Find Captain Greymast in the old goblin treehouse - go to ( 721, 47, 988 ) Copy/waypoint 721, 47, 988 and click the sparkles
Search for other Far Seas crewmembers.
Note:The required areas are marked in blue on your map, but you may have a roam a little around there to get the autoupdate. Do them in the order shown here. You may have to outwait the first area if the public quest is up.
( 650, 24, 776 ) Copy/waypoint 650, 24, 776
( 571, 36, 1009 ) Copy/waypoint 571, 36, 1009
( 698, 30, 1172 ) Copy/waypoint 698, 30, 1172
Return to Clackwhinge at ( 986, 28, 1086 ) Copy/waypoint 986, 28, 1086