EverQuest 2 Wiki
EverQuest 2 Wiki
Class Information for Mystic
Type: Shaman (Priest) Mystic Icon
City: New Halas, Kelethin
Primary Stat: Wisdom
Armor: Chain Armor
Weapons: Hammers, Spears, Staves, Great Spears, Great Hammers, Symbols
Shields: Buckler, a few Round Shields, Symbols
Expert Spells: Spells (Rare Gem)
Links to All Relevant Categories for: Priest > Shaman > Mystic
Spells Equipment AAs and Prestige

Those who seek a symbiotic connection with the spirit world in order to fulfill a supportive role will find the Mystic to be to their liking. The Mystic is a shaman of spiritual preservation and enlightenment, offering magical healing and relief from disease and poison. The Mystic can also use their powers to grant brief enhancements to their allies’ attributes and provide magical protection in combat, as well as weaken and harm enemies.

Epic Weapon[]

Class Armor[]




-PvP Server only-


Spells By Category[]

The first spell in each category is listed. See the detailed description for the full upgrade line.






Single Target Buffs

AE Buffs

Self Buff

Debuff / Damage

Single Target Damage

AE Damage

Single Target Debuffs

AE Debuffs


Water Breathing



Spells by Tier and Level[]

Tier 1 Level 1 - 9 Tier 2 Level 10 - 19 Tier 3 Level 20 - 29 Tier 4 Level 30 - 39

1: Velium Winds
1: Rejuvenation
2: Haze
3: Plague
3: Ritual Healing
4: Premonition
5: Divine Providence
5: Master's Smite
5: Runic Armor
6: Cure
6: Summon Food and Water
6: Wrath
7: Deteriorate
7: Rejuvenation II
8: Revive
9: Enduring Breath
9: Velium Winds II

10: Ritual Healing II
10: Haze II ¥
11: Plague II ¥
11: Spirit Guide
12: Ancestral Ward ¥
13: Spirits
13: Spirit of the Wolf
14: Transcendence
14: Umbral Warding ¥
15: Eidolic Ward
15: Rejuvenation III
16: Premonition II
16: Ancestral Mettle
17: Velium Winds III
18: Ritual Healing III
18: Spirit of the Mammoth
19: Ancestral Ward II ¥
19: Runic Armor II

20: Bounty of the Virtuous ***
20: Udor's Spirit of the Hawk *
20: Ursine Avatar ¥
21: Deteriorate II
22: Path of the Grey
22: Rejuvenation IV
23: Glacial Flames ¥
23: Water Spirit
24: Haze III ¥
25: Plague III
26: Ancestral Ward III
26: Echoes of the Ancients
27: Spirits II
28: Transcendence II
28: Umbral Warding II
29: Prophetic Ward
29: Rejuvenation V

30: Ancestral Mettle II
30: Form of the Builder *
30: Premonition III ¥
31: Velium Winds IV
32: Ritual Healing IV ¥
32: Spirit of the Mammoth II
32: Wrath of the Ancients
33: Runic Armor III ¥
34: Ursine Avatar II ¥
35: Deteriorate III
35: Lethargy
35: Sacred Shield **
35: Slithering Form of the Serpent *
35: Umbral Trap **
36: Fields of the Grey
37: Glacial Flames II
38: Haze IV
39: Lamenting Soul
39: Plague IV ¥

Tier 5 Level 40 - 49 Tier 6 Level 50 - 59 Tier 7 Level 60 - 69 Tier 8 Level 70 - 79

40: Ancestral Ward IV ¥
40: Echoes of the Ancients II
40: Haero's Aura of Awareness *
41: Ancestral Savior
41: Spirits III
42: Ebbing Spirit
42: Transcendence III
42: Umbral Warding III ¥
43: Prophetic Ward II
43: Rejuvenation VI ¥
44: Ancestral Mettle III
44: Premonition IV
45: Form of the Great Stag *
45: Lunar Attendant
45: Velium Winds V
46: Ritual Healing V
46: Spirit of the Mammoth III
46: Wrath of the Ancients II
47: Ancestral Avatar
47: Runic Armor IV
48: Ursine Avatar III ¥
48: Wards of the Eidolon
49: Deteriorate IV
49: Lethargy II

