EverQuest 2 Wiki
Class Information for Channeler
Type: Shaper (Priest) Channeler Icon
City: All Cities
Primary Stat: Wisdom
Armor: Leather Armor
Weapons: Swords, Axes, Spears, Rapiers, Daggers, Bows, Thrown
Shields: Bucklers, Round Shields
Expert Spells: Spells (Rare Gem)
Links to All Relevant Categories for: Priest > Shaper > Channeler
Spells Equipment AAs and Prestige

Everquest 2 - A Channeler's Journey to 95 Part 1-1386995116

This is part one of many in a series showing Channeler gameplay up to level 95 - no commentary.

The Channeler is a leather armor-wearing, bow-wielding priest. Channelers use a pet called a Construct to absorb damage for a single group member, or to a lesser extent, their entire group. The Channeler can collect essences from different type of animals to customize the Construct's appearance and skills. The Construct cannot be directly targeted by enemies, and can only be healed via unique Channeler abilities called Conduits. Conduit spells use no power but instead increase the channeler's dissonance. Dissonance dissipates naturally over time making it possible for the channeler to continue casting Conduit spells.

A few helpful tips are given by the channeler trainers, Furl Ashenshatter in New Halas, or Moosk in Neriak, City of Hate.

The Channeler was originally released as part of the Tears of Veeshan expansion, and can now be unlocked via the Marketplace.

Epic Weapon[]

Class Armor[]

-Kingdom of Sky-




Leather priest series

Hybrid leather series

-PVP Servers Only-

FactCheck Some of the information in this article is disputed. Please verify the following information in game:

Will PVP Servers still exist after 2015 merge? If so, can someone verify these NPCs exist and what they have?

If you have personally verified this information in the game and it is correct and likely to be confused by many users, remove this tag, place the {{FactOK|info}} tag at the bottom of the page, and replace "info" with why you think the fact is correct. If the information is correct but unlikely to be confused, simply remove this tag and place a note on the talk page stating why the information is correct, supporting the correction with screenshots if necessary. If the information is incorrect, please edit this page, correct it, and remove the {{FactCheck}} tag. Thank you! --The EQ2i Admins.





The Construct[]

Spells By Category[]

The first spell in each category is listed. See the detailed description for the full upgrade line.

Healing, Cures, & Damage

Direct Heals



Buffs & Debuffs

Single Target Buffs

Self Buffs

Group Buffs

Debuffs & Crowd Control

Utility / Illusions



Fun spells

Conduit spells

All spells scale with level
Slot 1 and 2:

Slot 3:

Slot 4 to 8:

²: Reward of the Channeler Epic Weapon Timeline
³: Reward of the Achievement Triumph: Temple of Veeshan - Outer Halls

Spells and Combat Arts by Tier and Level[]

Tier 1 Level 1 - 9 Tier 2 Level 10 - 19 Tier 3 Level 20 - 29 Tier 4 Level 30 - 39

1: Create Construct

1: Create Construct
1: Point Blank
1: Shrink Construct
1: Vengeful Arrow
2: Apprentice's Cure
2: Healing Arrow
3: Vengeful Arrow II
4: Marisha Kur's Blessing
5: Divine Providence
5: Master's Smite
6: Cure
6: Wrath
6: Summon Food and Water
7: Shadow Bind
8: Revive
9: Enduring Breath

10: Advanced Chest
10: Advanced Thighs
10: Barrage ¥
10: Channel Essence
10: Channeler's Sight
11: Channel Soul
11: Healing Arrow II ¥
12: Vengeful Arrow III ¥
13: Shield of Blackwood
14: Salubrious Invocation ¥
15: Construct Regeneration ¢
15: Construct's Interception
15: Construct's Sacrifice
15: Marisha Kur's Blessing II ¥
15: Swift Aid ¢
17: Channeled Transference ¢
17: Shadow Bind II
18: Weapon Dissonance ¢

20: Barrage II
20: Bounty of the Virtuous :∅
20: Dissonant Decimation ¢
21: Healing Arrow III ¥
22: Vengeful Arrow IV ¥
23: Oxygen Tunnel
23: Shield of Blackwood II
24: Salubrious Invocation II ¥
25: Hidden Reserves ¢
25: Marisha Kur's Blessing III
26: Essence Weave ¢
27: Shadow Bind III ¥
28: Eye Shot
29: Construct's Sacrifice II ¥

30: Barrage III ¥
30: Barrier of Dissonance ¢
30: Quickened Regeneration ¢
31: Healing Arrow IV
32: Siphoned Protection
32: Vengeful Arrow V
33: Shield of Blackwood III
34: Salubrious Invocation III ¥
35: Marisha Kur's Blessing IV
35: Thir'Slaa's Shell
35: Triggered Rejuvenation
36: Channeled Resurrection
37: Interfering Noise ¢
37: Shadow Bind IV ¥
38: Eye Shot II ¥
39: Construct's Sacrifice III ¥

Tier 5 Level 40 - 49 Tier 6 Level 50 - 59 Tier 7 Level 60 - 69 Tier 8 Level 70 - 79

40: Barrage IV
40: Channeled Protection
40: Interpose Redirect ¢
40: Triggered Restoration ¢
41: Healing Arrow V
42: Brood Cure
42: Vengeful Arrow VI ¥
43: Shield of Blackwood IV
44: Salubrious Invocation IV
45: Enhanced Chest
45: Marisha Kur's Blessing V ¥
45: Truespirit Restoration ¢
46: Shadow Escape
47: Shadow Bind V
48: Eye Shot III
49: Construct's Sacrifice IV ¥

