EverQuest 2 Wiki
Class Information for Inquisitor
Type: Cleric (Priest) Inquisitor Icon
City: All Cities
Primary Stat: Wisdom
Armor: Plate Armor
Weapons: Hammers, Staffs, Great Hammers, Symbols
Shields: Bucklers, Symbols
Expert Spells: Spells (Rare Gem)
Links to All Relevant Categories for: Priest > Cleric > Inquisitor
Spells Equipment AAs and Prestige

The Inquisitor fulfills a militant support role by providing restorative and protective benefits to their allies. The Inquisitor is able to mend wounds and purge ailments of all sorts, while striking opponents with divine power.

Epic Weapon[]

Class Armor[]





Spells By Category[]

The first spell in each category is listed. See the detailed description for the full upgrade line.

Reactive Healing Buffs

Direct Heals




  • Damage and May Interrupt Enemy: Invocation (1)
  • Damage (Mental), Damage Gradually, and Lower Mental Resistance of Enemy : Torment (3)
  • Damage and Debuff Studied Enemies: Master's Smite (5)
  • Damage (Heat), Damage Gradually, and Lower Divine Resistance of Enemy: Purifying Flames (23)
  • Damage and Interrupt Grouped Enemies in Area: Litany (32)
  • Damage Enemy Encounter: Heretic's Doom (26)
  • Damage, Damage Gradually, and Lower WIS of Enemy: Smite Corruption (35)
  • Reduce Grouped Enemies with Low Health to 1 HP: Verdict (65)


  • Lower Mitigation and Resistances of Enemy: Condemn (2)
  • Lower INT and STR of Enemy: Deny (7)
  • Decrease Crushing, Piercing, Slashing and Ranged of Grouped Enemies in an Area: Forced Obedience (20)
  • Decrease Vampire's Strength and Stamina: Vitalic Theft (35)
  • Enemy Radiates Heals to Allies (Strength by Proximity): Inquisition (80)

Reverse Reactives

  • Damage and Stun Enemy After They Successfully Use a Combat Art or Spell: Repentance (18)
  • Enemy is Damaged After They Successfully Melee Attack: Vengeance (29)
  • Damage and Knock Down Enemies After they Cast a Beneficial Spell: Heresy (52)

Crowd Control

  • Lower Aggression and Help Radius of Enemy: Soothe (10)
  • Stun and Reduce Hate to Nearby Enemies: Disorientation (13)
  • Root and Stifle Enemy (Breakable): Incarcerate (39)
  • Scare, Then Mesmerise, Reduce Hate and Reduce Hate Gradually to Enemy: Tormenting Conversion (47)

Defensive Buffs

  • Increase Max Health of Group members and Increases Physical Mitigation of group Members: Sacred Armor (5)
  • Increase Group's Max Health and Arcane Resistance: Fanatic's Faith (16)
  • Allies are Healed After Receiving your Helpful Spells: Dogma (58)

Offensive Buffs

  • Group May Damage Enemy After Aggressive Spell Cast / Attack: Act of War (35)
  • Divine Retaliation Against Vampires: Sacred Shield (35)
  • Increase Group's INT, AGI, STR, WIS, Attack Haste (And Reuse Speed at Higher Levels) (Big Upkeep Cost): Fanaticism (50)

General Buffs

  • Increase Ally's Max Health and DPS: Tenacity (4)
  • Ally can Breathe Underwater: Enduring Breath (9)
  • Ally's Aggressive Spells / Attacks May Lower Enemy's Power and Increase Inquisitor's Power: Inquest (45)


  • Send Friend Home: Odyssey (13)
  • Group Water Breathing and Swim Speed: Swill (23)


Spells by Tier and Level[]

Tier 1 Level 1 - 9 Tier 2 Level 10 - 19 Tier 3 Level 20 - 29 Tier 4 Level 30 - 39

1: Invocation
1: Ministration
2: Condemn
3: Fanatical Healing
3: Torment
4: Tenacity
5: Sacred Armor
5: Divine Providence
6: Cure
6: Summon Food and Water
6: Wrath
7: Deny
7: Ministration II
8: Revive
9: Enduring Breath
9: Invocation II

10: Condemn II ¥
10: Fanatical Healing II
11: Divine Awakening
11: Torment II ¥
12: Penance ¥
13: Disorientation
13: Odyssey
14: Alleviation ¥
14: Malevolent Diatribe
15: Ministration III
15: Radiance
16: Fanatic's Faith
16: Tenacity II
17: Invocation III
18: Fanatical Healing III
18: Repentance
19: Penance II
19: Sacred Armor II

20: Bounty of the Virtuous ***
20: Forced Obedience
21: Deny II ¥
22: Ministration IV
22: Reforming Soul
23: Purifying Flames ¥
23: Swill
24: Condemn III ¥
25: Torment III
26: Heretic's Doom
26: Penance III ¥
27: Disorientation II
28: Alleviation II
28: Malevolent Diatribe II
29: Ministration V
29: Vengeance

