EverQuest 2 Wiki
EverQuest 2 Wiki
Race gruengach

Race: Gruengach

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According to the Lore and Legend book, Consequences of Thralldom, the gruengach are a race of goat-men native to the Plane of Nightmares. There, they serve Terris-Thule in whatever she desires. An erudite, hoping to open a portal to the Plane of Dreams, accidentally opens a portal to the Plane of Nightmares instead. The gruengach are then enslaved by the erudites and serve unwillingly as servants.

Gruengach can only be found in The Stonebrunt Highlands and in the various Erudin zones. A small splinter group of gruengach who call themselves Goahmari reside in The Great Divide in a secluded village. 

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