EverQuest 2 Wiki
For other articles with related titles, see Cataloguing Vesspyr: Harrowing Horde.

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EverQuest II Item Information
Type: Pattern
Cataloguing Vesspyr: Harrowing Horde
Item 716
Insight into the Harrowing Horde in the Vesspyr Isles may prove useful. This quest may only be accepted once every ten hours.
Offers the Quest
'Cataloguing Vesspyr: Harrowing Horde'
Creates Items:

Harrowing Horde Plushie

Item 2241
Obtain: This item can be purchased from City Merchant vendors for 6p 37,000,000 status

\aITEM -1988072484 1757124676:Cataloguing Vesspyr: Harrowing Horde\/a \aITEM -1988072484 1757124676:Cataloguing Vesspyr: Harrowing Horde\/a
What does this information mean?

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