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EverQuest 2 Spell Information
Cascading Force
Spell 1063
If you are a true Etherealist, then you understand the natural ebbs and flows of universal energy through our world. And thus, you can TAKE it from those who wield it in clumsy, unrefined fashion, and turn it against them. It's what they deserve for tampering with energies they have no business bringing to bear. Make their power yours, and watch them crumble as you own power feeds on theirs.

Target Enemy
Power 2572
Casting 7.6 seconds
Recast 6 minutes
Level 9

  • Inflicts X - Y magic damage on target
  • Inflicts X - Y magic damage on target
  • Inflicts X - Y magic damage on target
  • Inflicts X - Y magic damage on target
  • Inflicts X - Y magic damage on target
This spell has no higher-level versions

Spell Effects by Spell Rank
Effect Apprentice Journeyman Adept Expert Master Grandmaster Ancient Celestial
Inflicts X - Y magic damage on target 4,981-10,344 6,087-12,643 6,641-13,792 8,522-17,700 8,854-18,390 9,297-19,309 11,178-23,217 ?

Gray cells correspond to unavailable ranks of the spell.

  • requires celestial rank box added
Daybreak Games
