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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Heritage  (AA)
Introduced Echoes of Faydwer
Journal Level 60 (Tier 7)
Journal Difficulty Epic
Starting Zone Greater Faydark more
How to Start Speak to Master Bowyer Mossberge in Tunare's Pages in Kelethin460, 97, 360 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI
part of: Heritage Quests Timeline
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  1. Speak to Ranger Oast at the head of The Long Draw in Loping Plains. ( -50, 12, -435 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI
    • If Ranger Oast is not up, a wounded werewolf will spawn nearby as you approach instead. Kill it to spawn Oast.
  2. Speak to Captain Trueshot in The Lesser Faydark, south of the Camp of the Legendary Wu. ( 941, 81, -180 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI
  3. Collect the materials to create a Rain Caller bow:
    • Spool of Dwarven Wire: Buy Old Fashioned Dwarven Wire from Horon Bronzethumb in West Fort Irontoe in Butcherblock Mountains. ( -220, 211, -137 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI
    • Bough of Moonlight Wood: Click on the Moonlight Tree, located on a cliff near the New Tunaria entrance in Greater Faydark-1009, 115, 427 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI, and only appears between 10pm and 4am Norrath Time.
    • Gold Fairy Dust: Speak to Princess Saphronia in Kelethin389, 145, 164 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI. The princess will give you a Bag of Gold Fairy Dust for free if you are Fae, or if you have +50,000 faction with The City of Kelethin (needs confirmation). If you do not satisfy one of the above requirements then the princess will offer you the sub-quest, Saphronia's Request, which will reward you the bag of gold fairy dust.
      • Evil characters: Enter the house from the edge of the platform side and stay left against the wall as you go in. There is a level 125 epicx4 guard pathing around outside and a stationary level 95 heroic inside. Both CAN be avoided with care. The epic guard has been known to get stuck right outside the door. In this case he will be impossible to get past and will need to be reset (or find a high-level friend to dispose of him).
    • 2 perfect micro servos: Kill high-level (52+) clockworks in Klak'Anon.
      • NOTE: Remember to pick up the sub-quest from Princess Saphronia before going to Klak'Anon, otherwise you will have to back track.
  4. Return to Kelethin and speak with Master Bowyer Mossberge. ( 458, 98, 361 ) Copy
  5. Speak with Fethinal the Enchanted inside his hollowed-out stump in Greater Faydark ( -838, 71, 542 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI, who will enchant the bow and give you the Newly Created Rain Caller Bow.
  6. Return to Captain Trueshot in the Lesser Faydark. ( 940, 80, -179 ) Copy
  7. Kill the werewolf dragoons:
    • Dragoon Lt. V'Riv (58^^^) in Butcherblock Mountains. ( -294, 183, 704 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI
    • Dragoon Lt. K'Geth (58^^^) in the Lesser Faydark, on top of the gigantic tree root The Fugutr Tribe. ( 200, 14, -279 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI
  8. Kill Dragoon Cpt. K'Venx (58^^^) in The Shadowed Grove in the Lesser Faydark. ( 322, 0, 561 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI
    • Once in the Shadowed Grove head to your left and climb the long root up to the ledge, K'Venx will spawn when you arrive.
    • K'Venx uses knockback, so keep yourself up against a wall. If you get knocked back and fail to get the quest update when K'Venx dies, run back out to The Aphotic Intersection to re-trigger the ambush, then go back to the ledge and kill him again.
  9. Return to Captain Trueshot in the Lesser Faydark. ( 940, 80, -179 ) Copy
  10. Kill Captain Trueshot, along with Ranger Oast & Ranger Aldarys.
    • To avoid any possible update issues, slay Captain Trueshot first.
    • He has a debuff which lowers the effective level of his target by 5 levels (making it as if you were mentoring down).
  11. Once you kill Trueshot, Huntmaster Viswin will spawn. He will steal the bow and summon a level 60^^^ werewolf pack leader and several level 60^ dire wolves to attack you. Kill them to advance the quest.
    • Viswin speaks in Thexian, but you do not need to understand it to continue.
    • Do not worry if you wipe during this skirmish and the Huntmaster takes the bow. Captain Trueshot will respawn once the werewolves have despawned and will reply to you as if you still had the bow.
  12. Head to the Loping Plains and dispatch of Huntmaster Viswin, who will spawn the base of Mount Mistmoore750, 78, -50 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI.
    • He is a level 60^^^ Epic x2 and will spawn when you get close, even if he has just been killed by others. He spawns with six level 60^^^ vicious dire wolves.

