(NOTE:Make sure the quest updates, if you clicked on the entrance it will you let you enter, but if you didn't properly place the sigil stone the quest does NOT update and you will not get credit. Exit and look for the sigil stone in front of the entrance, click on that and the quest should update.)[]
Kill a stonefallen drakota to spawn named. Either look up to find one or wait a bit for one to fly in.
When you see the emote, "Shiroth Avinox beats her wings to knock everyone back within 20 meters!" move away to reduce damage.
Fighting in the rocks at ( -787, -13, 48 ) Copy/waypoint -786.96, -13.19, 48.10 is helpful in avoiding being knocked back and getting adds.
NOTE: If on the Signature quest, read A Troubling Account from your bags. This appears as a green sparkly once you have targeted a stonefallen dakota and killed it.
Go through tunnel (-779,-15,-6) to portal at ( -685, -65, 97 ) Copy/waypoint -684.54, -64.60, 97.34
Follow the first pattern on the floor (whatever colour that may be) until the named spawns. Beware, wrong pattern and you fall into the pit below.
At 25%, he casts Evoke Agony on himself, which roots the name, makes him much harder to damage, and does AOE damage within 5m. Must be dazed, feared, mesmerized, stifled, or stunned to terminate Evoke Agony. At 25 stacks of Evoke Agony, player takes massive damage and spell dissipates. Use one of the control effects listed to remove stacks.
Go through portal at ( -248, 47, 396 ) Copy/waypoint -248.08, 47.13, 395.51
Probably should fight him close in. His self-buff, Overreach, decreases your Fervor and Crit Chance, plus increases his crushing damage DOT for every meter separating target beyond 5m.
Kill a fragment of the source to remove increments of Terranus's self-buff, Power from the Source. The buff increases Terranus' potency and combat mitigation, and reduces incoming damage.
Each fragment of the source increases increments by 1. Increments are reduced while each fragment is charmed, feared, mesmerized, or stunned, or just kill the adds to reduce stacks. Will destroy all targets at the 10th increment.
When these names emote about looking for a form to possess, run back and forth between left and right sides, and look for activated statues. Kill them before the nameds possess them.
Click on the left door at ( -928, 38, 462 ) Copy/waypoint -928.48, 38.45, 462.27 and go down the ramp.
Malachiel emotes that he "forms objects of power around the rift!", which creates a Core cluster. Run around and pick these up throughout the fight to reduce increments of his self-buff.
Malachiel has a self-buff, Geothermal Energy, which increases his Potency, Combat Mitigation, Ability Doublecast and Flurry avoidance. Increments increase by 1 for each core cluster active, and will destroy the player at the 10th increment.
Every 10th cluster destroyed will cause the molten core to overflow. To escape the magma, run up the ramp on top of any platform. Malachiel has a few emotes signalling the magma rising:
"Rise up and liquefy their flesh and bones!"
"looks toward the rift"
"wants nothing more than The Core's magma to kill you all!"
When Malachiel emotes that he "gathers rocks to force outward in front of him," there's a massive knockback.
Crouch to avoid the knockbacks from his attacks. Cure the slow he casts.