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EverQuest II Achievement Information
Carpets Away
Category: Exploration

Subcategory: Renewal of Ro

Find the points of interest within Raj'Dur Plateaus: The Sultan's Dagger (Signature)

Raj'Dur Plateaus: The Sultan's Dagger85, 85, -332 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI
Kalickia Falls-145, 3, -348 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI
Sultan's Mahallah-290, 116, 150 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI

Raj'Durabad-208, 106, 242 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI
Upper Raj'Durabad-245, 98, -419 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI

\aACH 542542151:Carpets Away\/a \aACH 542542151:Carpets Away\/a

Daybreak Games
