EverQuest 2 Wiki
Camp of the Legendary Wu

Camp of the Legendary Wu in the Lesser Faydark

Disciples of Wu (Faydwer)
Said to tbe the first and greatest of all human monks, Wu the Enlightened first came to The Lesser Faydark centuries ago and established a small camp. He spend years studying the ways of Nature, enjoying the solitude of the region. He became known as a true friend of Fay folk, honoring their ways and keeping the roads clear of the orcs who posed a threat in those years.
No known allies
No known enemies
This information is included from the base page, Disciples of Wu (Faction)
See also: Disciples of Wu (Good Faction) and Disciples of Wu (Bad Faction)

Disciples of Wu is a faction of monks in Lesser Faydark, found in the Faydwer category of factions.

All items (10)
