EverQuest 2 Wiki
Class Information for Bruiser
Type: Brawler (Fighter) Bruiser Icon
City: All Cities
Primary Stat: Strength
Armor: Leather Armor
Weapons: Fists, Staves, Hammers, Great Hammers, Thrown; may dual-wield
Shields: None
Expert Spells: Combat Arts (Rare Loam)
Links to All Relevant Categories for: Fighter > Brawler > Bruiser
Spells Equipment AAs and Prestige

The Bruiser profession is ideal for those who want to pummel their enemies hand-to-hand. The Bruiser is a juggernaut of physical pain, having transformed their body into a vicious tool for inflicting suffering on their foes. The honing of the Bruiser's physical body conveys offensive as well as defensive advantages. The Bruiser is most effective on the front lines of combat.

Epic Weapon[]

Class Hat[]

Class Armor[]

See also[]



Update Notes[]

Combat Arts By Category[]

The first combat art in each category is listed. See the detailed description for the full upgrade line.

Combat Art Description Level
Basic Damage
Pummel Instant Damage 1
Meteor Fist Instant Heat Damage; costs Health 2
Roundhouse Crushing Damage 5
Blaze Kick Crushing Damage plus Heat Damage-over-Time 11
One Hundred Hand Punch Chain of up to 8 Hits 19
Devastation Fist Massive damage with long recovery time 35
Damage with Detrimental Effect
Merciless Stomp Damage plus Knockdown 10
Shoulder Charge Damage plus Knockdown 13
Eye Gouge Piercing Damage plus Accuracy Debuff 28
Uppercut Damage plus Knockdown with long recovery time 30
Sucker Punch Flank only, Damage plus Daze 32
Sonic Punch Teleport to target, damage & interrupt 55
Multiple-Target Damage
Beatdown Direct Damage to all in area 7
Savage Assault Chain of up to 4 hits, on all in area 50
Intimidate Mesmerize target for a short time 24
Instill Panic Fears target (same reuse timer as Intimidate) 30
Slurred Insult Increase threat, even if stifled or stunned 1
Abuse Interrupt and increase threat to entire encounter 8
Goading Gesture Increase threat with chance of double the amount of threat increase. 20
Rescue Rise 3 positions in the hate list
Divide and Conquer Rise to top of threat list on half of encounter 80
Combat Art Description Level
Ignore Pain Heal self 3
Indomitable Will Cure self trauma/mental, even if stifled/stunned 13
Temporary Self-Buffs
Lightning Fists Add heat damage to next 5 melee hits 15
Bruising Spirit Increased mitigation; costs Health 26
Rock Skin Strong mitigation; stuns self 40
Stone Deaf Ignore next 3 strong nonphysical hits 52
Close Mind Ignore control effects 58
Knockout Combination Direct damage & stun all Combat Art targets 65
Maintained Self-Buffs
Bodyguard Defensive stance 4
Smoldering Fists Offensive stance 4
Bob and Weave Increased Strength and Agility 12
Feign Death Play dead (zero hate while active) 14
Manhandle Increased threat on each melee hit 22
Shared Buffs
Intercept Take hits for an ally 6
Brutality Raid combat art damage & taunts & detaunts 9
Shrug Off Take hits for ally using own avoidance 21
Fighting Chance Start a Heroic Opportunity 5
Master's Rage Lore and Legend mastery ability -
Dreadnaught Kata Fluff spell 20
Wooden Skin Style Fluff Spell 40
Iron Skin Style Fluff Spell 50

Combat Arts By Level[]

Tier 1 Level 1 - 9 Tier 2 Level 10 - 19 Tier 3 Level 20 - 29 Tier 4 Level 30 - 39

1: Pummel
1: Slurred Insult $
2: Meteor Fist
3: Ignore Pain
4: Bodyguard
4: Smoldering Fists
5: Fighting Chance
5: Roundhouse
6: Intercept $
6: Pummel II
7: Beatdown
8: Abuse $
9: Brutality
9: Slurred Insult II ¥-$

