EverQuest 2 Wiki
Class Information for Beastlord
Type: Animalist (Scout) Beastlord Icon
City: All Cities
Primary Stat: Agility
Armor: Chain Armor
Weapons: Brawler Crushing, Spears, Rapiers, Daggers, Thrown; may dual-wield;
Shields: Bucklers, Round Shields
Expert Spells: Combat Arts (Rare Loam)
Links to All Relevant Categories for: Scout > Animalist > Beastlord
Spells Equipment AAs and Prestige

Epic Weapon[]

Class Armor[]

-Deathfist Citadel

-Kingdom of Sky-

-Echoes of Faydwer-


-The Shadow Odyssey-

-Destiny of Velious-

Lore Timeline[]


Combat Arts By Category[]

The first spell (and level) of each type is listed. See the detailed description for the full upgrade line.

Damage and non Damage

Any Position

Back or Side

Ranged CAs

Snare and Debuff


Hate Control

Summon Warder


Self Buffs

Group Buffs

Warder related




All spells scale with level
slot 1:Flurry of Claws
slot 1:Feral Rending
slot 2:Callous Ferocity
slot 2:Hawk Eyes
slot 3:Shiverback Endemic
slot 3:Neurotoxic Venom
slot 4:Glacial Roar
slot 4:Feral Pounce

slot 1:Astral Ravaging
slot 1:Spiritual Feast
slot 2:Frigid Fortification
slot 2:Truespirit Claws
slot 3:Noxious Assault
slot 3:Bestial Vehemence
slot 4:Savage Resilience
slot 4:Beastsoul


All spells scale with level
slot 1:Claw of Khati Sha
slot 1:Shadow Leap - from Warder
slot 2:Shalih Mar's Mandate
slot 2:Venom Fangs - from Warder
slot 2:Noxious Grasp - from Warder
slot 3:Truespirit Venom
slot 3:Silent Talon - from Warder
slot 4:Luclin's Pain
slot 4:Savage Ravaging - from Warder
slot 4:Sonic Screech - from Warder
slot 5:Draconic Breath - from Warder
slot 6:Brutal Beatdown - from Warder

slot 1:Restoration of Marisha Kur
slot 1:Energizing Assault - from Warder
slot 1:Rapid Flurry - from Warder
slot 2:Chillbarrier
slot 2:Ferocious Roar - from Warder
slot 3:Kaldrahir's Leadership
slot 3:Wild Goring - from Warder
slot 3:Courageous Scarring - from Warder
slot 4:U'lla's Resolution
slot 4:Grinning Onslaught - from Warder
slot 5:Enchanted Barrier - from Warder
slot 6:Astral Soulsiphon - from Warder

Spells and Combat Arts by Tier and Level[]

Tier 1 Level 1 - 9 Tier 2 Level 10 - 19 Tier 3 Level 20 - 29 Tier 4 Level 30 - 39

1: Quick Swipe
1: Spiritshroud
1: Summon Warder
1: Singular Focus $
1: Tracking
2: Rush
3: Glacial Lance
4: Cheap Shot
4: Pathfinding
5: Lucky Break
5: Sinister Strike
5: Spinechiller Blood
6: Evade
6: Hilt Strike
6: Sharpened Claws
6: Vine Net
7: Quick Swipe II
8: Rush II
9: Glacial Lance II

10: Call Warder
10: Shrink Warder
10: Stare Down
10: Tame Warder
11: Spinechiller Blood II ¥
12: Quick Swipe III ¥
13: Rush III ¥
14: Glacial Lance III ¥
15: Feral Stance
16: Vine Net II ¥
17: Spinechiller Blood III
18: Evade II
18: Flurry of Claws ¢ FA
19: Callous Ferocity ¢ FA

20: Claw of Khati Sha ¢ FP
20: Eyes of the Truespirit ƒ
20: Primality
20: Shalih Mar's Mandate ¢ FP
20: Trick of the Hunter
21: Shiverback Endemic ¢ FA
22: Glacial Roar ¢ FA
22: Quick Swipe IV ¥
23: Rush IV ¥
24: Glacial Lance IV ¥
25: Escape
25: Luclin's Pain ¢ FP
25: Truespirit Venom ¢ FP
26: Vine Net III
27: Spinechiller Blood IV ¥
28: Chilling Claws ¥
29: Savage Ruin ¥

30: Astral Ravaging ¢
30: Astral Soulsiphon ¢ SA
30: Chillbarrier ¢ SP
30: Courageous Scarring ¢
30: Rapid Flurry ¢
30: Restoration of Marisha Kur ¢ SP
30: Spiritual Stance
30: Spirituality
30: Venom Fangs ¢
31: Frigid Fortification ¢ SA
32: Bestial Vehemence ¢ SA
32: Evade III
32: Quick Swipe V ¥
33: Rush V
33: Savage Resilience ¢ SA
34: Glacial Lance V
35: Dreadfang
35: Kaldrahir's Leadership ¢ SP
35: Thirsting Veil
35: U'lla's Resolution ¢ SP
36: Vine Net IV
37: Spinechiller Blood V ¥
38: Chilling Claws II ¥
39: Savage Ruin II

