EverQuest 2 Wiki
For for the spell, see Guardian (Spell).
Class Information for Guardian
Type: Warrior (Fighter) Guardian Icon
City: All Cities
Primary Stat: Strength
Armor: Plate Armor
Weapons: Swords, Axes, Hammers, Spears, Staffs, Rapiers, Daggers, Great Swords, Great Axes, Great Hammers, Great Spears, Bows, Thrown Weapons; may dual wield
Shields: Bucklers, Round Shields, Kite Shields, Tower Shields
Expert Spells: Combat Arts (Rare Loam)
Links to All Relevant Categories for: Fighter > Warrior > Guardian
Spells Equipment AAs and Prestige

Those who seek up-close combat will find the melee-driven style of the Guardian to be to their liking. The Guardian is the front-line force in a party. Combining the power of armored protection and physical prowess, the Guardian can take large amounts of physical damage from enemies and remain standing. This style of combat requires the Guardian to be in close range with his target at all times. The Guardian’s role allows the less resilient members of his party to perform their roles more effectively.

Epic Weapon[]

Class Hat[]

Class Armor[]

Abilities By Category[]

The first ability in each spell line is included. See the detailed description for the full upgrade line.


Single Target Attacks

Area of Effect Attacks

Encounter Attacks

Temporary ("Battle") Buffs

Taunts and Buffs

  • Provoke (1) - Threat + Interrupt
  • Shout (8) - Encounter Threat
  • Goading Gesture (20) - Threat
  • Rescue (25) - Positional Hate Gain + Threat (long cooldown)
  • Plant (32) - AoE Threat + forces targets to target Caster
  • Recapture (80) - Increase Hate Position of all Fighters, Decrease Hate Position of all Non-Fighters


Self Buffs

  • Iron Will (28) - STA Buff and slow effect reduction

Group Buffs


Self Survival
  • Hunker Down (13) - Increase Phys Mit + Root Proc, Decrease Movement & Attack Speed
  • Unyielding Will (35) - Heal on receiving fatal blow. If triggered, die after 36 seconds
  • Tower of Stone (58) - Absorbs Damage greater than 10% of Caster's Max Health

Group Survival

  • Intercept (6) - Take some damage to reduce the damage an ally takes
  • Never Surrender (18) - Increase Parry + lets Group Friend use caster's avoidance
  • Sentinel (20) - Take some damage to reduce the damage an ally takes (mage/priest only)
  • Moderate (21) - Lets Group Friend use caster's avoidance + gives Hate Reduction
  • Guardian Sphere (50) - Stoneskin proc for group and self when hit
  • Sentry Watch (55) - Group Death Prevent + Increases Threat towards Caster on Trigger


Spells by Tier and Level[]

Tier 1 Level 1 - 9 Tier 2 Level 10 - 19 Tier 3 Level 20 - 29 Tier 4 Level 30 - 39

1: Overpower
1: Provoke
1: Singular Focus
2: Bash
3: Hold the Line
3: Taunting Blow
4: Armored
4: Forward Charge
5: Fighting Chance
5: Gut Kick
5: Master's Rage
6: Intercept
6: Overpower II
7: Assault
8: Bash II ¥
8: Shout ¥
9: Call to Arms
9: Provoke II ¥

10: Taunting Blow II
11: Ruin
12: Battle Cry
13: Hunker Down
14: Sever ¥
15: Hold the Line II
16: Armored II
16: Forward Charge II
17: Concussion
17: Provoke III
18: Battle Tactics
19: Gut Kick II

20: Goading Gesture ***
20: Hand of the Just *
20: Intercept II
20: Sentinel
21: Assault II
21: Moderate
21: Never Surrender
22: Shout II ¥
22: Slam ¥
23: Call to Arms II ¥
24: Call of Shielding
24: Taunting Blow III ¥
25: Rescue
25: Ruin II
26: Battle Cry II
26: Precise Strike
27: Bash III
27: Hunker Down II
28: Iron Will
28: Sever II
29: Hold the Line III
29: Overpower III

30: Armored III
30: Forward Charge III
31: Concussion II
31: Provoke IV ¥
32: Never Surrender II ¥
32: Plant
33: Battle Tactics II ¥
33: Gut Kick III
34: Intercept III
34: Sentinel II ¥
35: Assault III
35: Corpsecrush **
35: Moderate II
35: Unyielding Will
36: Shout III
36: Slam II
37: Call to Arms III
38: Call of Shielding II
38: Taunting Blow IV
39: Ruin III

