EverQuest 2 Wiki
EverQuest 2 Wiki
Bastion of the Tranquil (Sentinel's Fate)
No known allies
No known enemies
This information is included from the base page, Bastion of the Tranquil (Faction)
See also: Bastion of the Tranquil (Good Faction) and Bastion of the Tranquil (Bad Faction)

From Kristabella on the EQ2 Forums @ https://forums.daybreakgames.com/eq2/index.php?threads/bastion-of-the-tranquil-faction-epic-2-0.580182/

To even get to the part where you can do the Bastion of Tranquil repeatable, you MUST complete:

    • The City of Paineel - 42 Quests
    • The Eye of Dartain - 14 Quests
    • Stonebrunt Encampment - 18 Quests
    • Toxxulia Forest - 3 Quests
    • Kera Isle - 30 Quests
    • Hua Mein Village - 40 Quests

I printed them all out and have to mark them off one by one as I do them, so I know I haven't missed anything if I get stuck. The 40th Quest for the Hua Mein Village is called Handbook for the Recently Departed, this particular quest MUST be completed, to get the Bastion of the Tranquil repeatable quest. I haven't gotten that far yet, so I don't know how many times exactly you must repeat it, to get the required faction. If someone knows, please chime in here. So, just to get Bastion of Tranquil faction repeatable quest, you must first do 147 GREY quests, THEN add however many repeatables to max out the faction needed. (50k) THEN you also need the following as well: You need 50k faction with Zou'Lidelas (Faction) in Thalumbra, the Ever Deep Great Divide Timeline - Othmir - 21 quests Cobalt Scar Timeline - Othmir - 21 quests I know every class' Epic 2.0 has some faction grinding but really 147 quests + mind boggling repeatables until you puke or get 50k faction, just to so you can purchase 1 item, and you gotta spend 500plat after doing all these quests!!!: [Potion of huge wave of peace / Dram of The Tranquil - Purchased from Al'Diun Stirhinis with 50K faction with Bastion of the Tranquil (Faction) for 500p ]

Why does DBG not see this is ridiculous. Other classes have faction to do but really this many for all the other classes too?

All items (25)
