EverQuest 2 Wiki
EverQuest 2 Wiki

City Task Timelines[]

Good Cities
Evil Cities


City Tasks in Kunark[]

City Tasks in the various zones of Kunark are obtained at the docks in Dreg's Landing, Kylong Plains. The Neriak, Gorowyn and New Halas representatives offer four writs for their single faction; the other agents offer one writ per their city's factions

City Tasks in Moors of Ykesha[]

All writ givers are on Dropship Landing Zone, near the cannon. The Neriak, Gorowyn and New Halas representatives offer four writs for their single faction; the other agents offer one writ per their city's factions

contain 5 controlling factions: one for each of the 4 player archetypes (Fighter, Priest, Mage, Scout) and one faction for Crafters.

City Tasks in Odus[]

All writ givers are in Paineel, good at the western lift and evil in the Hall of Necromancy. Each writ gives +200 faction with the four adventuring factions of the home city; Neriak, Gorowyn and New Halas writs reward +500 to their respective city faction

City Tasks in Velious and Ethernere[]

Great Divide and Eastern Wastes[]

City Tasks for the northern zones of Velious are obtained within the dwarven city of Thurgadin. Each writ gives +200 faction with the four adventuring factions of the home city; Neriak, Gorowyn and New Halas writs reward +500 to their respective city faction

Withered Lands, Eidolon Jungle and Obol Plains[]

City Tasks for the Withered Lands and all Ethernere are obtained on the Thurgadin Dock. Each writ gives +200 faction with the four adventuring factions of the home city; Neriak, Gorowyn and New Halas writs reward +500 to their respective city faction

  • Qeynos: Erline Dwerryhouse (in Thurgadin Harbor, Great Divide – location: 1278, -533, 516)
  • Kelethin: Alma Marigold
  • New Halas: Osgar Maxton
  • Freeport: Caius Arcadius
  • Neriak: Shanea K'Xaal
  • Gorowyn: Drezlok Sak'Xin

Guild Writs[]

Once your guild has reached high enough level, several Epic city tasks become available from:

These 'guild writs' must be completed in the following order, after which they can be specifically chosen:

All items (841)