10: Ignore Pain II
10: Merciless Stomp
11: Blaze Kick ¥
12: Bob and Weave ¥
13: Indomitable Will
13: Shoulder Charge ¥
14: Feign Death
15: Lightning Fists
16: Bodyguard II
16: Smoldering Fists II
17: Meteor Fist II
17: Slurred Insult III
19: One Hundred Hand Punch
19: Roundhouse II

20: Dreadnaught Kata *
20: Goading Gesture ***
20: Ignore Pain III
20: Intercept II
21: Beatdown II ¥
21: Shrug Off
22: Abuse II ¥
22: Manhandle ¥
23: Brutality II
24: Intimidate
24: Merciless Stomp II ¥
25: Blaze Kick II
25: Rescue
26: Bob and Weave II
26: Bruising Spirit
27: Indomitable Will II
27: Shoulder Charge II
28: Eye Gouge
28: Feign Death II
29: Lightning Fists II
29: Pummel III

30: Bodyguard III
30: Instill Panic
30: Uppercut
31: Meteor Fist III
31: Slurred Insult IV ¥
32: Shrug Off II ¥
32: Sucker Punch ¥
33: One Hundred Hand Punch II ¥
33: Roundhouse III
34: Ignore Pain IV
34: Intercept III
35: Beatdown III
35: Corpsecrush **
35: Devastation Fist **
35: Smoldering Fists III
36: Abuse III
36: Manhandle II
37: Brutality III
38: Intimidate II
38: Merciless Stomp III
39: Blaze Kick III

Tier 5 Level 40 - 49 Tier 6 Level 50 - 59 Tier 7 Level 60 - 69 Tier 8 Level 70 - 79

40: Bob and Weave III ¥
40: Bruising Spirit II
40: Rock Skin
40: Wooden Skin Style *
41: Indomitable Will III ¥
41: Shoulder Charge III
42: Eye Gouge II
42: Feign Death III
43: Lightning Fists III ¥
43: Pummel IV
44: Bodyguard IV
44: Uppercut II ¥
45: Meteor Fist IV
45: Slurred Insult V
46: Shrug Off III
46: Sucker Punch II
47: One Hundred Hand Punch III
47: Roundhouse IV
48: Ignore Pain V
49: Beatdown IV
49: Devastation Fist II
49: Smoldering Fists IV

50: Abuse IV ¥
50: Instill Panic II
50: Iron Skin Style *
50: Manhandle III ¥
50: Savage Assault
51: Brutality IV
52: Intimidate III
52: Merciless Stomp IV
52: Stone Deaf (DoF)
53: Blaze Kick IV ¥
54: Bob and Weave IV ¥
54: Bruising Spirit III
54: Rock Skin II
55: Indomitable Will IV
55: Shoulder Charge IV
55: Sonic Punch (DoF)
56: Eye Gouge III
56: Feign Death IV
57: Lightning Fists IV
57: Pummel V
58: Bodyguard V
58: Close Mind (DoF)
58: Uppercut III
59: Meteor Fist V
59: Slurred Insult VI

60: Shrug Off IV
60: Sucker Punch III
61: Roundhouse V
62: One Hundred Hand Punch IV ¥
63: Beatdown V ¥
63: Devastation Fist III
63: Smoldering Fists V
64: Abuse V ¥
64: Manhandle IV ¥
65: Brutality V
65: Knockout Combination (KoS)
66: Intimidate IV
66: Merciless Stomp V
67: Blaze Kick V
68: Bob and Weave V
68: Bruising Spirit IV
68: Rock Skin III
69: Indomitable Will V
69: Shoulder Charge V

