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Cat's Whisker
A throwback in design, this staff brings the old kind of fire and brimstone to the field of battle.
Item 3717
White Adornment Slot White Adornment Slot Yellow Adornment Slot Yellow Adornment Slot 
311 Primary Attributes 311 Stamina
39.5% Haste
27% Multi Attack
101.1% Crit Chance
18.6% Crit Bonus
18.6%  Potency
10% Reuse Speed
Two-Handed Crushing
Damage 188 - 1067     Two-Handed Crushing
Delay 7.0 seconds    (179.28 Rating)
Level 90 (Tier 10)
All Fighters, All Priests, All Mages, Beastlord
Obtain: From the Exquisite Chest of Sheekla the Ether Fang in The Eidolon Jungle.

\aITEM -2014481528 -1560520786:Cat's Whisker\/a \aITEM -2014481528 -1560520786:Cat's Whisker\/a
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