EverQuest 2 Wiki

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23 November 2024

  • curprev 05:5605:56, 23 November 2024‎ Ahlyrial talk contribs‎ 959 bytes +959‎ Created page with "{{IZoneInformation| iname = | idesc = | iname2 = | idesc2 = | abbrev = | introduced = Renewal of Ro| pzone = | azone = Raj'Dur Plateaus| <!-- from which zone can you zone in --> azones = | <!-- optional, if you can zone in from different zones --> entrance = Goldami Reservoir Camp {{loc|-553.85 11.72 427.98}}| <!-- optional, describe where the zone is, may use loc as well--> levelrange = 125| instance = Group| <!--..." Tag: Source edit