EverQuest 2 Wiki
EverQuest 2 Wiki

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Nights of the Dead Calcified Skeleton Kills Achievement Line
Kills Achievement Points
25 Boneafied Threat 5
100 Dead Wringer 5
250 Skeleton Crew 5
EverQuest II Achievement Information
Icon achievement skull level 5 Boneafied Threat
Category: Live Events

Subcategory: Nights of the Dead

Help cleanse the land of the undead scourge by defeating 25 calcified skeletons during Nights of the Dead.

Suffix Title: the Bone Rattler

\aACH 282850103:Boneafied Threat\/a \aACH 282850103:Boneafied Threat\/a

Jack O'Lantern This article refers to events, personae and activities only present in-game during the annual Nights of the Dead festivities, which come to Norrath each year from (roughly) mid- to late-October through to early- to mid-November.

Daybreak Games
