EverQuest 2 Wiki
In-Game Guardian Alternate Advancements Tree
Click the icons for more detailed info on each AA
Enhance: InterceptEnhance: OverpowerEnhance: RuinEnhance: Battle CryEnhance: SentinelEnhance: SeverEnhance: ConcussionEnhance: Hunker DownEnhance: ModerateEnhance: Taunting BlowEnhance: Gut KickEnhance: PlantEnhance: RescueEnhance: RetaliateEnhance: SlamEnhance: Precise StrikeEnhance: Unyielding WillEnhance: Guardian SphereEnhance: ReinforcementEnhance: Sentry WatchLay WasteEnhance: DecimateEnhance: Tower of StoneGot Your BackDouble AttackCrippleBlockRuinous StrikeRally to CombatFight Through DeathGuardian's PhalanxImproved ModerationAggressive EntryLast Man StandingGuardian AA Tree
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