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EverQuest II Adornment Information
Caertaxian Hunter's Robust Aspect Hunter's Adornment Icon
LEGENDARY, Hunter's Union
Adds the following to an item:
26 Primary Attributes 26 Stamina 7 Combat Skills 
2.3% Block Chance
2.3% Crit Chance
2.8 Potency
112 Ability Mod
7.2 Ability Doublecast

Mental Feedback

Item Type Cloak,  Head,  Shoulders,  Chest,  Forearms,  Hands,  Legs,  Feet,  Primary,  Secondary,  Ranged,  Neck,  Ear,  Finger,  Wrist,  Waist,  Charm
Slot Type White Adornment Slot
Level 90 (Tier 10)
  • When Equipped:
    • When any damage is received this spell has a 5% chance to cast Mental Feedback on target's attacker.
      • Inflicts 413 mental damage on target.
      • Cannot be modified except by direct means
Obtain: This item can be purchased from Hunter Vashez, a Bounty Hunter's Union vendor in The Stonebrunt Highlands

\aITEM 1738748271 -1963829079 0 0 0:[Caertaxian Hunter's Robust Aspect]\/a \aITEM 1738748271 -1963829079 0 0 0:[Caertaxian Hunter's Robust Aspect]\/a

Daybreak Games