70: Eye Gouge IV
70: Feign Death V
70: Savage Assault II
71: Lightning Fists V
71: Pummel VI ¥
72: Bodyguard VI
72: Slurred Insult VII ¥
72: Uppercut IV ¥
73: Devastation Fist IV
73: Meteor Fist VI
73: Sucker Punch IV
74: One Hundred Hand Punch V
74: Roundhouse VI
74: Sonic Punch II
75: Beatdown VI ¥
75: Smoldering Fists VI
76: Abuse VI
76: Brutality VI
76: Manhandle V
77: Blaze Kick VI
77: Intimidate V
77: Merciless Stomp VI
78: Bruising Spirit V
78: Knockout Combination II
78: Rock Skin IV
79: Bob and Weave VI
79: Indomitable Will VI
79: Shoulder Charge VI

Tier 9 Level 80 - 89 Tier 10 Level 90 - 99 Tier 11 Level 100 - 109 Tier 12 Level 110 - 119

80: Divide and Conquer (RoK)
80: Eye Gouge V
80: Fist of Gorynn
80: Savage Assault III
80: Unyielding Resolve - Epic 1.0
81: Lightning Fists VI
81: Pummel VII
82: Bodyguard VII
82: Slurred Insult VIII ¥
82: Uppercut V
83: Devastation Fist V
83: Meteor Fist VII
83: Sucker Punch V ¥
84: One Hundred Hand Punch VI
84: Roundhouse VII
84: Sonic Punch III ¥
85: Beatdown VII ¥
85: Smoldering Fists VII
86: Abuse VII
86: Brutality VII
86: Manhandle VI
87: Blaze Kick VII
87: Intimidate VI
87: Merciless Stomp VII
88: Bruising Spirit VI
88: Knockout Combination III
88: Rock Skin V
89: Bob and Weave VII
89: Indomitable Will VII
89: Shoulder Charge VII

90: Divide and Conquer II
90: Eye Gouge VI
90: Savage Assault IV
91: Lightning Fists VII
91: Pummel VIII
92: Bodyguard VIII
92: Slurred Insult IX ¥
92: Uppercut VI
93: Devastation Fist VI
93: Meteor Fist VIII
93: Sucker Punch VI ¥
94: One Hundred Hand Punch VII
94: Roundhouse VIII
94: Sonic Punch IV ¥
95: Beatdown VIII ¥
95: Smoldering Fists VIII
96: Abuse VIII
96: Brutality VIII
96: Manhandle VII
97: Blaze Kick VIII
97: Intimidate VII
97: Merciless Stomp VIII
98: Bruising Spirit VII
98: Knockout Combination IV
98: Rock Skin VI
99: Bob and Weave VIII
99: Indomitable Will VIII
99: Shoulder Charge VIII

100: Brutal Stand - Epic 2.0
100: Divide and Conquer III
100: Eye Gouge VII
100: Savage Assault V
100: Void Strike - Epic 2.0
101: Bruising VI
101: Lightning Fists VIII
101: Pummel IX
102: Bodyguard IX ¥
102: Slurred Insult X
102: Uppercut VII
103: Devastation Fist VII
103: Meteor Fist IX
103: Sucker Punch VII ¥
104: One Hundred Hand Punch VIII
104: Roundhouse IX ¥
104: Sonic Punch V ¥
105: Beatdown IX
105: Smoldering Fists IX
106: Abuse IX
106: Brutality IX
106: Manhandle VIII
107: Blaze Kick IX
107: Intimidate VIII
107: Merciless Stomp IX
108: Bruising Spirit VIII
108: Knockout Combination V
108: Rock Skin VII
109: Bob and Weave IX
109: Indomitable Will IX
109: Shoulder Charge IX

110: Divide and Conquer IV
110: Eye Gouge VIII
110: Savage Assault VI
111: Bruising VII
111: Lightning Fists IX
111: Pummel X
112: Bodyguard X ¥
112: Slurred Insult XI
112: Uppercut VIII
113: Devastation Fist VIII
113: Meteor Fist X
113: Sucker Punch VIII ¥
114: One Hundred Hand Punch IX
114: Roundhouse X ¥
114: Sonic Punch VI ¥
115: Beatdown X
115: Ignore Pain VI
115: Smoldering Fists X
116: Abuse X
116: Brutality X
116: Manhandle IX
117: Blaze Kick X
117: Intimidate IX
117: Merciless Stomp X
118: Bruising Spirit IX
118: Knockout Combination VI
118: Rock Skin VIII
119: Bob and Weave X
119: Indomitable Will X
119: Shoulder Charge X