30: Enforced Reverence *
30: Fanatic's Faith II
30: Soothe
30: Tenacity III
31: Invocation IV ¥
32: Fanatical Healing IV ¥
32: Litany
32: Repentance II
33: Sacred Armor III ¥
34: Forced Obedience II ¥
35: Act of War
35: Deny III
35: Detect Good *
35: Smite Corruption **
35: Theft of Vitality **
36: Resurgence
37: Purifying Flames II
38: Condemn IV
39: Incarcerate
39: Torment IV

Tier 5 Level 40 - 49 Tier 6 Level 50 - 59 Tier 7 Level 60 - 69 Tier 8 Level 70 - 79

40: Heretic's Doom II
40: Penance IV ¥
40: Summon Unholy Symbol *
41: Disorientation III
41: Redemption
42: Alleviation III
42: Malevolent Diatribe III ¥
42: Resolute Flagellant
43: Ministration VI ¥
43: Vengeance II ¥
44: Fanatic's Faith III
44: Tenacity IV
45: Inquest
45: Invocation V
45: Unholy Adept *
46: Fanatical Healing V
46: Litany II
46: Repentance III
47: Sacred Armor IV
47: Tormenting Conversion
48: Evidence of Faith
48: Forced Obedience III
49: Act of War II ¥
49: Deny IV

50: Conversion of the Soul
50: Fanaticism
50: Unholy Aura *
51: Purifying Flames III
52: Condemn V ¥
52: Heresy ****
53: Incarcerate II
53: Smite Corruption II ***
53: Torment V ¥
54: Penance V ¥
55: Disorientation IV
55: Fervent Faith ****
55: Heretic's Doom III
55: Redemption II
56: Alleviation IV
56: Malevolent Diatribe IV
56: Resolute Flagellant II
57: Ministration VII
57: Vengeance III
58: Dogma ****
58: Fanatic's Faith IV
58: Tenacity V
59: Inquest II
59: Invocation VI

60: Fanatical Healing VI ¥
60: Litany III
60: Repentance IV ¥
61: Sacred Armor V
61: Tormenting Conversion II
62: Forced Obedience IV ¥
63: Act of War III ¥
64: Deny V
65: Purifying Flames IV
65: Verdict
66: Condemn VI
67: Incarcerate III
67: Torment VI
68: Heretic's Doom IV
68: Penance VI
69: Disorientation V
69: Redemption III

70: Alleviation V
70: Fanaticism II
70: Malevolent Diatribe V
70: Resolute Flagellant III
71: Ministration VIII
71: Smite Corruption III
71: Vengeance IV ¥
72: Fanatic's Faith V ¥
72: Heresy II
72: Invocation VII ¥
72: Tenacity VI
73: Fanatical Healing VII
73: Inquest III
73: Repentance V
74: Fervent Faith II
74: Litany IV ¥
74: Sacred Armor VI
75: Act of War IV
75: Tormenting Conversion III
76: Deny VI
76: Dogma II
76: Forced Obedience V
77: Condemn VII
77: Incarcerate IV
77: Purifying Flames V
78: Penance VII
78: Torment VII
79: Disorientation VI
79: Heretic's Doom V
79: Malevolent Diatribe VI

Tier 9 Level 80 - 89 Tier 10 Level 90 - 99 Tier 11 Level 100 - 109 Tier 12 Level 110 - 119

80: Alleviation VI
80: Cure Curse
80: Fanaticism III
80: Gather Remains
80: Inquisition
80: Redemption IV
81: Ministration IX
81: Smite Corruption IV
81: Vengeance V
82: Fanatic's Faith VI
82: Heresy III
82: Invocation VIII
82: Tenacity VII
83: Fanatical Healing VIII ¥
83: Inquest IV ¥
83: Repentance VI
84: Fervent Faith III
84: Litany V ¥
84: Sacred Armor VII ¥
85: Act of War V
85: Tormenting Conversion IV
86: Deny VII
86: Dogma III
86: Forced Obedience VI
87: Condemn VIII
87: Incarcerate V
87: Purifying Flames VI
88: Penance VIII
88: Torment VIII
89: Disorientation VII
89: Heretic's Doom VI
89: Malevolent Diatribe VII

90: Alleviation VII
90: Fanaticism IV
90: Inquisition II
90: Redemption V
91: Ministration X
91: Smite Corruption V
91: Vengeance VI
92: Fanatic's Faith VII
92: Heresy IV
92: Invocation IX
92: Tenacity VIII
93: Fanatical Healing IX ¥
93: Inquest V ¥
93: Repentance VII
94: Fervent Faith IV
94: Litany VI ¥
94: Sacred Armor VIII ¥
95: Act of War VI
95: Tormenting Conversion V
96: Deny VIII
96: Dogma IV
96: Forced Obedience VII
97: Condemn IX
97: Purifying Flames VII
98: Penance IX
98: Torment IX
99: Disorientation VIII
99: Heretic's Doom VII
99: Malevolent Diatribe VIII

