EverQuest 2 Wiki
Class Information for Defiler
Type: Shaman (Priest) Defiler Icon
City: Freeport, Neriak, Gorowyn
Primary Stat: Wisdom
Armor: Chain Armor
Weapons: Hammers, Spears, Staffs, Great Spears, Great Hammers, Symbols
Shields: Bucklers, a few kinds of Round Shields, Symbols
Expert Spells: Spells (Rare Gem)
Links to All Relevant Categories for: Priest > Shaman > Defiler
Spells Equipment AAs and Prestige

Those who crave power through the corruption and enslavement of the spirit world will find the Defiler class to be an ideal profession. The Defiler best serves as a first line of defense for the party, being able to heal wounds and remove ailments that afflict allies. The Defiler is also able to augment his allies' attributes or enhance their abilities in combat. In addition, the Defiler can weaken and harm enemies with magical attacks.

Epic Weapon[]

Class Armor[]

Kingdom of the Sky[]

Echoes of Faydwer[]

Rise of Kunark[]

The Shadow Odyssey[]

Sentinel's Fate[]

Destiny of Velious[]

Spells By Category[]

The first spell in each category is listed. See the detailed description for the full upgrade line.

Healing & Damage

Direct Heals



Buffs & Debuffs



Utility & Cures




  • Cure: (Noxious, Trauma, Elemental and Arcane) Cure (6)
  • Group Cure (physical, disease and poison): Mail of Souls (42)
  • Group Control Effect Cure: (Fear, hostile Root, hostile Stifle, hostile Stun, hostile Daze and hostile Mesmerize) Voice of the Ancestors (55)
  • Group Friend or Target: (Curses) Cure Curse (80)

Spells by Tier and Level[]

Tier 1 Level 1 - 9 Tier 2 Level 10 - 19 Tier 3 Level 20 - 29 Tier 4 Level 30 - 39

1: Dire Balm
1: Imprecate
2: Atrophy
3: Putrefy
3: Sacrificial Restoration
4: Harbinger
5: Divine Providence
5: Shroud of Armor
6: Cure
6: Summon Food and Water
6: Wrath
7: Abomination
7: Dire Balm II
8: Revive
9: Enduring Breath
9: Imprecate II

10: Atrophy II ¥
10: Sacrificial Restoration II
11: Putrefy II ¥
11: Spirit Guide
12: Ancient Shroud ¥
13: Spirit of the Wolf
13: Terror Chant
14: Carrion Warding ¥
14: Wild Accretion
15: Dire Balm III
15: Eidolic Ward
16: Harbinger II
16: Noxious Efflux
17: Imprecate III
18: Sacrificial Restoration III
18: Vehemence
19: Ancient Shroud II ¥
19: Shroud of Armor II

20: Bounty of the Virtuous ***
20: Sinister Countenance ¥
20: Yoppa's Rodent Form *
21: Abomination II
22: Dire Balm IV
22: Reanimate
23: Abominus
23: Fuliginous Whip ¥
24: Atrophy III ¥
25: Putrefy III
26: Ancient Shroud III
26: Bane of Warding
27: Terror Chant II
28: Carrion Warding II
28: Wild Accretion II
29: Crystallize Soul
29: Dire Balm V

30: Harbinger III ¥
30: Noxious Efflux II
30: Wunshi's Foul Sickening *
31: Imprecate IV
32: Absolute Corruption
32: Sacrificial Restoration IV ¥
32: Vehemence II
33: Shroud of Armor III ¥
34: Sinister Countenance II ¥
35: Abomination III
35: Tendrils of Horror
35: Turgur's Spirit Sight *
35: Umbral Trap **
36: Senescence
37: Fuliginous Whip II
38: Atrophy IV
39: Ancient Terror
39: Putrefy IV ¥

Tier 5 Level 40 - 49 Tier 6 Level 50 - 59 Tier 7 Level 60 - 69 Tier 8 Level 70 - 79

40: Ancient Shroud IV ¥
40: Bane of Warding II
40: Turgur's Instant Relief *
41: Ancestral Avenger
41: Terror Chant III
42: Carrion Warding III ¥
42: Mail of Souls
42: Wild Accretion III
43: Crystallize Soul II
43: Dire Balm VI ¥
44: Harbinger IV
44: Noxious Efflux III
45: Form of the Spirit Hawk *
45: Imprecate V
45: Invective
46: Absolute Corruption II
46: Sacrificial Restoration V
46: Vehemence III
47: Abhorrent Seal
47: Shroud of Armor IV
48: Purulence
48: Sinister Countenance III ¥
49: Abomination IV
49: Tendrils of Horror II

