EverQuest 2 Wiki
Class Information for Necromancer
Type: Summoner (Mage) Necromancer Icon
City: Freeport,Neriak,
Primary Stat: Intelligence
Armor: Cloth Armor
Weapons: Daggers, Staffs, Symbols
Shields: Symbols
Expert Spells: Spells (Rare Soft Metal)
Links to All Relevant Categories for: Mage > Summoner > Necromancer
Spells Equipment AAs and Prestige

The Necromancer is ideal for any who are intrigued by the mastery of death and the commanding of undead servants. The Necromancer is able to summon a wretched undead servant to attack his enemies, and use the powers of death to weaken and destroy his enemies.

Necromancer Pet Appearances[]

Necromancers have a variety of combat pets they can summon, depending on level. The appearance of these pets differs between types (fighter/tank pet, scout pet, mage pet), and also by the level of the pet-summoning spell, and by the quality of the spell (Apprentice, Journeyman, Adept, Expert, Master, Grandmaster, Ancient). The Necromancer can control the pet's appearance to some degree by right-clicking on a summoned pet and selecting Change Appearance.

Epic Weapon[]

Class Armor[]






See also[]

Spells By Category[]

The first spell in each category is listed. See the detailed description for the full upgrade line.


Single Target Damage




Limited Pets

  • Swarm of 3 limited pets: Blighted Horde (23)
  • Zombie with a disease DoT AoE attack: Awaken Grave (35)
  • 12 undead + more from nearby corpses: Undead Horde (65)
  • Orb siphons health from enemies and heal allies (area), breaks on damage received: Vampirism (80)

Pet-affecting Spells


Self spells

Group spells

Ally spells




Spells by Tier and Level[]

Tier 1 Level 1 - 9 Tier 2 Level 10 - 19 Tier 3 Level 20 - 29 Tier 4 Level 30 - 39

1: Soulrot
1: Undead Knight
1: Singular Focus
2: Necrotic Reconstruction
2: Pandemic
3: Bloodcoil
4: Magi's Shielding
5: Arcane Augur
5: Bind Sight
5: Chains of Torment
6: Cure Magic
6: Soulrot II
7: Unholy Covenant
8: Pandemic II
9: Absorb Magic
9: See Invisibility

10: Bloodcoil II
10: Shrink Servant
10: Vampire Bats
11: Howl of the Damned ¥
12: Soulrot III ¥
12: Teachings of the Underworld
12: Undead Knight II
13: Aqueous Soul
13: Bloody Ritual
14: Grisly Protection ¥
14: Necromantic Pact
14: Necrotic Reconstruction II ¥
15: Call Servant
15: Invisibility
16: Bloodcloud
16: Grasping Bones
17: Bloodcoil III
18: Dark Heart
19: Chains of Torment II

20: Grim Sorcerer
20: Lifetap ¥
20: Nylph's Bone Form *
20: Soulrot IV
20: Word of Force ***
21: Dooming Darkness
21: Unholy Covenant II ¥
22: Pandemic III ¥
23: Blighted Horde ¥
23: Unliving Eyes
24: Fear
24: Undead Knight III
25: Howl of the Damned II
25: Mortality Mark
26: Teachings of the Underworld II
27: Bloody Ritual II
28: Grisly Protection II ¥
28: Necromantic Pact II
28: Necrotic Reconstruction III
29: Soulrot V

30: Bloodcloud II ¥
30: Grasping Bones II
30: Nylph's Zombie Form *
31: Bloodcoil IV ¥
32: Nightshade
33: Chains of Torment III
33: Transfer Life ¥
34: Grim Sorcerer II
35: Awaken Grave
35: Lifetap II
35: Nylph's Misty Image *
35: Unholy Covenant III
35: Vampire Bats II **
36: Dooming Darkness II
36: Pandemic IV
37: Blighted Horde II
38: Fear II
38: Undead Knight IV
39: Howl of the Damned III ¥
39: Mortality Mark II

Tier 5 Level 40 - 49 Tier 6 Level 50 - 59 Tier 7 Level 60 - 69 Tier 8 Level 70 - 79

40: Dartain's Dead Sight *
40: Deathly Pallor
40: Rending ¥
40: Teachings of the Underworld III
41: Bloody Ritual III
42: Grisly Protection III ¥
42: Necromantic Pact III
42: Necrotic Reconstruction IV ¥
43: Soulrot VI
44: Bloodcloud III
44: Grasping Bones III
45: Bloodcoil V
45: Nylph's Skeletal Regiment *
46: Nightshade II
47: Chains of Torment IV
47: Transfer Life II
48: Grim Sorcerer III
48: Revivication
49: Awaken Grave II
49: Unholy Covenant IV