50: Oberon
50: Recall of the Grey
50: Talisman of the Spiritist *
51: Glacial Flames III
52: Haze V ¥
52: Torpor ¥¥
53: Lamenting Soul II
53: Plague V ¥
54: Ancestral Ward V ¥
54: Echoes of the Ancients III
55: Ancestral Savior II
55: Slothful Spirit ¥¥
55: Spirits IV
56: Ebbing Spirit II
56: Transcendence IV
56: Umbral Warding IV
57: Prophetic Ward III
57: Rejuvenation VII
58: Ancestral Balm ¥¥
58: Ancestral Mettle IV
58: Premonition V
59: Lunar Attendant II
59: Velium Winds VI

60: Ritual Healing VI ¥
60: Spirit of the Mammoth IV
60: Wrath of the Ancients III ¥
61: Ancestral Avatar II ¥
61: Runic Armor V
62: Ursine Avatar IV
63: Lethargy III ¥
64: Deteriorate V
65: Bolster ¥¥
65: Glacial Flames IV
66: Haze VI
67: Lamenting Soul III
67: Plague VI
68: Ancestral Ward VI
68: Echoes of the Ancients IV
69: Ancestral Savior III
69: Spirits V

70: Ebbing Spirit III
70: Oberon II
70: Transcendence V
70: Umbral Warding V
71: Prophetic Ward IV
71: Rejuvenation VIII
72: Ancestral Mettle V ¥
72: Premonition VI
72: Torpor II
72: Velium Winds VII ¥
73: Lunar Attendant III
73: Ritual Healing VII
73: Spirit of the Mammoth V
74: Runic Armor VI
74: Slothful Spirit II ¥
74: Wrath of the Ancients IV ¥
75: Ancestral Avatar III
76: Ancestral Balm II
76: Deteriorate VI
76: Ursine Avatar V
77: Glacial Flames V
78: Ancestral Ward VII
78: Plague VII
79: Echoes of the Ancients V
79: Spirits VI
79: Umbral Warding VI

Tier 9 Level 80 - 89 Tier 10 Level 90 - 99 Tier 11 Level 100 - 109 Tier 12 Level 110 - 119

80: Ancestral Savior IV
80: Ancestral Sentry
80: Cure Curse
80: Gather Remains
80: Oberon III
80: Spirit Tap
80: Spiritual Warding
80: Transcendence VI
81: Prophetic Ward V
81: Rejuvenation IX
82: Ancestral Mettle VI
82: Premonition VII
82: Torpor III
82: Velium Winds VIII
83: Lunar Attendant IV
83: Ritual Healing VIII ¥
83: Spirit of the Mammoth VI
84: Runic Armor VII ¥
84: Slothful Spirit III ¥
84: Wrath of the Ancients V ¥
85: Ancestral Avatar IV
86: Ancestral Balm III
86: Deteriorate VII
86: Ursine Avatar VI
87: Glacial Flames VI
88: Ancestral Ward VIII
88: Plague VIII
89: Echoes of the Ancients VI
89: Spirits VII
89: Umbral Warding VII

90: Ancestral Savior V
90: Ancestral Sentry II
90: Oberon IV
90: Transcendence VII
91: Prophetic Ward VI
91: Rejuvenation X
92: Ancestral Mettle VII
92: Premonition VIII
92: Torpor IV
92: Velium Winds IX
93: Lunar Attendant V
93: Ritual Healing IX ¥
93: Spirit of the Mammoth VII
94: Runic Armor VIII ¥
94: Slothful Spirit IV ¥
94: Wrath of the Ancients IV ¥
95: Ancestral Avatar V
96: Ancestral Balm IV
96: Deteriorate VIII
96: Ursine Avatar VII
97: Glacial Flames VII
98: Ancestral Ward IX
98: Plague IX
99: Echoes of the Ancients VII
99: Spirits VIII
99: Umbral Warding VIII

100: Ancestral Savior VI
100: Ancestral Sentry III
100: Oberon V
100: Strength of the Ancestors
100: Transcendence VIII
100: Wendigo - Epic 2.0
101: Prophetic Ward VII ¥
101: Rejuvenation XI
102: Premonition IX
102: Torpor V ¥
102: Velium Winds X
103: Lunar Attendant VI
103: Ritual Healing X
103: Spirit of the Mammoth VIII ¥
104: Runic Armor IX
104: Slothful Spirit V ¥
104: Wrath of the Ancients VII
105: Ancestral Avatar VI
106: Ancestral Balm V
106: Deteriorate IX
106: Ursine Avatar VIII
107: Glacial Flames VIII
108: Ancestral Ward X
108: Plague X
109: Echoes of the Ancients VIII
109: Spirits IX
109: Umbral Warding IX

