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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Obulus Frontier
Introduced Kunark Ascending
Journal Level 104 (Tier 11)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Obulus Frontier more
How to Start Speak with Thaalia Faerel at ( -228, 57, -247 ) Copy
part of: Kunark Ascending Timeline
Preceded by:
Parchment Preservation
Followed by:
Kunark Ascending: Resurrection Machination

What does this information mean?

Note: The pathing for Thaalia is messed-up. The Waypoint-filament will direct you to lower Nye'Caelona, then when you get down there it will point straight upward again, back where you came from. Ignore it. Thaalia Faerel is against the wall in lower Nye'Caelona, next to the Work Bench - roughly in the north-east wall of lower Nye'Caelona.


  1. Hunt Obulus remnants for clues.
    • Found around the Crypt of Dalnir: Baron's Workshop entrance ( 790, -129, -584 ) Copy only after 8PM Norrath time. Need to kill between 12 and 17 to get to the next step .
  2. Hunt Bloody Tooth goblins for clues.
    • Need to kill about 15 or 16 to get to the next step. They are near the Crypt and on Twark.
  3. Receive an Aerdaerys case.
  4. Return to Thaalia Faerel.
  5. Gather 8 Khalee'Sri crystal geodes from the Garden of Nye'Caelona ( -506, -105, -435 ) Copy.
    KhaleeSri Crystal Geode

    Khalee'Sri Crystal Geode

    • Kill 'a garden geode' to drop a very small crystal to pick up. The crystal has a red aura around it that makes it more visible. Does not drop a crystal off every geode. (approximately 50%)
      A Garden Geode

      A Garden Geode

  6. Return to Thaalia Faerel.
  7. Listen for the name the Aerdaerys Case says.
  8. Speak with Chancellor Thanial Vylardin-112, 95, -326 ) Copy.