Tier 13 Level 120 - 129 Tier 14 Level 130 - 139

120: Divide and Conquer V
120: Eye Gouge IX
120: Hadooken
120: Reactive Shell
120: Savage Assault VII
120: Shrug Off V
121: Bodyguard XI
121: Lightning Fists X
121: Pummel XI
121: Slurred Insult XII
121: Uppercut IX
122: Devastation Fist IX
122: Meteor Fist XI
122: One Hundred Hand Punch X
122: Roundhouse XI
122: Sonic Punch VII
122: Sucker Punch IX
123: Abuse XI
123: Beatdown XI
123: Brutality XI
123: Ignore Pain VII
123: Manhandle X
123: Smoldering Fists XI
124: Blaze Kick XI
124: Bruising Spirit X
124: Intimidate X
124: Knockout Combination VII
124: Merciless Stomp XI
124: Rock Skin IX
125: Bob and Weave XI
125: Brutal Execution - Epic 3.0
125: Bulwark of Order II
125: Divide and Conquer VI
125: Eye Gouge X
125: Hadooken II
125: Indomitable Will XI
125: Reactive Shell II
125: Savage Assault VIII
125: Shoulder Charge XI
125: Shrug Off VI
126: Bodyguard XII
126: Lightning Fists XI
126: Pummel XII
126: Slurred Insult XIII
126: Uppercut X
127: Devastation Fist X
127: Meteor Fist XII
127: One Hundred Hand Punch XI
127: Roundhouse XII
127: Sonic Punch VIII
127: Sucker Punch X
128: Abuse XII
128: Beatdown XII
128: Brutality XII
128: Ignore Pain VIII
128: Manhandle XI
128: Smoldering Fists XII
129: Blaze Kick XII
129: Bruising Spirit XI
129: Intimidate XI
129: Knockout Combination VIII
129: Merciless Stomp XII
129: Rock Skin X

130: Bob and Weave XII
130: Brutal Execution II
130: Bulwark of Order III
130: Divide and Conquer VII
130: Eye Gouge XI
130: Hadooken III
130: Indomitable Will XII
130: Reactive Shell III
130: Savage Assault IX
130: Shoulder Charge XII
130: Shrug Off VII

¥; - Available as a Grandmaster choice. See below.
* - Fun Spell, can be bought from the Bruiser trainer in the Freeport Militia House in West Freeport, or the Bruiser trainer at the Spires of Innoruuk in Neriak, City of Hate
** - from Bloodline Chronicles Adventure Pack
*** - from Splitpaw Saga Adventure Pack, improves with level up to 50, sharing the same timer with the Slurred Insult combat art line
† - Ancient Teachings spell (only available in Adept I, Adept III and Master 1)
$ - This spell is not automatically received, but may be purchased from an Alchemist or a Broker

DoF - Desert of Flames featured spell
KoS - Kingdom of Sky featured spell
RoK - Rise of Kunark featured spell

As of Game Update 57, Bruisers no longer receive any spells at level 18

Elementalist Level 1-20 Etherealist Level 1-20 Geomancer Level 1-20 Thaumaturgist Level 1-20

Grandmaster Training Choices[]

Tier 2 - Level 14 Tier 3 - Level 24 Tier 4 - Level 34 Tier 5 - Level 44
Tier 6 - Level 54 Tier 7 - Level 64 Tier 8 - Level 75 Tier 9 - Level 85
Tier 10 - Level 95 Tier 11 - Level 105 Tier 12 - Level 115

All items (4)
