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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category City Tasks
Introduced Shattered Lands
Journal Level 55 (Tier 6)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone South Freeport more
How to Start Speak with Lieutenant D'Raka in South Freeport
part of: Freeport City Tasks Timeline
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What does this information mean?


There are 4 possible quests given for this.

1. "I need to hunt down Sandscrawler thieves in The Sinking Sands and search them for goblin scratchings that will indicate their plans." You need to get 20 of these, they auto-update when you kill a thief.


2. "I need to gather some of the decaying cobra fangs. The Qeynosians are no doubt looking to gather the poisons for their own foul use." You need to gather 20 decaying cobra fangs. These are found as ground glowies called "a decaying cobra fang" that you can pick up. They are not dropped from the skeletal cobra's but are found on the ground around them at -818, -113, -968 and also at the other camp around -391, -76, -480.


3. "The Alliance would like to study some of the skulls from the Sul'Dal infiltrators, I'll need to make sure I get those skulls first." You need to get 20 skulls. The skulls auto-update each time you kill a Sul'Dal infiltrator, this is not a drop. They are located down in the Eye of Anuk cove all around loc -1019, -233, -1224.


4. "I need to find a number of Anaz'Mal relics scattered in the sands of the northern Tear of Anuk." You need to pick up 20 of these little relics from the ground all around the area -298, -140, -1175.