Tier 5 Level 40 - 49 Tier 6 Level 50 - 59 Tier 7 Level 60 - 69 Tier 8 Level 70 - 79

40: Battle Cry III
40: Form of the Rook *
40: Precise Strike II
40: Retaliate ¥
41: Bash IV
41: Hunker Down III
42: Iron Will II ¥
42: Sever III
43: Hold the Line IV ¥
43: Overpower IV
44: Armored IV
44: Forward Charge IV
44: Taunting Assault ¥
45: Concussion III
45: Provoke V
46: Never Surrender III
46: Plant II
47: Battle Tactics III
47: Gut Kick IV
48: Sentinel III
49: Assault IV ¥
49: Moderate III

50: Guardian Sphere
50: Guardian's Sanctuary *
50: Shout IV ¥
50: Slam III
51: Call to Arms IV
52: Call of Shielding III ¥
52: Reinforcement ****
52: Taunting Blow V
53: Ruin IV
54: Battle Cry IV
54: Precise Strike III
54: Retaliate II ¥
55: Bash V
55: Hunker Down IV
55: Sentry Watch ****
56: Iron Will III
56: Sever IV
57: Hold the Line V
57: Overpower V
58: Armored V
58: Forward Charge V
58: Taunting Assault II
58: Tower of Stone ****
59: Concussion IV
59: Provoke VI

60: Never Surrender IV
60: Plant III
61: Battle Tactics IV
61: Gut Kick V
62: Sentinel IV ¥
63: Assault V ¥
63: Moderate IV
64: Shout V ¥
64: Slam IV ¥
65: Call to Arms V
65: Decimate ****
66: Call of Shielding IV
66: Taunting Blow VI
67: Ruin V
68: Battle Cry V
68: Precise Strike IV
68: Retaliate III
69: Bash VI
69: Hunker Down V

70: Guardian Sphere II
70: Iron Will IV
70: Sever V
71: Hold the Line VI
71: Overpower VI
71: Taunting Assault III
72: Armored VI
72: Forward Charge VI
72: Provoke VII ¥
73: Battle Tactics V ¥
73: Concussion V ¥
73: Plant IV
74: Gut Kick VI
75: Assault VI ¥
76: Call to Arms VI
76: Shout VI
76: Slam V
77: Call of Shielding V
77: Ruin VI
77: Taunting Blow VII
78: Decimate II
78: Precise Strike V
78: Retaliate IV
79: Bash VII
79: Battle Cry VI
79: Hunker Down VI

Tier 9 Level 80 - 89 Tier 10 Level 90 - 99 Tier 11 Level 100 - 109 Tier 12 Level 110 - 119

80: Guardian Sphere III
80: Iron Will V
80: Recapture 
80: Sever VI
80: Wrath of Vel'Arek - Epic 1.0
81: Hold the Line VII ¥
81: Overpower VII
81: Taunting Assault IV
82: Armored VII
82: Forward Charge VII
82: Provoke VIII ¥
83: Battle Tactics VI ¥
83: Concussion VI
83: Plant V
84: Gut Kick VII
85: Assault VII ¥
86: Call to Arms VII
86: Shout VII
86: Slam VI
87: Call of Shielding VI
87: Ruin VII
87: Taunting Blow VIII
88: Decimate III
88: Precise Strike VI
88: Retaliate V
89: Bash VIII
89: Battle Cry VII
89: Hunker Down VII

90: Iron Will VI
90: Sever VII
91: Hold the Line VIII ¥
91: Overpower VIII
91: Taunting Assault V
92: Armored VIII
92: Forward Charge VIII
92: Provoke IX ¥
93: Battle Tactics VII ¥
93: Concussion VII
93: Plant VI
94: Gut Kick VIII
95: Assault VIII ¥
96: Call to Arms VIII
96: Shout VIII
96: Slam VII
97: Call of Shielding VII
97: Ruin VIII
97: Taunting Blow IX
98: Decimate IV
98: Precise Strike VII
98: Retaliate VI
99: Bash IX
99: Battle Cry VIII
99: Hunker Down VIII