50: Dartain's Cloaking Debris *
50: Lich
50: Lifetap III ¥
50: Pandemic V
51: Blighted Horde III ¥
51: Dooming Darkness III
52: Fear III
52: Siphoning of Souls
52: Undead Knight V
53: Howl of the Damned IV ¥
53: Mortality Mark III
53: Vampire Bats III
54: Rending II
54: Teachings of the Underworld IV ¥
55: Bloody Ritual IV
55: Control Undead
56: Grisly Protection IV
56: Necromantic Pact IV
56: Necrotic Reconstruction V
57: Soulrot VII
58: Bloodcloud IV
58: Consumption
58: Grasping Bones IV
59: Bloodcoil VI

60: Nightshade III
61: Chains of Torment V
61: Transfer Life III ¥
62: Grim Sorcerer IV
63: Awaken Grave III ¥
63: Unholy Covenant V
64: Lifetap IV ¥
64: Pandemic VI ¥
65: Blighted Horde IV
65: Undead Horde
66: Fear IV
66: Undead Knight VI
67: Howl of the Damned V
67: Mortality Mark IV
68: Rending III
68: Teachings of the Underworld V
69: Bloody Ritual V

70: Grisly Protection V
70: Lich II
70: Necromantic Pact V
70: Necrotic Reconstruction VI
71: Bloodcloud V¥
71: Soulrot VIII
71: Vampire Bats IV
72: Bloodcoil VII¥
72: Grasping Bones V
72: Siphoning of Souls II¥
73: Chains of Torment VI
73: Miragul's Dark Heart Summoning
73: Nightshade IV
74: Control Undead II
74: Transfer Life IV
75: Awaken Grave IV
75: Grim Sorcerer V
75: Unholy Covenant VI ¥
76: Consumption II
76: Lifetap V
76: Pandemic VII
77: Blighted Horde V
77: Fear V
77: Undead Knight VII
78: Howl of the Damned VI
78: Mortality Mark V
78: Rending IV
78: Undead Horde II
79: Bloody Ritual VI
79: Teachings of the Underworld VI

Tier 9 Level 80 - 89 Tier 10 Level 90 - 99 Tier 11 Level 100 - 109 Tier 12 Level 110 - 119

80 : Grisly Protection VI
80 : Lich III
80 : Necromantic Pact VI
80 : Necrotic Reconstruction VII
80 : Vampirism
81 : Bloodcloud VI ¥
81 : Soulrot IX
81 : Vampire Bats IV ¥
82 : Bloodcoil VIII ¥
82 : Grasping Bones VI
82 : Siphoning of Souls III ¥
83 : Chains of Torment VII
83 : Nightshade V
84 : Transfer Life V
85 : Awaken Grave V
85 : Grim Sorcerer VI
85 : Unholy Covenant VII
86 : Consumption III
86 : Lifetap VI
86 : Pandemic VIII
87 : Blighted Horde VI
87 : Fear VI
87 : Undead Knight VIII
88 : Howl of the Damned VII
88 : Mortality Mark VI
88 : Rending V
88 : Undead Horde III
89 : Bloody Ritual VII
89 : Teachings of the Underworld VII

90 : Grisly Protection VII
90 : Lich IV
90 : Minion Translocation
90 : Necromantic Pact VII
90 : Necrotic Reconstruction VIII
90 : Vampirism II
91 : Bloodcloud VI ¥
91 : Soulrot X
91 : Vampire Bats VI ¥
92 : Bloodcoil IX ¥
92 : Siphoning of Souls IV ¥
93 : Nightshade VI
94 : Control Undead IV
94 : Transfer Life VI
95 : Awaken Grave VI
95 : Grim Sorcerer VII
95 : Unholy Covenant VIII
96 : Consumption IV
96 : Lifetap VII
96 : Pandemic IX
97 : Blighted Horde VII
97 : Fear VII
97 : Undead Knight IX
98 : Howl of the Damned VIII
98 : Mortality Mark VII
98 : Rending VI
98 : Undead Horde IV
99 : Bloody Ritual VIII
99 : Teachings of the Underworld VIII