50: Juka's Smoldering Essence *
50: Maelstrom
50: Vivication
51: Fuliginous Whip III
52: Atrophy V ¥
52: Soul Cannibalize
53: Ancient Terror II ¥
53: Putrefy V
54: Ancient Shroud V ¥
54: Bane of Warding III
55: Ancestral Avenger II
55: Terror Chant IV
55: Voice of the Ancestors
56: Carrion Warding IV
56: Mail of Souls II
56: Wild Accretion IV
57: Crystallize Soul III
57: Dire Balm VII
58: Harbinger V
58: Noxious Efflux IV
58: Spiritual Circle
59: Imprecate VI
59: Invective II

60: Absolute Corruption III ¥
60: Sacrificial Restoration VI ¥
60: Vehemence IV
61: Abhorrent Seal II
61: Shroud of Armor V
62: Sinister Countenance IV
63: Tendrils of Horror III ¥
64: Abomination V ¥
65: Defile
65: Fuliginous Whip IV
66: Atrophy VI
67: Ancient Terror III
67: Putrefy VI
68: Ancient Shroud VI
68: Bane of Warding IV
69: Ancestral Avenger III
69: Terror Chant V

70: Carrion Warding V
70: Maelstrom II
70: Mail of Souls III
70: Wild Accretion V
71: Crystallize Soul IV
71: Dire Balm VIII
72: Harbinger VI
72: Imprecate VII
72: Noxious Efflux V
72: Soul Cannibalize II ¥
73: Invective III ¥
73: Sacrificial Restoration VII
73: Vehemence V ¥
74: Absolute Corruption IV ¥
74: Shroud of Armor VI
74: Voice of the Ancestors II
75: Abhorrent Seal III
76: Abomination VI
76: Sinister Countenance V
76: Spiritual Circle II
77: Ancient Terror IV
77: Fuliginous Whip V
78: Ancient Shroud VII
78: Defile II
78: Putrefy VII
79: Bane of Warding V
79: Carrion Warding VI
79: Terror Chant VI

Tier 9 Level 80 - 89 Tier 10 Level 90 - 99 Tier 11 Level 100 - 109 Tier 12 Level 110 - 119

80: Ancestral Avenger IV
80: Cure Curse
80: Deathward
80: Gather Remains
80: Maelstrom III
80: Nightmares - Epic 1.0
80: Tribal Spirit - Epic 1.0
80: Wild Accretion VI
81: Crystallize Soul V
81: Dire Balm IX
82: Harbinger VII
82: Imprecate VIII
82: Noxious Efflux VI
82: Soul Cannibalize III ¥
83: Invective IV
83: Sacrificial Restoration VIII ¥
83: Vehemence VI
84: Absolute Corruption V
84: Shroud of Armor VII ¥
84: Voice of the Ancestors III
85: Abhorrent Seal IV ¥
86: Abomination VII
86: Sinister Countenance VI
86: Spiritual Circle III
87: Ancient Terror V
87: Fuliginous Whip VI
88: Ancient Shroud VIII
88: Defile III
88: Putrefy VIII
89: Bane of Warding VI
89: Carrion Warding VII
89: Terror Chant VII

90: Ancestral Avenger V
90: Deathward II
90: Maelstrom IV
90: Wild Accretion VII
91: Crystallize Soul VI
91: Dire Balm X
92: Harbinger VIII
92: Imprecate IX
92: Noxious Efflux VII
92: Soul Cannibalize IV ¥
93: Invective V
93: Sacrificial Restoration IX ¥
93: Vehemence VII
94: Absolute Corruption VI
94: Shroud of Armor VIII ¥
94: Voice of the Ancestors IV
95: Abhorrent Seal V ¥
96: Abomination VIII
96: Sinister Countenance VII
96: Spiritual Circle IV
97: Fuliginous Whip VII
98: Ancient Shroud IX
98: Defile IV
98: Putrefy IX
99: Bane of Warding VII
99: Carrion Warding VIII
99: Terror Chant VIII

100: Ancestral Avenger VI
100: Corrupter's Resolve (deprecated)
100: Deathward III
100: Maelstrom V
100: Progenitor spirit - Epic 2.0
100: Retribution of the fallen - Epic 2.0
100: Wild Accretion VIII
101: Crystallize soul VII
101: Dire Balm XI
102: Harbinger IX ¥
102: Imprecate X
102: Noxious Efflux VIII
102: Soul Cannibalize V
103: Invective VI ¥
103: Sacrificial Restoration X
103: Vehemence VIII
104: Absolute Corruption VII
104: Shroud of Armor IX ¥
104: Voice of the Ancestors V ¥
105: Abhorrent Seal VI
106: Abomination IX
106: Sinister Countenance VIII
106: Spiritual Circle V
107: Fuliginous Whip VIII
108: Ancient Shroud X
108: Defile V
108: Putrefy X
109: Bane of Warding VIII
109: Carrion Warding IX
109: Terror Chant IX

