What does this information mean?
- You must understand the Orcish language
- Place messages around Ry'Gorr Keep by clicking the objects with blue sparkles in the following locations:
- Near Rogla Dainkiller at ( -648, -343, 2723 ) Copy/waypoint -648, -343, 2723
- Near Chief Ry'Gorr at ( -765, -341, 2739 ) Copy/waypoint -765, -341, 2739
- Near Grimlik Spirittalker at ( -662, -341, 2799 ) Copy/waypoint -662, -341, 2799
- Near Swog Bloodytusk at ( -726, -344, 2802 ) Copy/waypoint -726, -344, 2802
- Return to Chief Thrael'Gorr to complete the quest. Speak to Korgak Rotstomper for the next quest.
- At least 1p 25g
- Completing this quest gives +2,500 faction with Clan Ry'Gorr
EQ2i credits EQ2 ZAM for some of the info in this article.