Some of the information for individual zones may (or may not) be out of date, as keeping up all pages with the rate of game updates is difficult.
- See Housing: Availability by City for a more up-to-date list of the number or rooms and locations.
Housing Zones are small instances that all players can "own" and personalize within Everquest 2. Housing can be found in all of the major, player-inhabitable city zones.
- The location of many homes was changed with the Freeport revamp and the Qeynos revamp.
- Owning at least one house allows players 6 slots on the broker for selling their goods and 6 house vaults (similar to a personal bank).
See Also:
- A detailed guide to housing
- Housing is now available in two (major) types. The "old" type is Standard Housing and the (newer) type is Prestige Housing.
- For a comparison table of standard housing the includes the sizes, locations, and key features see Housing: Availability by City
- If you are decorating, see Decorating Houses and/or House Items By Type
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