110: Ancestral Savior VII
110: Ancestral Sentry IV
110: Oberon VI
110: Transcendence IX
111: Prophetic Ward VIII ¥
111: Rejuvenation XII
112: Ancestral Mettle IX
112: Premonition X
112: Torpor VI ¥
112: Velium Winds XI
113: Lunar Attendant VII
113: Ritual Healing XI
113: Spirit of the Mammoth IX ¥
114: Runic Armor X
114: Slothful Spirit VI ¥
114: Wrath of the Ancients VIII
115: Ancestral Avatar VII
115: Umbral Trap II
116: Ancestral Balm VI
116: Deteriorate X
116: Ursine Avatar IX
117: Glacial Flames IX
117: Haze VII
118: Ancestral Ward XI
118: Lethargy IV
118: Plague XI
119: Echoes of the Ancients IX
119: Lamenting Soul IV
119: Spirits X
119: Umbral Warding X

Tier 13 Level 120 - 129 Tier 14 Level 130 - 139

120: Ancestral Bolster
120: Ancestral Savior VIII
120: Ancestral Sentry V
120: Ebbing Spirit IV
120: Oberon VII
120: Polar Fire
120: Transcendence X
121: Ancestral Mettle X
121: Premonition XI
121: Prophetic Ward IX
121: Rejuvenation XIII
121: Torpor VII
121: Velium Winds XII
122: Lunar Attendant VIII
122: Ritual Healing XII
122: Runic Armor XI
122: Slothful Spirit VII
122: Spirit of the Mammoth X
122: Wrath of the Ancients IX
123: Ancestral Avatar VIII
123: Ancestral Balm VII
123: Deteriorate XI
123: Umbral Trap III
123: Ursine Avatar X
124: Ancestral Ward XII
124: Glacial Flames X
124: Haze VIII
124: Lethargy V
124: Plague XII
125: Ancestral Bolster II
125: Ancestral Savior IX
125: Ancestral Sentry VI
125: Ebbing Spirit V
125: Echoes of the Ancients X
125: Mystical Hex Ward - Epic 3.0
125: Lamenting Soul V
125: Oberon VIII
125: Polar Fire II
125: Spirits XI
125: Transcendence XI
125: Umbral Warding XI
126: Ancestral Mettle XI
126: Premonition XII
126: Prophetic Ward X
126: Rejuvenation XIV
126: Torpor VIII
126: Velium Winds XIII
127: Lunar Attendant IX
127: Ritual Healing XIII
127: Runic Armor XII
127: Slothful Spirit VIII
127: Spirit of the Mammoth XI
127: Wrath of the Ancients X
128: Ancestral Avatar IX
128: Ancestral Balm VIII
128: Deteriorate XII
128: Umbral Trap IV
128: Ursine Avatar XI
129: Ancestral Ward XIII
129: Glacial Flames XI
129: Haze IX
129: Lethargy VI
129: Plague XIII

130: Ancestral Bolster III
130: Ancestral Savior X
130: Ancestral Sentry VII
130: Ebbing Spirit VI
130: Echoes of the Ancients XI
130: Lamenting Soul VI
130: Mystical Hex Ward II
130: Oberon IX
130: Polar Fire III
130: Spirits XII
130: Transcendence XII
130: Umbral Warding XII

¥ - Available as a Grandmaster choice. See below.
¥¥ - Ancient Teaching Spells, only available as Adept I, Adept III and Master I.
* - Fun Spell
** - from Bloodline Chronicles Adventure Pack
*** - from Splitpaw Saga Adventure Pack
Elementalist Level 1-20 Etherealist Level 1-20 Geomancer Level 1-20 Thaumaturgist Level 1-20

Grandmaster Training Choices[]

Tier 2 - Level 14 Tier 3 - Level 24 Tier 4 - Level 34 Tier 5 - Level 44
Tier 6 - Level 54 Tier 7 - Level 64 Tier 8 - Level 75 Tier 9 - Level 85
Tier 10 - Level 95 Tier 11 - Level 105 Tier 12 - Level 115
  • Prophetic Ward VII
  • Torpor V
  • Spirit of the Mammoth VIII
  • Slothful Spirit V
  • Prophetic Ward VIII
  • Torpor VI
  • Spirit of the Mammoth IX
  • Slothful Spirit VI

All items (4)
