This is the category page for individual books (written by the developers) and blank notebooks that can be placed in player housing. See the Player-written books page for information on creating unique books out of notebooks.
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All items (879)
- "1st Lieutenant Danarg, 291 AS" (Quest Starter)
- "Adventures of Jorbo and Mappy" (House Item)
- "Bronsin" (House Item)
- "Destroyer's Folly" (House Item)
- "Dragoon Zytl - Black Rank" (House Item)
- "Dragoon Zytl - Black Rank" (Quest Starter)
- "Dragoon Zytl - Blood Rank" (House Item)
- "Dragoon Zytl - Blood Rank" (Quest Starter)
- "Dragoon Zytl - Green Rank" (House Item)
- "Dragoon Zytl - Green Rank" (Quest Starter)
- "Horguz" (House Item)
- "More Adventures of Jorbo and Mappy" (House Item)
- "Remembrances - Berrox" (House Item)
- "Remembrances - DyzAz" (House Item)
- "Remembrances - Norrath" (House Item)
- "Remembrances - Prime" (House Item)
- "Remembrances - Tel'riia'mil'an'ane'ie" (House Item)
- "Ship's Log - Bountiful Mane" (House Item)
- "The Age of Cataclysms" (House Item)
- "The Age of Monuments" (House Item)
- "The Age of Scale" (House Item)
- "The Lyresmith Poetry Collection - Children's Rhymes" (House Item)
- "The Pirate Queen and the Heart" (House Item)
- "The Pirate Queen and the Map" (House Item)
- "The Pirate Queen and the Nightmare Creature" (House Item)
- "The Pirate Queen and the Seafury Buccaneers" (House Item)
- "The Pirate Queen and the Temple" (House Item)
- "The Words of Freedom" (House Item)
- "Watcher of the Mauls Theriig" (House Item)
- 1st Lieutenant Danarg, 291 AS (CollectionReward)
- 1st Lieutenant Danarg, 291 AS (Version 2)
- 1st Lieutenant Danarg, 313 AS (CollectionReward)
- 1st Lieutenant Danarg, 313 AS (House Item)
- 1st Lieutenant Danarg, 315 AS (CollectionReward)
- 1st Lieutenant Danarg, 315 AS (House Item)
- 1st Lieutenant Dergud, 263 AS (CollectionReward)
- 1st Lieutenant Dergud, 263 AS (House Item)
- 1st Lieutenant Dergud, 279 AS (House Item)
- 1st Lieutenant Dergud, 279 AS (Item)
- 1st Lieutenant Dergud, 289 AS (CollectionReward)
- 1st Lieutenant Dergud, 289 AS (House Item)
- 1st Lieutenant Mugreeza, 289 AS (CollectionReward)
- 1st Lieutenant Mugreeza, 289 AS (House Item)
- 1st Lieutenant Mugreeza, 290 AS (CollectionReward)
- 1st Lieutenant Mugreeza, 290 AS (House Item)
- 1st Lieutenant Mugreeza, 291 AS (CollectionReward)
- 1st Lieutenant Mugreeza, 291 AS (House Item)
- Abyssal Leather Notebook
- Abyssal Maldura Notebook
- Adventures of Jorbo and Mappy (House Item)
- Aerakyn History Here and There
- After The Shifting (Item)
- The Age of Destiny (House Item)
- An Agenda to Carry Out
- Alliz Evol Ew (CollectionReward)
- Alliz Evol Ew (House Item)
- Alliz Onu (CollectionReward)
- Alliz Onu (House Item)
- Alliz Tae Ew (CollectionReward)
- Alliz Tae Ew (House Item)
- The Amygamalion - The Dulling (House Item)
- The Amygamalion - The Form (House Item)
- The Amygamalion - The Four That Are We (House Item)
- Anatomy of the Fathomlurker
- Anaz Mal, Blackfang (Item)
- Ancient Grimoire
- The Ant Tale (Item)
- Anton's Bound Writings
- Antonica Creature Catalog (House Item)
- Antonica Creature Catalog (QuestReward)
- Arasai -Hate Gives Rise To Another Superior Race! (Version 2)
- Architecture of the Vermin's Snye (House Item)
- The Archtome of Haoaera
- Ardathium, Volume I
- Ardathium, Volume II
- Ardathium, Volume III
- Ardathium, Volume IV
- Ardathium, Volume V
- Ardathium, Volume VI
- The Art of Killing Iksar (CollectionReward)
- Assistant Researcher's Notes, Vol. 3, The High Council of Erudin
- At Low Tide (House Item)
- Atrebe's Sniveling Children
- Aversion (House Item)
- The Awakened (Item)
- The Barren Sky Creature Catalog
- Basic Mining Guide, Part One (House Item)
- Basic Mining Guide, Part Two (House Item)
- Bear Hide Leather Notebook
- Bear Hide Notebook
- Bert's Big Book of Health (Book)
- Bestest Orc Emperors (Version 1)
- Bestest Orc Emperors (Version 2)
- Beyond the Rune
- The Big Bang Theory (Item)
- Bird Watching - The Beast of the Enchanted Lands, Part I (CollectionReward)
- Bird Watching - The Beast of the Enchanted Lands, Part II (CollectionReward)
- The Blood of the Bear, Part One (House Item)
- The Blood of the Bear, Part Three (House Item)
- The Blood of the Bear, Part Two (House Item)
- The Bonemire Creature Catalog
- The Book of Baylzuthak (Book)
- The Book of Bound Mithril
- The Book of Days Past
- A Book of Gnollish Orders (Book)
- Book of Power
- Book of Sacrifice
- Book of the Dead (Book)
- The Book of Thex (House Item)
- Book of Trials
- Bootstrutter's Field Guide to the Misty Thicket
- Bootstrutter's Trail Guide to the Desert of Ro (Book)
- Bootstrutter's Trail Guide to the Desert of Ro (House Item)
- Brien - Clan Icereaver (CollectionReward)
- Brien - Clan Icereaver (Version 2)
- Bristled Leather Notebook
- Captain's Logbook - The Tidebreaker
- The Case of the Curious Coalition Housing Inspector
- The Case of the Ursa Rhym
- A charred book
- Chronicle of Gromok, Volume I
- Chronicle of Gromok, Volume II
- Chronicle of Gromok, Volume III
- Chronicle of Gromok, Volume IV
- Cleaning with the Cryptkeeper (House Item)
- The Cleft Dweller (Item)
- Clefts of Rujark Creature Catalog
- Clockwork Chirurgeon User Manual
- Collapse (Book)
- Collapse (House Item)
- Collected Stories of Serpent Sewer (House Item)
- The Collected Tales of the Ethernauts
- Collected Writings of Trepa
- A Collection of Epitaphs (House Item)
- The Coming of the True Creator
- Coming to Kunark
- The Commander's Wife (House Item)
- Commonlands Creature Catalog (QuestReward)
- Consequences of Thralldom
- The Contentment (House Item)
- The Contentment (Version 2)