consecrate VII
122: Crusade X
122: Lay on Hands X
122: Penitent Kick XI
122: Pledge of Armament X
122: Wrath Stance XI
123: Divine Inspiration XI
123: Holy Aid XI
123: Holy Circle XI
123: Righteousness XI
124: Blessed Weapon XI
124: Blessing of the Paladin X
124: Castigate VII
124: Devout Sacrament X
124: Divine Vengeance XI
124: Refusal of Atonement IX
125: Ancient Wrath XI
125: Bulwark of Order II
125: Crusader's Judgement II
125: Decree VIII
125: Demonstration of Faith XI
125: Holy Stampede - Epic 3.0
125: Heroic Dash XI
125: Holy Ground II
125: Holy Strike X
125: Judgment XII
125: Reparations II
125: Resolute Faith VI
126: Clarion XIII
126: Doom Judgment IX
126: Faith Strike XII
126: Knight's Stance XII
126: Power Cleave XI
126: Prayer of Healing XII
127: Amends VI
127: Consecrate VIII
127: Crusade XI
127: Lay on Hands XI
127: Penitent Kick XII
127: Pledge of Armament XI
127: Wrath Stance XII
128: Divine Inspiration XII
128: Holy Aid XII
128: Holy Circle XII
128: Righteousness XII
129: Blessed Weapon XII
129: Blessing of the Paladin XI
129: Castigate VIII
129: Devout Sacrament XI
129: Divine Vengeance XII
129: Refusal of Atonement X

130: Ancient Wrath XII
130: Bulwark of Order III
130: Crusader's Judgement III
130: Decree IX
130: Demonstration of Faith XII
130: Heroic Dash XII
130: Holy Ground III
130: Holy Stampede II
130: Holy Strike XI
130: Judgment XIII
130: Reparations III
130: Resolute Faith VII

The first combat art in each category is italicized.
¥ Indicates a Master II Training Choice
¤ - Currently no upgrade for this spell (as of BoL)
* - Fun Spell (Must be purchased from the Paladin Trainer NPC - not granted automatically on level.)
** - This spell comes from The Bloodline Chronicles
*** - This spell comes from The Splitpaw Saga
$ - Epic 2.0 spell
$$ - Blood of Luclin spell
Elementalist Level 1-20 Etherealist Level 1-20 Geomancer Level 1-20 Thaumaturgist Level 1-20

Grandmaster Training Choices[]

Tier 2 - Level 14 Tier 3 - Level 24 Tier 4 - Level 34 Tier 5 - Level 44
Tier 6 - Level 54 Tier 7 - Level 64 Tier 8 - Level 75 Tier 9 - Level 85
Tier 10 - Level 95 Tier 11 - Level 105 Tier 12 - Level 115


All items (11)
