EverQuest 2 Wiki
Banner of Crushbone Orcs

Clan Crushbone banner

Clan Crushbone (Faydwer)
The savage and cunning orcs of Clan Crushbone have long posed a threat to the inhabitants of Faydwer, maintaining one of the oldest and most feared orc empires on all of Norrath. The Crushbone occupy a large portion of Greater Faydark and are the major havoc-causing force in the region. They are actively trying to burn down Kelethin, and corrupt the natural land.

During the Crushbone Keep Timeline it is revealed that the Crushbone do not rule themselves, rather they are controlled by the dark elf D'Vinnian Court.

No known allies
This information is included from the base page, Clan Crushbone (Faction)
See also: Clan Crushbone (Good Faction) and Clan Crushbone (Bad Faction)

All items (126)
