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Blood Lord's Wrathbound Sabatons
Item 1713
White Adornment Slot Yellow Adornment Slot Yellow Adornment Slot Turquoise Adornment Slot 
90 Primary Attributes 90 Stamina
30 Combat Skills
23.4 DPS
13.1% Max Health
6.1% Crit Chance
5.4% Crit Bonus
9%  Potency
297 Ability Mod
Plate Armor (Feet)
Mitigation 691
Level 90 (Tier 10)
Obtain: From the Cruor-Forged Sabatons crate dropped from Kraytoc Killingfrost in Kraytoc's Fortress of Rime (Challenge).

\aITEM -1781669085 -2130062466:Blood Lord's Wrathbound Sabatons\/a \aITEM -1781669085 -2130062466:Blood Lord's Wrathbound Sabatons\/a
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Male Female
If you can, please take a screenshot of a male character (yourself or someone else) wearing this item, crop it, and upload it either as jpg or as png If you can, please take a screenshot of a female character (yourself or someone else) wearing this item, crop it, and upload it either as jpg or as png
Armor Set: Blood Lord's Wrathbound

No special bonus is gained by the wearing of multiple pieces of this set.

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