EverQuest 2 Wiki
Brewen Al'Tak

Brewen Al'Tak

other resources
EverQuest II NPC Information
Purpose Armorsmith
Race Sarnak
Zone Timorous Deep (Rise of Kunark)
Location In The Upper Concourse2524, 115, 1200 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI


Item Price
Astral Coal 15g
Astral Sandpaper 15g
Basic Coal 6c
Basic Sandpaper 6c
Basic Coal 6c
Basic Sandpaper 6c
Celestial Coal 3g 50s
Celestial Sandpaper 3g 50s
Coruscating Coal 5g
Coruscating Sandpaper 5g
Effulgent Coal 1g 80s
Effulgent Sandpaper 1g 80s
Ethereal Coal 1g 56s
Ethereal Sandpaper 1g 56s
Glimmering Coal 3s 84c
Glimmering Sandpaper 3s 84c
Glowing Coal 24c
Glowing Sandpaper 24c
Lambent Coal 23s 4c
Lambent Sandpaper 23s 4c
Luminous Coal 15s 36c
Luminous Sandpaper 15s 36c
repair material 6g
Scintillating Coal 34s 56c
Scintillating Sandpaper 34s 56c
Smoldering Coal 1g
Smoldering Sandpaper 1g
Sparkling Coal 96c
Sparkling Sandpaper 96c
Thaumic Coal 3g
Thaumic Sandpaper 3g
Zimaran Coal 20g 55s
Zimaran Sandpaper 20g 55s