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All items (102)
- Amulet of Decimation (Level 80)
- Amulet of Stealth (Level 80)
- Ancient Sarnak Skull (Level 78)
- Arcanic Epaulets of the Wasteland Magus (Level 78)
- Arcanic Gloves of the Wasteland Magus (Level 78)
- Arcanic Robe of the Wasteland Magus (Level 72)
- Arm Wraps of the Desert Madman (Level 78)
- Blasted Gauntlets of the Barren Duke (Level 78)
- Blasted Greaves of the Barren Duke (Level 78)
- Blasted Sabatons of the Barren Duke (Level 78)
- Blasted Vambraces of the Barren Duke (Level 78)
- Blessed Chain Bands of the Badland Scion (Level 78)
- Blessed Chain Boots of the Badland Scion (Level 78)
- Blessed Chain Pants of the Badland Scion (Level 78)
- Blessed Chest of the Badland Scion (Level 70)
- Blessed Chest of the Badland Scion (Level 78)
- Blessed Gauntlets of the Badland Scion (Level 78)
- Blessed Greaves of the Badland Scion (Level 70)
- Blessed Greaves of the Badland Scion (Level 78)
- Blessed Hauberk of the Badland Scion (Level 78)
- Blessed Leather Bracers of the Badland Scion (Level 78)
- Blessed Leather Tunic of the Badland Scion (Level 78)
- Book of Immortals
- Devourer (Assassin)
- Drachnid (Assassin)
- Drachnid (Coercer)
- Drachnid (Defiler)
- Drachnid (Warlock)
- Dreadscale Greaves
- Droag (Assassin)
- Droag (Berserker)
- Droag (Defiler)
- Droag (Guardian)
- Droag (Mystic)
- Droag (Shadowknight)
- Sash of the Frontier Runner (Level 78)
- Sokokar Spur Boots