Tier 5 Level 40 - 49 Tier 6 Level 50 - 59 Tier 7 Level 60 - 69 Tier 8 Level 70 - 79

40: Hand of the Truespirit ƒ
41: Feral Rending ¢FA
42: Quick Swipe VI ¥
43: Rush VI ¥
44: Glacial Lance VI
46: Evade IV
46: Vine Net V
47: Spinechiller Blood VI ¥
48: Chilling Claws III
49: Savage Ruin III ¥

50: Visage of the Truespirit ƒ
51: Hawk Eyes ¢ FA
51: Spiritual Feast ¢ SA
52: Quick Swipe VII ¥
53: Rush VII ¥
54: Glacial Lance VII ¥
56: Vine Net VI ¥
57: Spinechiller Blood VII ¥
58: Chilling Claws IV ¥
59: Savage Ruin ¥

60: Evade V
61: Neurotoxic Venom ¢ FA
61: Truespirit Claws ¢ SA
62: Quick Swipe VIII
63: Rush VIII ¥
64: Glacial Lance VIII ¥
65: Fire Seeds
66: Vine Net VII
67: Spinechiller Blood VIII
68: Chilling Claws V ¥
69: Savage Ruin V ¥

71: Feral Pounce ¢ FA
71: Noxious Assault ¢ SA
72: Quick Swipe IX ¥
73: Evade VI
73: Rush IX ¥
74: Glacial Lance IX ¥
76: Vine Net VIII
77: Spinechiller Blood IX
78: Chilling Claws VI
79: Savage Ruin VI ¥

Tier 9 Level 80 - 89 Tier 10 Level 90 - 99 Tier 11 Level 100 - 109 Tier 12 Level 110 - 119

81: Beastsoul ¢ SA
82: Quick Swipe X ¥
83: Rush X ¥
83: Evade VII
84: Glacial Lance X ¥
86: Vine Net IX
87: Spinechiller Blood X
88: Chilling Claws VII
89: Savage Ruin VI ¥

90: Master of Beasts - Epic Weapon Quest
92: Quick Swipe XI
93: Evade VIII
93: Rush XI ¥
94: Glacial Lance XI
96: Vine Net X
97: Spinechiller Blood XI
98: Chilling Claws VIII
99: Savage Ruin VIII

100: Altered Beast - Epic 2.0
100: Savage Allies - Epic 2.0
101: Warder's Ferocity ¥
102: Quick Swipe XII ¥
103: Evade IX
103: Rush XII ¥
104: Glacial Lance XII ¥
105: Savage Rake
106: Vine Net XI
107: Spinechiller Blood XII
108: Chilling Claws IX
109: Savage Ruin IX

110: Feral Destruction
111: Warder's Ferocity II
112: Quick Swipe XIII
113: Evade X
113: Rush XIII
114: Glacial Lance XIII
115: Savage Rake II
116: Vine Net XII
117: Spinechiller Blood XIII
118: Chilling Claws X
119: Savage Ruin X

Tier 13 Level 120 - 129 Tier 14 Level 130 - 139

120: Feral Destruction II
120: Savage Beating
120: Shred
121: Quick Swipe XIV
121: Warder's Ferocity III
122: Evade XI
122: Glacial Lance XIV
122: Rush XIV
123: Savage Rake III
123: Vine Net XIII
124: Chilling Claws XI
124: Spinechiller Blood XIV
125: Animalistic Intent - Epic 3.0
125: Feral Destruction III
125: Savage Beating II
125: Savage Ruin XI
125: Shred II
126: Quick Swipe XV
126: Warder's Ferocity IV
127: Evade XII
127: Glacial Lance XV
127: Rush XV
128: Savage Rake IV
128: Vine Net XIV
129: Chilling Claws XII
129: Spinechiller Blood XV

130: Animalistic Intent II
130: Feral Destruction IV
130: Savage Beating III
130: Savage Ruin XII
130: Shred III

¥ - Available as a Grandmaster choice. See below.
ƒ - Fun spell.
◊ - from completing any Lore and Legend quest.
♣ - Combat Art gained from Splitpaw Adventure Pack - improves with level up to 50
$ - This spell is not automatically received, but may be purchased from a Jeweler, Broker or Trainer
¢ WP - This spell comes from your Warders once they reach level 6 (Rank: Grandmaster + next level)
¢ FA - Feral Advantage
¢ FP - Feral Primal
¢ SA - Spiritual Advantage
¢ SP - Spiritual Primal
Elementalist Level 1-25 Etherealist Level 1-25 Geomancer Level 1-25 Thaumaturgist Level 1-25

Grandmaster Training Choices[]

Tier 2 - Level 14 Tier 3 - Level 24 Tier 4 - Level 34 Tier 5 - Level 44
Tier 6 - Level 54 Tier 7 - Level 64 Tier 8 - Level 75 Tier 9 - Level 85
Tier 10 - Level 95 Tier 11 - Level 105 Tier 12 - Level 115

All items (10)
