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EverQuest 2 Wiki
Deity symbol cazicthule
Cazic-Thule (Deity)
Your faction with the deity Cazic-Thule
No known allies
No known enemies
This information is included from the base page, Cazic-Thule (Faction)
See also: Cazic-Thule (Good Faction) and Cazic-Thule (Bad Faction)

Cazic-Thule, The Faceless
The Faceless
Alignment - Evil
Prophet - Danak Dhorentath

Cazic-Thule is allied with Rallos Zek and Innoruuk, and the enemy of Mithaniel and Erollisi Marr. Followers of the Faceless fear their Lord and believe that only by causing terror in others will they be spared his vengeful wrath. Fear rules their lives and through fear they rule the lives of others. Pain, misery, violence, torture, living sacrifice - these are the tools of a Cazicite. Many lizardman tribes are devout followers of Cazic-Thule, but his number of humanoid followers grows daily, a cold shadow slowly engulfing the bright spots of Norrath in a nightmare of horror and pain. [Source]

See Cazic-Thule's Blessings and Miracles

All items (5)
