Legends of Norrath (LoN) was an online card game with connections to and rewards within EverQuest and EverQuest II. The game was shut down on August 17, 2016 and the LoN booster packs are no longer included with All Access Membership.
Important info for all EverQuest 2 Players:
- Although the card game is no longer available, you can purchase individual loot cards using the Marketplace. Loot cards are available for specific Legends of Norrath seasons and you can purchase packs which contain multiple loot cards.
- Loot cards award in-game items, such as mounts, cloaks, paintings, prestige housing deeds and more. The rewards are random, with paintings being the most common reward. Mounts and housing deeds are very rare rewards.
- Loot card items can be traded with other players and sold on the broker. You can also use the shared bank or mail to send items to your other characters on the same server.
- Loot cards can be purchased and traded on the Time-Locked Expansion (TLE) servers.
- A separate wiki, lon.wikia.com, was started by your friends here at EQ2i to focus more on the game and less on the EQ/EQ2 aspects.
Trending pages
All items (39)
- File:Lamp of the Djinn.jpg
- Legends of Norrath Cloak (Armor)
- Lightning Hands (Crate Reward)