100: Alleviation VIII
100: Fanaticism V
100: Inquisition III
100: Redemption VI
101: Ministration XI ¥
101: Smite Corruption VI
101: Vengeance VIII
102: Heresy V
102: Invocation X
102: Tenacity IX
103: Fanatical Healing X
103: Inquest VI ¥
103: Repentance VIII
104: Fervent Faith V
104: Litany VII ¥
104: Sacred Armor IX
105: Act of War VII ¥
105: Tormenting Conversion VI
106: Deny IX
106: Dogma V
106: Forced Obedience VIII
107: Condemn X
107: Purifying Flames VIII
108: Penance X
108: Torment X
109: Disorientation IX
109: Heretic's Doom VIII
109: Malevolent Diatribe IX

110: Alleviation IX
110: Fanaticism VI
110: Inquisition IV
110: Redemption VII
111: Ministration XII ¥
111: Smite Corruption VII
111: Vengeance VIII
112: Fanatic's Faith IX
112: Heresy VI
112: Invocation XI
112: Tenacity X
113: Fanatical Healing XI
113: Inquest VII ¥
113: Repentance IX
114: Fervent Faith VI
114: Litany VIII ¥
114: Sacred Armor X
115: Act of War VIII ¥
115: Tormenting Conversion VII
116: Deny X
116: Dogma VI
116: Forced Obedience IX
117: Condemn XI
117: Incarcerate VI
117: Purifying Flames IX
118: Penance XI
118: Torment XI
119: Disorientation X
119: Heretic's Doom IX
119: Malevolent Diatribe X

Tier 13 Level 120 - 129 Tier 14 Level 130 - 139

120: Alleviation X
120: Divine Provenance
120: Fanaticism VII
120: Inquisition V
120: Redemption VIII
120: Resolute Flagellant IV
120: Sanctifying Flames
121: Fanatic's Faith X
121: Heresy VII
121: Invocation XII
121: Ministration XIII
121: Smite Corruption VIII
121: Tenacity XI
121: Vengeance IX
122: Fanatical Healing XII
122: Fervent Faith VII
122: Inquest VIII
122: Litany IX
122: Repentance X
122: Sacred Armor XI
123: Act of War IX
123: Deny XI
123: Dogma VII
123: Forced Obedience X
123: Tormenting Conversion VIII
124: Condemn XII
124: Incarcerate VII
124: Penance XII
124: Purifying Flames X
124: Torment XII
125: Alleviation XI
125: Disorientation XI
125: Divine Provenance II
125: Fanaticism VIII
125: Heretic's Doom X
125: Inquisition VI
125: Malevolent Diatribe XI
125: Redemption IX
125: Resolute Flagellant V
125: Sanctifying Flames II
125: Touch Of Resistance - Epic 3.0
126: Fanatic's Faith XI
126: Heresy VIII
126: Invocation XIII
126: Ministration XIV
126: Smite Corruption IX
126: Tenacity XII
126: Vengeance X
127: Fanatical Healing XIII
127: Fervent Faith VIII
127: Inquest IX
127: Litany X
127: Repentance XI
127: Sacred Armor XII
128: Act of War X
128: Deny XII
128: Dogma VIII
128: Forced Obedience XI
128: Tormenting Conversion IX
129: Condemn XIII
129: Incarcerate VIII
129: Penance XIII
129: Purifying Flames XI
129: Torment XIII

130: Alleviation XIII
130: Disorientation XII
130: Divine Provenance III
130: Fanaticism IX
130: Heretic's Doom XI
130: Inquisition VII
130: Malevolent Diatribe XII
130: Redemption X
130: Resolute Flagellant VI
130: Sanctifying Flames III
130: Touch of Resistance II

¥ - Available as a Grandmaster choice. See below.
* - Fun Spell
** - from Bloodline Chronicles Adventure Pack
*** - from Splitpaw Adventure Pack - improves with level up to 50 - same timer as Healing line
**** - from Desert of Flames Expansion
***** - from Echoes of Faydwer Expansion
Elementalist Level 1-20 Etherealist Level 1-20 Geomancer Level 1-20 Thaumaturgist Level 1-20

Grandmaster Training Choices[]

Tier 2 - Level 14 Tier 3 - Level 24 Tier 4 - Level 34 Tier 5 - Level 44
Tier 6 - Level 54 Tier 7 - Level 64 Tier 8 - Level 75 Tier 9 - Level 85
Tier 10 - Level 95 Tier 11 - Level 105 Tier 12 - Level 115

All items (4)