110: Ancestral Avenger VII
110: Deathward IV
110: Maelstrom VI
110: Wild Accretion IX
111: Crystallize soul VIII
111: Dire Balm XII
112: Harbinger X ¥
112: Imprecate XI
112: Noxious Efflux IX
112: Soul Cannibalize VI
113: Invective VII ¥
113: Sacrificial Restoration XI
113: Tendrils of Horror IV
113: Vehemence IX
114: Absolute Corruption VIII
114: Shroud of Armor X ¥
114: Voice of the Ancestors VI ¥
115: Abhorrent Seal VII
115: Umbral Trap II
116: Abomination X
116: Atrophy VII
116: Sinister Countenance IX
116: Spiritual Circle VI
117: Ancient Terror VI
117: Fuliginous Whip IX
118: Ancient Shroud XI
118: Defile VI
118: Putrefy XI
119: Bane of Warding IX
119: Carrion Warding X
119: Terror Chant X

Tier 13 Level 120 - 129 Tier 14 Level 130 - 139

120: Ancestral Avenger VIII
120: Deathward V
120: Maelstrom VII
120: Mail of Souls IV
120: Malfeasance
120: Wild Accretion X
121: Crystallize Soul IX
121: Dire Balm XIII
121: Harbinger XI
121: Imprecate XII
121: Noxious Efflux X
121: Soul Cannibalize VII
122: Absolute Corruption IX
122: Invective VIII
122: Sacrificial Restoration XII
122: Shroud of Armor XI
122: Tendrils of Horror V
122: Vehemence X
122: Voice of the Ancestors VII
123: Abhorrent Seal VIII
123: Abomination XI
123: Atrophy VIII
123: Sinister Countenance X
123: Spiritual Circle VII
123: Umbral Trap III
124: Ancient Shroud XII
124: Ancient Terror VII
124: Defile VII
124: Fuliginous Whip X
124: Putrefy XII
125: Ancestral Avenger IX
125: Bane of Warding X
125: Caliginous Whip II
125: Carrion Warding XI
125: Deathward VI
125: Defiling Hex Ward - Epic 3.0
125: Maelstrom VIII
125: Mail of Souls V
125: Malfeasance II
125: Terror Chant XI
125: Wild Accretion XI
126: Crystallize Soul X
126: Dire Balm XIV
126: Harbinger XII
126: Imprecate XIII
126: Noxious Efflux XI
126: Soul Cannibalize VIII
127: Absolute Corruption X
127: Invective IX
127: Sacrificial Restoration XIII
127: Shroud of Armor XII
127: Tendrils of Horror VI
127: Vehemence XI
127: Voice of the Ancestors VIII
128: Abhorrent Seal IX
128: Abomination XII
128: Atrophy IX
128: Sinister Countenance XI
128: Spiritual Circle VIII
128: Umbral Trap IV
129: Ancient Shroud XIII
129: Ancient Terror VIII
129: Defile VIII
129: Fuliginous Whip XI
129: Putrefy XIII

130: Ancestral Avenger X
130: Bane of Warding XI
130: Caliginous Whip III
130: Carrion Warding XII
130: Deathward VII
130: Defiling Hex Ward II
130: Maelstrom IX
130: Mail of Souls VI
130: Malfeasance III
130: Terror Chant XII
130: Wild Accretion XII

¥ - Available as a Grandmaster choice. See below.
* - Fun Spell
** - from Bloodline Chronicles Adventure Pack
*** - from Splitpaw Saga Adventure Pack - scales up to level 50; uses same timer as Balm line
Elementalist Level 1-20 Etherealist Level 1-20 Geomancer Level 1-20 Thaumaturgist Level 1-20

Grandmaster Training Choices[]

Tier 2 - Level 14 Tier 3 - Level 24 Tier 4 - Level 34 Tier 5 - Level 44
Tier 6 - Level 54 Tier 7 - Level 64 Tier 8 - Level 75 Tier 9 - Level 85
Tier 10 - Level 95 Tier 11 - Level 105 Tier 12 - Level 115
  • Harbinger IX
  • Invective VI
  • Shroud of Armor IX
  • Voice of the Ancestors V
  • Harbinger X
  • Invective VII
  • Shroud of Armor X
  • Voice of the Ancestors VI


All items (4)
