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Bracers of Nature's Guardian

Bracers of Nature's Guardian

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Bracers of Nature's Guardian
Item 2891
White Adornment Slot Orange Adornment Slot Turquoise Adornment Slot 
39 Primary Attributes 39 Stamina
15 Combat Skills
4% Haste
0.8% AE Auto
1.8% Crit Chance
0.5% Crit Bonus
2.6%  Potency
Nature's Hindrance
Leather Armor (Forearms)
Mitigation 282
Level 70 (Tier 8)
All Fighters, All Priests, All Scouts

  • When Equipped:
    • On a damage spell hit this spell may cast Nature's Hindrance on target of spell. Lasts for 1 minute 12 seconds. Triggers about 1.8 times per minute.
      • Decreases Haste of target by 6.0.
      • Cannot be modified except by direct means
Obtain: From the Exquisite Chest of The Direvine Matron in The Mystic Lake.

\aITEM 254244181 -1284315023:Bracers of Nature's Guardian\/a \aITEM 254244181 -1284315023:Bracers of Nature's Guardian\/a
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