50: Barrage V ¥
50: Channeled Cleansing ¢
50: Channeled Protection II
50: Sanctuary of Darkness
51: Aura of Crippling ¢
51: Healing Arrow VI
52: Vengeful Arrow VII ¥
53: Shield of Blackwood V
54: Salubrious Invocation V
55: Marisha Kur's Blessing VI
55: Poison Bolt ¢
56: Brood Cure II ¥
57: Shadow Bind VI
58: Eye Shot IV ¥
59: Construct's Sacrifice V

60: Barrage VI
60: Channeled Protection III
60: Mist of Poison ¢
61: Healing Arrow VII
62: Vengeful Arrow VIII ¥
64: Salubrious Invocation VI ¥
64: Shield of Blackwood VI
65: Controlled Backlash ¢
65: Marisha Kur's Blessing VII
65: Vector of Life
66: Truespirit Defiance ¢
67: Shadow Bind VII ¥
68: Eye Shot V
69: Construct's Sacrifice VI

70: Barrage VII
70: Brood Cure III
70: Channeled Protection IV
70: Repair Overload ¢
71: Healing Arrow VIII ¥
72: Vengeful Arrow IX ¥
73: Shield of Blackwood VII
74: Salubrious Invocation VII
75: Marisha Kur's Blessing VIII ¥
75: Vector of Life II
76: Channeled Confusion ¢
77: Shadow Bind VIII
78: Eye Shot VI
79: Construct's Sacrifice VII

Tier 9 Level 80 - 89 Tier 10 Level 90 - 99 Tier 11 Level 100 - 109 Tier 12 Level 110 - 119

80: Barrage VIII
80: Channeled Protection V
80: Cure Curse
80: Gather Remains
81: Healing Arrow IX ¥
82: Vengeful Arrow X ¥
83: Shield of Blackwood VIII
84: Salubrious Invocation VIII
85: Marisha Kur's Blessing IX ¥
85: Vector of Life III ¥
86: Channeled Evacuation ¢
87: Shadow Bind IX
88: Eye Shot VII
89: Construct's Sacrifice VIII

90: Master Chest
90: Barrage IX
90: Channeled Protection VI
91: Healing Arrow X ¥
92: Vengeful Arrow XI ¥
93: Shield of Blackwood IX
94: Salubrious Invocation IX
95: Marisha Kur's Blessing X ¥
95: Vector of Life IV ¥
97: Shadow Bind X
98: Eye Shot VIII
99: Construct's Sacrifice IX

100: Barrage X
100: Channeled Protection VII
100: Combat Awareness - Epic 2.0
100: Emergency Power - Epic 2.0
101: Healing Arrow XI ¥
102: Vengeful Arrow XII ¥
103: Shield of Blackwood X
104: Salubrious Invocation X
105: Marisha Kur's Blessing XI ¥
105: Vector of Life V ¥
106: Fusillade
107: Shadow Bind XI
108: Eye Shot IX
109: Construct's Sacrifice X

110: Barrage XI
110: Channeled Protection VIII
111: Healing Arrow XII
112: Vengeful Arrow XIII
113: Shield of Blackwood XI
114: Salubrious Invocation XI
115: Marisha Kur's Blessing XII
115: Vector of Life VI
116: Fusillade II
117: Shadow Bind XII
118: Eye Shot X
119: Construct's Sacrifice XI

Tier 13 Level 120 - 129 Tier 14 Level 130 - 139

120: Barrage XII
120: Brood Cure IV
120: Channeled Protection IX
120: Distracting Shot
120: Precise Volley
121: Healing Arrow XIII
121: Vengeful Arrow XIV
122: Salubrious Invocation XII
122: Shield of Blackwood XII
123: Fusillade III
123: Marisha Kur's Blessing XIII
123: Vector of Life VII
124: Eye Shot XI
124: Shadow Bind XIII
125: Distracting Shot II
125: Barrage XIII
125: Brood Cure V
125: Channeled Protection X
125: Construct's Sacrifice XII
125: Forceful Channeling - Epic 3.0
125: Precise Volley II
126: Healing Arrow XIV
126: Vengeful Arrow XV
127: Salubrious Invocation XIII
127: Shield of Blackwood XIII
128: Fusillade IV
128: Marisha Kur's Blessing XIV
128: Vector of Life VIII
129: Eye Shot XII
129: Shadow Bind XIV

130: Barrage XIV
130: Brood Cure VI
130: Channeled Protection XI
130: Construct's Sacrifice XIII
130: Distracting Shot III
130: Forceful Channeling II
130: Precise Volley III

¥ - Available as a Grandmaster choice. See below.
♣ - Fun Spell
† - from Bloodline Chronicles Adventure Pack
∅ - from Splitpaw Saga Adventure Pack
¹ - from Echoes of Faydwer Expansion
² - from Rise of Kunark Expansion
¢ - This is a Conduit spell
Elementalist Level 1-25 Etherealist Level 1-25 Geomancer Level 1-25 Thaumaturgist Level 1-25

Grandmaster Training Choices[]

Tier 2 - Level 14 Tier 3 - Level 24 Tier 4 - Level 34 Tier 5 - Level 44
Tier 6 - Level 54 Tier 7 - Level 64 Tier 8 - Level 75 Tier 9 - Level 85
Tier 10 - Level 95 Tier 11 - Level 105 Tier 12 - Level 115
  • Healing Arrow XII
  • Vengeful Arrow XIII
  • Marisha Kur's Blessing XII
  • Vector of Life VI

All items (8)
