EverQuest 2 Wiki
Bilgewater Falls

Brokenskull Bay: Bilgewater Falls (Heroic)

Bilgewater Falls Map

Bilgewater Falls Map

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EverQuest II Instanced Zone Information
Introduced Altar of Malice
Level Range 104-106
Zone in from Tranquil Sea
Parent Zone None
Difficulty Group
Persistence 1 hour 30 minutes - 3 day
NPCs Monsters Names
Drops   POIs Discos

What does this information mean?


The first Named must be killed (any order) so that the next named spawn:


  • The Queen's Revenge going on the ship at the dock to the right
  • The Royal Opulence going on the ship at the dock to the left
  • Norrath's Gallery going on the second ship to the left
  • Teetering Overlook at the highest point of the wooden ways at ( -12, 142, -54 ) Copy
  • Belun's Forge at ( -26, 121, -254 ) Copy
  • Bilge Water Falls at the end of the zone ( 8, 133, -314 ) Copy

Dropped Quests[]

House Item[]

After kiling the last named Captain Berlon Bilgewater the Pirate Cannon Balls next to him are ready for plunder.