100: Guardian - Epic 2.0
100: Iron Will VII
100: Irresistible Force - Epic 2.0
100: Sever VIII
101: Hold the Line IX
101: Overpower IX ¥
101: Taunting Assault VI ¥
102: Armored IX ¥
102: Forward Charge IX
102: Provoke X
103: Battle Tactics VIII
103: Concussion VIII ¥
103: Plant VII
104: Gut Kick IX
105: Assault IX
106: Call to Arms IX
106: Shout IX
106: Slam VIII
107: Call of Shielding VIII
107: Ruin IX
107: Taunting Blow X
108: Decimate V
108: Precise Strike VIII
108: Retaliate VII
109: Bash X
109: Battle Cry IX
109: Hunker Down IX

110: Bulwark of Order
110: Iron Will VIII
110: Sever IX
111: Hold the Line X
111: Overpower X ¥
111: Taunting Assault VII ¥
112: Armored X ¥
112: Forward Charge X
112: Provoke XI
113: Battle Tactics IX
113: Concussion IX ¥
113: Plant VIII
114: Gut Kick X
114: Never Surrender V
115: Assault X
115: Moderate V
115: Sentinel V
116: Call to Arms X
116: Shout X
116: Slam IX
117: Call of Shielding IX
117: Ruin X
117: Taunting Blow XI
118: Decimate VI
118: Precise Strike IX
118: Retaliate VIII
119: Bash XI
119: Battle Cry X
119: Hunker Down X

Tier 13 Level 120 - 129 Tier 14 Level 130 - 139

120: Dissociate Limbs
120: Guardian Sphere IV
120: Iron Will IX
120: Sever X
120: Taunting Strike
121: Armored XI
121: Forward Charge XI
121: Hold the Line XI
121: Overpower XI
121: Provoke XII
121: Taunting Assault VIII
122: Battle Tactics X
122: Concussion X
122: Gut Kick XI
122: Never Surrender VI
122: Plant IX
123: Assault XI
123: Call to Arms XI
123: Moderate VI
123: Sentinel VI
123: Shout XI
123: Slam X
124: Call of Shielding X
124: Decimate VII
124: Precise Strike X
124: Retaliate IX
124: Ruin XI
124: Taunting Blow XII
125: Bash XII
125: Battle Cry XI
125: Bulwark of Order II
125: Dissociate Limbs II
125: Guardian Sphere V
125: Hunker Down XI
125: Iron Will X
125: Saving Grace - Epic 3.0
125: Sever XI
125: Taunting Strike II
126: Armored XII
126: Forward Charge XII
126: Hold the Line XII
126: Overpower XII
126: Provoke XIII
126: Taunting Assault IX
127: Battle Tactics XI
127: Concussion XI
127: Gut Kick XII
127: Never Surrender VII
127: Plant X
128: Assault XII
128: Call to Arms XII
128: Moderate VII
128: Sentinel VII
128: Shout XII
128: Slam XI
129: Call of Shielding XI
129: Decimate VIII
129: Precise Strike XI
129: Retaliate X
129: Ruin XII
129: Taunting Blow XIII

130: Bash XIII
130: Battle Cry XII
130: Bulwark of Order III
130: Dissociate Limbs III
130: Guardian Sphere VI
130: Hunker Down XII
130: Iron Will XI
130: Saving Grace II
130: Sever XII
130: Taunting Strike III

¥ - Available as a Grandmaster choice (see below)
* - Fun Spell
** - From Bloodline Chronicles Adventure Pack
*** - From Splitpaw Saga Adventure Pack (improves with level up to 50 - shares a reuse timer with the Provoke line)
**** - Ancient Teachings Ability
***** - From Echoes of Faydwer Expansion
Elementalist Level 1-20 Etherealist Level 1-20 Geomancer Level 1-20 Thaumaturgist Level 1-20

Grandmaster Training Choices[]

Tier 2 - Level 14 Tier 3 - Level 24 Tier 4 - Level 34 Tier 5 - Level 44
Tier 6 - Level 54 Tier 7 - Level 64 Tier 8 - Level 75 Tier 9 - Level 85
Tier 10 - Level 95 Tier 11 - Level 105 Tier 12 - Level 115

Alternate Advancements[]

All items (3)