100: Grisly Protection VIII
100: Lich V
100: Necromantic Pact VIII
100: Necrotic Reconstruction IX
100: Reap - Epic 2.0
100: Reaper - Epic 2.0
100: Vampirism III
101: Bloodcloud VIII
101: Soulrot XI
101: Vampire Bats VII
102: Bloodcoil X ¥
102: Siphoning of Souls V
103: Nightshade VII ¥
104: Control Undead V
104: Transfer Life VII
105: Awaken Grave VII ¥
105: Grim Sorcerer VIII ¥
105: Unholy Covenant IX
106: Consumption V
106: Lifetap VIII
106: Pandemic X
107: Blighted Horde VIII
107: Undead Knight X
108: Howl of the Damned IX
108: Mortality Mark VIII
108: Rending VII
108: Undead Horde V
109: Bloody Ritual IX
109: Teachings of the Underworld IX

110: Grisly Protection IX
110: Lich VI
110: Minion Translocation II
110: Necromantic Pact IX
110: Necrotic Reconstruction X
110: Vampirism IV
111: Bloodcloud IX
111: Soulrot XII
111: Vampire Bats VIII
112: Bloodcoil XI ¥
112: Siphoning of Souls VI
113: Chains of Torment VIII
113: Nightshade VIII ¥
114: Control Undead VI
114: Grasping Bones VII
114: Transfer Life VIII
115: Awaken Grave VIII ¥
115: Grim Sorcerer IX ¥
115: Unholy Covenant X
116: Consumption VI
116: Lifetap IX
116: Pandemic XI
117: Blighted Horde IX
117: Dooming Darkness IV
117: Undead Knight XI
118: Howl of the Damned X
118: Mortality Mark IX
118: Rending VIII
118: Undead Horde VI
119: Bloody Ritual X
119: Fear VII
119: Teachings of the Underworld X

Tier 13 Level 120 - 129 Tier 14 Level 130 - 139

120: Consume Essence
120: Grisly Protection X
120: Lich VII
120: Necromantic Pact X
120: Necrotic Reconstruction XI
120: Vampirism V
120: Boil Blood
121: Bloodcloud X
121: Bloodcoil XII
121: Siphoning of Souls VII
121: Soulrot XIII
121: Vampire Bats IX
122: Chains of Torment IX
122: Control Undead VII
122: Grasping Bones VIII
122: Nightshade IX
122: Transfer Life IX
123: Awaken Grave IX
123: Consumption VII
123: Grim Sorcerer X
123: Lifetap X
123: Pandemic XII
123: Unholy Covenant XI
124: Blighted Horde X
124: Dooming Darkness V
124: Howl of the Damned XI
124: Mortality Mark X
124: Rending IX
124: Undead Horde VII
124: Undead Knight XII
125: Abominate Undead - Epic 3.0
125: Bloody Ritual XI
125: Boil Blood II
125: Consume Essence II
125: Fear VIII
125: Grisly Protection XI
125: Lich VIII
125: Necromantic Pact XI
125: Necrotic Reconstruction XII
125: Teachings of the Underworld XI
125: Vampirism VI
126: Bloodcloud XI
126: Bloodcoil XIII
126: Siphoning of Souls VIII
126: Soulrot XIV
126: Vampire Bats X
127: Chains of Torment X
127: Control Undead VIII
127: Grasping Bones IX
127: Nightshade X
127: Transfer Life X
128: Awaken Grave X
128: Consumption VIII
128: Grim Sorcerer XI
128: Lifetap XI
128: Pandemic XIII
128: Unholy Covenant XII
129: Blighted Horde XI
129: Dooming Darkness VI
129: Howl of the Damned XII
129: Mortality Mark XI
129: Rending X
129: Undead Horde VIII
129: Undead Knight XIII

130: Abominate Undead II
130: Bloody Ritual XII
130: Boil Blood III
130: Consume Essence III
130: Fear IX
130: Grisly Protection XII
130: Lich IX
130: Necromantic Pact XII
130: Necrotic Reconstruction XIII
130: Teachings of the Underworld XII
130: Vampirism VII

¥ - Available as a Grandmaster choice. See below.
* - Fun Spell, can only be bought from the class trainer in The Academy of Arcane Science in North Freeport
** - from Bloodline Chronicles Adventure Pack
*** - from Splitpaw Saga Adventure Pack, improves with level up to 70, sharing the same timer with the Soulrot spell line
† - Ancient Teachings spell (only available in Adept, Expert and Master)
Elementalist Level 1-25 Etherealist Level 1-25 Geomancer Level 1-25 Thaumaturgist Level 1-25

Grandmaster Training Choices[]

Tier 2 - Level 14 Tier 3 - Level 24 Tier 4 - Level 34 Tier 5 - Level 44
Tier 6 - Level 54 Tier 7 - Level 64 Tier 8 - Level 75 Tier 9 - Level 85
Tier 10 - Level 95 Tier 11 - Level 105 Tier 12 - Level 115

All items (8)
