Hoppert Barbinsteel feels that both Garby and Tobel have lost sight of what it truly means to be a follower of Bristlebane. He has asked me if I would like to help him remind both of them that having fun is the most important thing to a believer in Fizzlethorpe Bristlebane, not seeking revenge on those who have pranked you. To accomplish this feat, Hoppert has charged me with discovering a creature said to be Bristlebane's most beloved pet, the mysterious bovoch.
Bristlebane's Beloved (gnomentific name: Bovinasauros Rex or B.Rex, common name: Bovoch)
If you killed the exotic game hunters before speaking with Iffatia Honeymeadow, abandon the quest, reacquire it, and re-enter the instance. The mobs will have respawned.